Rancho Primavera in El Tuito, Cabo Corrientes is a Birders Paradise. Owner Bonnie Jauregui rents Casitas to their Bird Watching Visitors. She Tells Us About Her Ranch.
Then, Spend an Evening at Hotelito El Rinconcito on the Beach in Mayto, Cabo Corrientes.
Taxi Driver Javier Arias Tells Us About Some History and Interesting Facts About Tehuamixtle.

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Hello fellow travelers, welcome this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel show. I am your host Barry Kessler and I am just so happy to be introducing you to my favorite vacation destination, and maybe even yours, Puerto Vallarta Mexico.
That music you were just listening to is performed by Alberto Perez, the owner of the La Palapa Group of Restaurants. Those

are La Palapa, Puerto Vallarta’s Oldest Restaurant on the famous Los Muertos Beach, and The El Dorado Restaurant and Beach Club right next door so you can enjoy that fantastic view of the Los Muertos Pier all lit up at night in beautiful colors, or during the day in its grand splendor for breakfast, lunch or dinner, seated with our toes in the sand right at the water’s edge. It’s so romantic, it’s so, Puerto Vallarta my friends.
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This week we are cutting out of Puerto Vallarta again, we are going to El Tuito to a Bird Sanctuary Called Rancho Primavera where you will meet Bonnie Jauregui, then I’m going to take you back to Mayto to a little hotel on the beach called Hotelito El Rinconcito but first, let’s see what’s happening this week in Puerto Vallarta the 23rd of December, 2018.
It’s Posada time in Mexico and in Puerto Vallarta.
The holidays are here and Christmas and New Years in Vallarta…..
I found this great article in Mexsperiance dated December 16th and it reads…
December 16th marks the start of the annual Posadas Navideñas in Mexico.
Posada is a Spanish word for “inn,” and the Posadas Navideñas, which recall events leading up to the Nativity of Jesus, are a centerpiece of Christmas traditions in Mexico.
A local Posada begins with street a procession that re-enacts Mary and Joseph’s search for an inn on their way to Bethlehem, and is akin to a street-theater musical.
The protagonists of the story, most often portrayed in costume by children (and in rural towns, a real donkey may also present), carry lighted candles along a prescribed route around a local neighborhood asking, through means of special Posada songs, for ‘room at the inn’—knocking on doors along the way.
Other children and adults follow behind, also participating in the Posada songs. Neighbors along the route open their doors and purposefully refuse Mary and Joseph (in song) until, at the end of the route, a designated house (or sometimes a local church or village hall) allows Mary and Joseph to pass, and a Christmas party ensues there.
The party, or Posada as it’s referred to, often features villancicos (Christmas carols) and a piñata—a colorful papier-mâché figurine which is strung up on a rope and, when broken-open by party goers hitting at it blindfolded with a stick, eventually pours out fruit and confection which the children scurry to collect.
There is usually at least one Posada taking place in a neighborhood of every town on every night between the 16th and 24th of December.
If you are in Mexico during this time and get a chance to witness or participate in a Posada Navideña, you’ll discover why it’s one of the most popular – and charming – Christmas experiences on offer here.
And of course I have a link to the article in the show-notes of this episode.
I also noticed that businesses in Mexico close for their own Christmas Office Parties which they also refer to as Posadas. I wonder if the Yo Tambien movement has put a kabash on the traditional Christmas party in Mexico, or as business owners in the states like to call it, workplace sexual harassment day. Ah yes, I wonder if Mexicans have the same issues with drinking and workplace extracurricular hanky-panky and all that nonsense. Naw.
Mexico Minimum Wages Going Up.
The Mexican government, labor and business sectors agreed Monday to raise the minimum wage by 16.2% in 2019, a third consecutive year of double-digit increases aimed at restoring the purchasing power of the country’s lowest earners. The

minimum wage will rise to 102.68 pesos ($5.10) a day from 88.36 pesos on Jan. 1, while along the northern border with the U.S. the minimum daily wage will double to 176.72 pesos ($8.80), said Labor Minister Luisa María Alcalde.
So, we are seeing the new administration flexing their muscles from the very start, increasing the minimum wage. Let’s wait to see what’s next.
New Years Eve Celebrations in Puerto Vallarta 2018
We are coming close to the end of the year and New Years is always a blast here in Mexico and in Puerto Vallarta there is no exception. Fun, festivities and fireworks are planned for sure. And many of the restaurants all over town are having special dinner, and dancing so if you are in town or are planning on coming to town, check with your favorite restaurant to see what they have planned. At the stroke of midnight fireworks celebrations along the entire bay are pretty amazing and a show you will never forget.
Holiday Schedule Change at Corazon de Nina

