When I first came to Puerto Vallarta 30 some odd years ago, my dad told me, never eat the vegetables, don’t eat any salads, you will get sick. Well, you didn’t have to tell me that more than once. I hated the thought of getting the Montezuma’s revenge almost as much as eating vegetables so no biggie right?
But, You can only imagine the difficulties non meat eaters would have in a place where, cleaning and washing vegetables could actually make it dangerous to consume vegetables…..
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Hello fellow travelers and welcome to The Puerto Vallarta Travel Show. I am your host Barry Kessler and I am so happy to be introducing you to my favorite place on the planet, I sure would like to make it your favorite vacation destination and that is Puerto Vallarta Mexico! Each and every episode I look forward to doing this podcast just so I can listen to Alberto Perez sing The Somba de Puerto Vallarta. Really! Alberto is the owner of the La Palapa Group of Restaurants in Puerto Vallarta Mexico. You will find La Palapa and the El Dorado Restaurants on the Southside of the Rio Cuale, right on the beach just south of the famous Los Muertos Pier. The one that looks like a sail? Yeah that’s the one. Get on down to La Palapa and Enjoy breakfast, lunch or dinner, toes in the sand right at the water’s edge. It’s so Puerto Vallarta mis amigos. Really. The people of Puerto Vallarta Await you. Venga mis amigos, Venga, Come my friends! Come!
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Today I have a really great guest to share with you but first, let’s look at what’s happening in Puerto Vallarta this week, The 23rd of April, 2017.
Well, the town is emptying out a little. The two week long celebration of Semana Santa and Pasqua have come to a close, and the crowds are subsiding a tad, but things are getting geared up for the May events. Restaurant week is coming up May 15th through the 2 with plenty of restaurants participation in the weeks events.
Mexican Customs to phase out “red light – green light” inspections
A couple of days ago I got an article from my Friend Mike in Puerto Vallarta from the Yucatan Times where, I know some of you are going to be disappointed when this finally happens here in Puerto Vallarta but the article reads. …..
The traffic light lottery utilized by Mexican Customs will soon be a quirk of the past, reports mexiconewsdaily.com.
Changes intended to improve service to travelers include elimination of the traffic signals that randomly select people for a baggage search at Customs entry points. At present, travelers must press a button when passing through Customs, and those who get a green light are free to go. The unlucky minority who get a red have their bags searched. The changes will be implemented at Mexico City airport’s Terminal 2 as a pilot project and will include the elimination of Customs declarations forms that are completed by travelers coming from abroad. At airports, baggage will be inspected by x-ray scanners while in transit between planes and baggage carousels in coordination with the Federal Police.
Following the pilot, the new system will be introduced gradually at Terminal 1 in Mexico City and at the international airports in Cancún, Los Cabos, Guadalajara and Monterrey, through which 85% of international travelers arrive in Mexico. Plans call for all international airports in Mexico, including Merida, to phase out the red light – green light system over time.
Authorities say the new procedures, which are standard practice internationally, will make it simpler and safer for those travelers, for whom control and inspection measures will be imperceptible.
Source: mexiconewsdaily.com
Guadalajara to Puerto Vallarta Highway
Also, the Guadalajara to Puerto Vallarta Highway I was talking about last week, the one I thought would be done for Easter? Well, not sure what I was smoking last week, but that stretch of highway is at least another 6 months form completion so, what I said last week….never mind!
I will bring you more updates as we approach December, the anticipated finish date but until then…Manana.K?
Malibu to Puerto Vallarta Real Estate
I am happy to announce that I have a new page on my website at www.puertovallartatravelshow.com You can find the tab at the top of the web page the tab is

called Malibu to PV Real Estate, and when you wander over there, you will find a Realtor.com link to Properties in Jalisco and Nayarit, you can customize your search for anywhere in the Puerto Vallarta Area, It’s a pretty cool website. On the same page you will find a link to my newest website Malibu to PV Real Estate where you can peruse the most beautiful oceanfront property north of the border in my neck of the woods. These are the home I sell, in Malibu, California. These are properties that are owned and being sold by movie stars, Hollywood Producers, famous folks. You need to see these properties. And then lastly, I have a link that will hook you up to the Puerto Valarta Regional MLS search. This is a really cool tool as well so check it out and use it. And remember if you are interested in buying beach property north or south of the border, get in touch with me and I will hook you up with an agent in Mexico, or if it’s Malibu Beachfront property you are looking for, call me and I will get you inside for a tour. Remember me if you are looking to get your Toes permanently in the sand, north or south of the border. In Malibu or Puerto Vallarta, Check out Malibu to Puerto Vallarta Real Estate, that’s www.Malibutopvrealestate.com. Check it out! Find it on my website at the pvtravelshow.com.
Listener Meetup in May
Okay also I’ll be in town May 7 through the 16th and I already have a couple of you listeners who are interested in doing a meetup in Vallarta while I’m there. I think we can have a lot of fun with this, I will bring my microphones and recording equipment and you can tell our listeners what you are up to in paradise. I know we

