Expat Canadian couple take a chance and Open a Restaurant in The Emiliano Zapata Neighborhood of Puerto Vallarta.

Today we are going to be talking with our buddy JR in PV about JR and his journey to Puerto Vallarta 40 years ago. Then an interview with the owners of a new restaurant, The Salty Caesar in the Emilio Zapata Colonia, of Puerto Vallarta. But first, let’s do a little housekeeping.
First, last week, February 26, 2017, I mentioned that the bank ATM machines had been removed from the lobby where you buy your taxi cab transfers. Word from those on the ground, thanks to John A. for sending a picture of a new platform in the same place they were before in the lobby of the airport where you buy your taxi or van transfer to your destination, lodging. So it is just a matter of time before they will be back for your use. Remember to check out episode 2 and 3 for information on currency exchange and what to expect when you arrive at the Puerto Vallarta Airport. And speaking about what to expect, I made a video about what to expect at the Puerto Vallarta Airport that you will find very informative and you can find it at my website www.puertovallartatravelshow.com in episode 3 and I will have it available for you to view on this blog-post in my show notes for this particular show as well. I happen to think it’s very descriptive of what to expect when you arrive at the PV airport. It’s going viral so I don’t know how long I can have this video up and running before someone hunts me down and makes me buy a timeshare or something. Just kidding…
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Anyway, I will keep you advised as to when those ATM Machines actually re-appear, but until then, bring some pesos from home, either from your bank or a money exchange near you. Or just buy your taxi voucher using your very own funny money and when you get settled in, locate a Bank attached and affiliated ATM. Remember to use the ATM machines inside banks and not out on the street. For more ideas on exchanging money just go to episode 2 of the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show.

Puerto Vallarta Web Cams
Next, I announced last week that I have added a new page to the website that I’m very excited about. It has all of the best Webcams in Puerto Vallarta. Some of these cameras are great for watching a sunset right from your armchair at home so go to www.puertovallartatravelshow.com and click the webcam tab and catch your Puerto Vallarta sunset today. And if you have a favorite webcam that I have missed, just send me a link and I will add it for you. The more the merrier right?
Now, this week I have a treat for you, and that is an interview with JR, John Russel, about well JR. I wanted to find out his path to Puerto Vallarta. I like to ask others what their path to Puerto Vallarta was, so why not JR? so let’s get to that interview with JR in PV…
Listen to The Interview with JR and Me in PV

So JR has been accommodating visitors to Puerto Vallarta for decades. In fact, I have links all over my website that lead to Vallartainfo.com so go to

his website and check out his tours, his maps and his great information. And speaking of JR’s maps, if you download his map of the Southside of PV, you will see where we are headed for our next interview. If you go to the show-notes of this episode you will see a copy of that map and I have this restaurant marked in red so look for that.
I wanted to check out this particular restaurant for a couple of reasons. When I was in town last October I was sad to see one of the longtime eateries, the Gilmar was closed, but I could hear work being done inside so naturally I was eager to see what was coming in its place. So I kept my ear to the ground and found out that a Canadian couple was going to open a restaurant where the Gilmar once was. I watched as they worked and remodeled and in a very short time, John and Karen Radics opened up their work of love which they called The Salty Caesar. I wanted to hear about their story so I sat with them and got their story. Let’s go to the Emilio Zapata neighborhood in Puerto Vallarta and have a talk with John and Karen Radics at The Salty Caesar.
Listen to The Interview with Karen and John Radics and Me in PV

These people are so nice you guys. The neighborhood is one of my favorite places in Puerto Vallarta and the restaurants in this part of town are very reasonable price-wise.
Also, in a couple of weeks from now I’m going to get out there and take you for a tour of those Mexican Hotels John was talking about. You know, the ones that started at around $20 Canadian, what’s that like around $10 US…just kidding. Where was I, oh yeah, I’m going to take you into these hotels, we are going to talk with the managers and owners of these places and introduce you to these budget hotels. Some Spanish will be spoken for sure my friends, pero no hay problema mis amigos, puedo hablar el espanol. I can speak the Spanish and I will be talking and translating with these wonderful people who would love to see more gringos stay with them. Places like the Hotel Azteca, The Belmar, The Hotel Ana Liz, The Bernal, The Marlyn Hotel, The Mar Elena, The Hotel Villa Del Mar, The Hotel Hortensia and others. Stay tuned for that episode. Probably we will need to split that show into two episodes, we’ll see. I had so much fun doing those interviews and I have a few more to do before I can get that show all ready for you guys.
And I have to thank many of you listeners for reaching out and giving us feedback, for giving us recommendations and ideas for future shows. We

have so much coming up mis amigos. I especially want to thank Joe from Fargo who gave us a 4 star review on iTunes and he says…
Must listen for first time PV visitors!
I’ll soon be taking my first trip to Puerto Vallarta. This podcast seems like it was written specifically for me. So much practical advice and easy to listen to hosts. Thanks guys.. YOU ROCK!
by Joe From Fargo
Well Joe from Fargo, you rock! Thank you for taking the time to give us a great review and you all can do the same. Just go to www.puertovallartatravelshow.com and on each of my blogs I have a link to sign to I tunes where you can give us a good review.

Once again, looks like we have gone long so let’s save some for next week shall we? Until then, remember, this is an interactive show where I depend on your questions and suggestions about all things Puerto Vallarta. If you think of something I should be talking about, please reach out to me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending us your message.
And remember, if you are considering booking any type of tour while you are in Puerto Vallarta, you

must go to Vallartainfo.com, JR’s website and reserve your tour through him, right from his website. Remember the value for value proposition. His experience and on the ground knowledge of everything Puerto Vallarta in exchange for your making a purchase of a tour that you would do anyway, you’re just doing it through him as a way of saying thank you. It costs no more than if you were to use someone else so do it. Really. And when you do take one of these tours, email me about your experiences. Maybe you can come on board and share with others what you liked or didn’t like about the tour. Again contact me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending off a message.
And once again, if you like this podcast, please take the time and subscribe and give me a good review on iTunes if you would. That way we can get

the word out to more and more people about the magic of this place.
So, thanks to JR for coming by and giving us a little insight into his life, and thank you to John and Karen Radics of the Salty Caesar. Listen folks, go give them a visit and tell them you heard about the Salty Caesar from me. They will get a kick out of that for sure. I didn’t get a chance to eat there so let me know what you think of their restaurant will ya? And thanks to all of you for listening all the way through this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show. This is Barry Kessler signing off with a wish for you all to slow down, be kind and live the Vallarta lifestyle. Nos Vemos amigos!

AirportBarry KesslerinterviewJR in PVRestaurantsThe Puerto Vallarta Travel ShowThe Salty CaesarTravel Tips