The Photographer for The Puerto Vallarta Travel Show, Eduardo Solorzano Talks Photography, Food and Fun Places to Visit in and Outside Puerto Vallarta Mexico.
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Hello fellow travelers, welcome this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel show. I am your host Barry Kessler and I am just so happy to be to introducing you to my favorite vacation destination, and maybe even yours, Puerto Vallarta Mexico.
That music you were just listing to is performed by Alberto Perez, the owner of the La Palapa group of Restaurants, La Palapa and The El Dorado

Restaurant on the Southside of town, right down on the beach in Puerto Vallarta and if you play your cards right you can catch Alberto Perez singing and playing the Somba de Puerto Vallarta just like I did the other night, while enjoying dinner under the stars, toes in the sand at the waters edge. So romantic, so Puerto Vallarta. If you haven’t been here yet, take my advice and get your selves down here. The people of Vallarta await you with open arms. Take my word for it.
This week I have a real treat for you but first, let’s see what’s happening in Puerto Vallarta this week, the 27th of March, 2017.
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As you may or may not know, the Puerto Vallarta Airport is going through a remodeling process so not everything is hunky dory. The Mexican Bank Affiliated ATM machines that were in the lobby of the airport, then taken away during the remodel are

finally making it back into the lobby of the airport. Word has it that there are now at least two machines back, and thanks to Yael who works at the airport for giving me the scoop. Yael is going to come on the show and..Sure… I’d love to see and talk about what u do… I’m an airplane Dispatcher and also starting to do some vids for a YouTube channel to talk about vallarta, pointed at ppl that make it a home, subjects such as where, when, do, don’t, expensive, most value etc Also planning on focusing in micro restaurants that have flavors most have probably never tasted. For sure… I also provide info on how the flights are doing… Specially in weekends
I know it is rough not knowing when ur loved ones will get out and have to wait ages for them to make it out
in the lobby where you buy your travel voucher for your taxi or van to your hotel or lodging.
That makes it easier to get your pesos when you land at the airport with your ATM debit card. For more information about money exchange and cell plans and what to expect when you arrive at the Puerto Vallarta Airport, you should listen to episodes 2 and 3 of the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show where we talk about all of those important items and more so listen to the podcasts or read my shownotes to those shows.
And if you would like to watch a cool video I made which is actually a primmer for those of you who don’e knoe what to expecy when you arrive at the PV airport, you need to see it. I will have a link to it in my shownotes for this episode. Check it out. It will help you understand and prepare for what to expect. Don’s get caught in the Shark Tank…Just Sayin’.
Check Out the Video About What to Expect When you Land at the Puerto Vallarta Airport
Now you listeners are really coming through with your great suggestions, your stories and questions all about Puerto Vallarta and I just want to say thanks! Thank you for reaching out to me with your positive feedback and really thoughtful suggestions.
First, a wonderful review popped up in iTunes from Mismaloya Ray, he says….
P.v at its best : by Mismaloya Ray
A must listen for all new and seasoned travelers to our beautiful bay. As a Puerto Vallarta fan for the last 30 years, I have learned and enjoyed so much keep up the good work . Can’t wait for the new episodes thanks so much .
I got this email from Listener Linda who writes… Hi – I’ve listed to a few of your episodes. Just listened to the one about bus travel. Thanks for doing these. I have a topic idea. It’s regarding salaries. I’ve read that people working at hotels for example make the equivalent of $7 US a day. This doesn’t make sense to me. Where do these people shop? I know they might not shop in the tourist areas where prices are high. But how can they afford clothes, food, a pop, a bag of chips? Even a couple of bus rides a day would put a serious dent into their daily wage. I’ve seen locals shop at Ley’s. Do they get a discount? How much would a cashier at Ley’s get paid? I’m just trying to make sense of this. I always tip all service staff and assume a lot of people do also, so that would increases salary’s but not by much. Just curious.
Well Linda, I talked with Eduardo about your question and if you’er listening, and I know you will be, he will give you his best answer to your questions. As I understand it, minimum daily wage in Mexico is like $4.50 a day US. Just sayin’.
And I got an email from Ray, Maybe it’s Mismaloya ray who says this First off let me introduce myself, my name is Ray and I’m from Wisconsin. My wife

Cherie and I feel the same way you and many others feel about Puerto Vallarta. It was my wife and I’s first trip together when dating back in 2001 and we have been coming back almost every year since. We travel to other locations sometimes, but always make time to return to Puerto Vallarta. Through the years we have met many friends both local and north of the boarder. We enjoy some of our old favorites and always find new places of interest. As time goes on we are lucky to be able to spend more time there, we are up to two weeks. We are very lucky, but always look forward to returning after we get home. Thank you for your shows, I enjoy listening to them. I know you ask for suggestions so I wanted to sit down and type you up a correspondence about some of our favorite places.
Some of our favorite places in Puerto Vallarta are:
Twisted Palms Lounge
Al mixes the best drinks in Puerto Vallarta in our opinion and he is a good friend.
Derby Burger
If you want to eat like your back in the states. Don’t forget to order a shake.
Two Taco Stands we frequent often are El Flaco and the one by Archie’s Wok. I’ve been going to that one for years, they remember me when I show up, but realize I’ve never asked the name. My wife just informed me it’s listed as Tacos El Cunado.
Last year we hiked with Al from Twisted Palms and his friends from Boca to Los Animas and eat and drank at El Caracol. What a great time.
We make it a point to watch the sunset every night, from our condo or one of the many places on the beach. Some of our favorites are