have lots of local listeners to the show and if you are a local, and you are listening and have a service or a suggestion for my listeners that you would like to share, by all means reach out like some others have already done and send me an email. Just go to the contact us tab at the top of the page and send me an email. Let’s see if we can put something together. Get JR involved, maybe a little drinking, a little eating, who knows. Lots of laughs, who knows?
And speaking about reaching out, two weeks from now I’m going to have a couple from Wisconsin, Brad and Tami, who reached out to me and told me that they would like to share their Puerto Vallarta experiences with you listeners and me. They have some great ideas and fantastic stories. You will be hearing from them in two weeks.
Then next week, with restaurant week coming on, I will have an interview with the owner of Una Familia restaurant in Puerto Vallarta, Edwin and he was kind enough to allow me to interview him at his newest restaurant, Una Familia on the Malecon, in Puerto Vallarta. That will be next week so stay tuned for that.
All right, let’s get on with the show.
Vegan and Vegetarian Dining in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
When I first came to Puerto Vallarta 30 some odd years ago, my dad told me, never eat the vegetables, don’t eat any salads, you will get sick.
Well, you didn’t have to tell me that more than once. I hated the thought of getting the Montezuma’s revenge almost as much as eating vegetables so no biggie right?
But, You can only imagine the difficulties non meat eaters would have in a place where, cleaning and washing vegetables could actually make it dangerous to consume vegetables.

Now if you have listened to this show, you know that the water in Puerto Vallarta is drinkable from the faucet. From the Ameca River in the north, just north of the Airport to Conchas Chinas to the south, just beyond the downtown and Southside areas of Puerto Vallarta, you can get potable water. You can, and many do just drink the water right out of the sink. Really. Now do I? No. I always drink bottled water when I’m in Puerto Vallarta. I just don’t want to take that chance, but many do. If you accidentally swallow shower water you probably won’t get sick, if you brush your teeth in it accidentally, you probably won’t get sick and when the restaurants wash their vegetables in it, well yow won’t get sick either right? That is why with over 700 restaurants throughout the bay, you can order, get, and eat your vegetables too. Very different than in the rest of Mexico.
With all this veggie love going on here, the list of restaurants that cater to the non-meat eating crowd is growing, as are the number of those folks who have made this lifestyle choice. Both young and old, many have chosen to cut meat and animal products from their diets.
Don’s get me wrong folks, I am not there yet. I haven’t quite evolved so to speak. I love to eat and I eat everything, but I am so glad for my non meat eating brethren

who can now enjoy eating in Mexico. It brings me great pleasure to introduce you to my next guest Diana Edelman. She is a travel writer, a proud vegan, and were are so lucky to have her on the show with us to tell us about what she found in Puerto Vallarta for those among us who follow your hearts through the vegan lifestyle.
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Let’s join Diana in Las Vegas, Nevada and hear about her Puerto Vallarta experiences.
Links to Diana Edelman’s Blog and Website
Diana’s Hotel Reviews:
Choices for Vegan and Vegetarian Dining in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Planeta Vegetariano
- Playa Detox Hotel Zone
- Restaurant Vegetariano Mary
- River Cafe’
- Gaby’s Restaurante
- La Palapa
- A Page in The Sun
- Salud Super Food
Hotel and Resort Reviews
Thank you Diana. That is great information for all of you foodies out there. So next time you are looking to share paradise with a friend. Don’t worry, Go ahead, invite your vegan and vegetarian friends on down to Puerto Vallarta next time you come down. Easy Peasy.
You can get all of Diana’s contact information in the show notes for this show, episode 15 at www.pvtravelshow.com . I have the links to her website and her blogpost about vegan dining in Puerto Vallarta. The pictures are fantastic and you will enjoy her writing. But hey…I like the pictures! What can I say? I’m just a guy folks.
So, that was good even for you meat eaters out there wasn’t it? Wasn’t all preachy and judgmental like you thought it might be right? Thought it would devolve into a shouting match between animal rights activist and meat eating Neanderthal but no, it was pretty darn pleasant. Nice.
Well we are through for today. I hope you enjoyed our talk with Diana Edelman about vegan dining in Puerto Vallarta. Next week stay tuned for more on the ground reports from Puerto Vallarta Mexico and other surprises and Puerto Vallarta Travel tips and ideas. Until then, remember, this is an interactive show where I depend on your questions and suggestions about all things Puerto Vallarta. If you think of something I should be talking about, please reach out to me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending us your message.
And remember, if you are considering booking any type of tour while you are in Puerto Vallarta, you must go to Vallartainfo.com, JR’s website and reserve your tour through him, right from his website. Remember the value for value proposition. His experience and on the ground knowledge of everything Puerto Vallarta in exchange for your making a purchase of a tour that you would do anyway, you’re just doing it through him as a way of saying thank you. It costs no more than if you were to use someone else so do it. Really. And when you do take one of these tours, email me about your experiences. Maybe you can come onboard and share with others what you liked or didn’t like about the tour. Again contact me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending off a message.
And once again, if you like this podcast, please take the time and subscribe and give me a good review on iTunes if you would. That way we can get the word out to more and more people about the magic of this place.
So, thanks to Diana Edelman from Vegansbaby.com check out the links to her website and blog at my website www.puertovallartatravelshow.com episode 15.
And thanks to all of you for listening all the way through this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show. This is Barry Kessler signing off with a wish for you all to slow down, be kind and live the Vallarta lifestyle. Nos Vemos amigos!