Langostino’s, Cuates y Cuetes and the Red Onion. Still catch it at the Sea Monkey a few times a visit.
Lastly I enjoy getting out in the morning and walking to Yamir to pick up a pastry for Cherie to go with her coffee. I really enjoy watching people where ever we travel. That time in the morning has people busy getting ready for the day.
Thanks again for your work on the show. If you have any future ideas for a show and are looking for listener input let me know. I would like to make other visitors trips better. Take care.
Ray and Cherie
Thank you Ray, for reaching out and sharing your experiences with me and my listeners. I will have all of Ray’s suggestions in the shownotes for this podcast lucky #13.
With that in mind, let’s get to my next guest. This was a fun interview because I love this guy and you will too. His name is Eduardo Solarzano, and Eduardo is an artist, he is a professional photographer. Now, if you have been to my website or if you have seen the album art for The Puerto Vallarta Travel Show you have already seen his work. That’s his photograph and I am so grateful to him for letting me use his photo for my show. Eduardo is my brother from another mother for sure. Such a fun guy and a real mensch.

I wanted Eduardo to tell you a little about what he does here in Paradise, and I also wanted to have a chance to ask a local, where do locals go when they want to have a great meal, and where would a local suggest a visitor to Puerto Vallarta go that may be a little bit unusual or a place that naturally, a tourist would not take the time to see and discover.
So let’s join Eduardo Solorzano in Puerto Vallarta Mexico and get the scoop from our boots on the ground.
Great Breakfast With the Locals
Mercado Municipal Rio Cuale Upstairs
Coco’s Kitchen Calle Pulpito – Eduardo likes the Green Chiliquelles with Beans on the side
Lunch Spots
El Barracuda for Seafood
Mezzogiorno Italian Beach Club, Bucerias
Porto Bello in the Marina Vallarta
Taco Stands
Tacos Ruli – Near the Stadium across from the Sheraton Hotel. See map
Pepe’s Taco – Near the Pemex Gas Station as you enter town. Hours 6 PM to 6AM.
TiTi’s Local flavor His Favorite

Places to go
San Sebastian Italian Restaurant Montebello Restaurante Italiano
La Cruz de Huanacaxtle – Lots of nice places to eat in the Marina but in town Eduardo just loves Columba!
So now you all understand why I just love this guy. He is so much fun! By the way, after the interview I got an email from Eduardo who said he forgot to mention one of his very favorite places in PV to eat and that was El Arrayan. Funny he should mention that because I interviewed Carmen Porras, the co owner of El Arrayan in the downtown area of Puerto Vallarta the other day and I plan to have that podcast episode for you soon so stay tuned. Carmen does a couple of cooking classes and we will be joining her like I said, in a couple of weeks.
I have added all of the restaurants that Eduardo mentioned to the shownotes for this episode of The Puerto Vallarta Travel Show. You can find them at
The restaurant that Eduardo spoke so glowingly about, Café de Artistes is an incredible place. Let me try to describe the place to you….
Okay that’s all for now, Thanks for listening all of the way through. Next week stay tuned for more on the ground reports from Puerto Vallarta and my next show.
Remember, this is an interactive podcast as you have found by the emails I read at the beginning of the show.
I depend on your questions and suggestions about all things Puerto Vallarta. If you think of something I should be talking about, please reach out to me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending us your message.

And remember, if you are considering booking any type of tour while you are in Puerto Vallarta, you must go to, JR’s website and reserve your tour through him, right from his website. Remember the value for value proposition. His experience and on the ground knowledge of everything Puerto Vallarta in exchange for your making a purchase of a tour that you would do anyway, you’re just doing it through him as a way of saying thank you. It costs no more than if you were to use someone else so do it. Really. And when you do take one of these tours, email me about your experiences. Maybe you can come onboard and share with others what you liked or didn’t like about the tour. Again contact me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending off a message.
And once again, if you like this podcast, Do like Mismaloya Ray did and please take the time and subscribe and give me a good review on iTunes if you would. That way we can get the word out to more and more people about the magic of this place.
So, thanks to Eduardo Solorzano for coming on and talking with us, and you need a good photographer to shoot a family portrait while on vacation in Paradise, Email me or Eduardo and put him to work for you. He’s great and his contact information is right here in the shownotes for Lucky episode #13. And thanks to all of you for listening all the way through this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show. This is Barry Kessler signing off with a wish for you all to slow down, be kind and live the Vallarta lifestyle. Nos Vemos amigos!
Hi Brad,
Thanks for taking the time to write. I happen to love your photos of Puerto Vallarta and of your world travels too. I think I need to get you a microphone!
I will be back in PV at the end of the month. Will say hi to JR for you!
Thanks again for writing and listening. I am having a great time meeting and talking with all you great listeners from Canada, Mexico and all over the US.
There are so many wonderful people willing to share their experiences and secrets with this growing community. All the best to you and Tami!
Barry K