With the Holidays coming up there will be a schedule change at Corazon de Nina, the Humanitarian tour will take place on Thursday rather than Tuesday which is Christmas day. They hope to see you there, 9:30 sharp. Merry Christmas from Corazon de Nina.
January 8th and 15th, Open Microphone Meet and Greets it Kelly’s Pour Favor

Now January is closing in and so is the upcoming meet and greet open microphone podcasts coming from JR’s meeting spot, Kelly’s Pour Favor Saloon and cookhouse, we will be on the rooftop eating, drinking and having a great time and talking with you to see what you are doing in paradise. We are meeting Tuesday January 8th from 5:30 in the afternoon till 7:30, and then the following Tuesday January 15th same time 5:30 till 7:30.

I love hearing what you are doing, your favorite places to eat and stay, so you know the drill. You share your experiences with us, and we all learn so much.
And if you have a local business you would like to pitch, why not come in and tell us what you do to make a living in paradise. Maybe you run a charity or want to tell us about a charity, well, what are you waiting for? So, looking forward to seeing you there if you are in town. Even if you just want to say hi or just hang out with us and say absolutely nothing…that’s cool. Come down.

I’m also going to try to have an open microphone feet in the sand, right by the water’s edge in front of Cuates y Cuetes the second week of my stay and I will give you that date and time next week.
The Puerto Vallarta Travel Show is Two Years Old
And believe it or not, next week will mark the second anniversary of the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show. Two years have gone by fast haven’t they? Originally, I had planned to make this a two-year project but over 100 interviews later and almost 100 episodes in the archive, it’s obvious we haven’t scratched the surface. There’s still more to learn about Puerto Vallarta don’t you think? Let me know.
All right, let’s get to the interview, shall we?
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Rancho Primavera, a Bird Watching Sanctuary in El Tuito, Cabo Corrientes, Mexico
On my last visit to paradise back in October, I had planned to take two road trips. One to San Sebastian and another back down to El Tuito. I wanted to visit the bird sanctuary that I had heard about on multiple occasions. Once from Maria Santander over
at Galleria Copellia, and also from Matty and Jessie over at La Joya de El Tuito Bed and Breakfast. Also, Astrid from Eco-tours de Mexico, from the whale watching tours told us a little bit about it as well so I was ready to check out this place called Rancho Primavera in El Tuito.
The beginning of my trip I had staked out a great Airbnb for $22 a night. It had a fantastic rooftop view of the bay. I had that place for the first 6 days. The plan was to go to El Tuito to meet Bonnie at Rancho Primavera, then have my buddy Javier the taxi driver, drive me to Mayto where I would spend the night and then he would come back and pick me up the next day to take me to Tehuamixtle and then back to El Tuito where I would grab the bus back to Puerto Vallarta. Then check into my new Airbnb for the last three nights of my stay.
A week before my trip I called Javier, the taxi driver from my place in LA, and made sure he would be available to drive me around and he agreed. Then I called down to Mayto to Hotel El Rinconcito, and made a reservation for one night and I was set.

I checked out of the Airbnb at 9 in the morning and summoned up an Uber to take me and my luggage to JR’s Place. I had my recording equipment along with my overnight bag, change of clothes, camera all packed into my daypack.
I left my luggage with JR, let him know where I was headed and when I would be back, and headed down to the El Tuito Bus stop at Aguacate and Carranza, across from the Kiosko Convenience store, hopped on and grabbed a seat on the right side of the bus. I can’t remember but I think I was asked to pay not when I got on the bus at Aguacate, but when I got off the Bus in

Tuito. At any rate, the cost was 36 pesos, about $2 US. Anyway, I sat on the right side of the bus, the ocean view side that is, gave Javier a call, and off we went. South past Mismaloya, to Boca de Tomatlan where we headed up east, past the Botanical Garden and on to El Tuito, about an hour and a half ride. I thought I saw Javier st the first bus stop as we headed into El Tuito,
but I wasn’t ready to get off and took the bus all the way to the stop at the town square and city municipal building, church, it’s all in one place in El Tuito I’ll tell you. Javier called me, and I told him where I was. I found a place to sit and order some food. That’s when Javier came, and we ordered some lunch. I can’t remember what I ordered, but they got it wrong, that much I can remember. Anyway, I gave Javier my old Samsung Galaxy S3, I think I told you the story about Javier having his phone stolen when he was robbed one night, and I told him not to buy a new one. He recounted the story of driving a couple of guys from Tuito to Puerto Vallarta, and having these thugs rob him of his money and his cell phone. What a drag, but now he had my old phone that he did get unlocked and with a new sim card, the phone cost him about 250 pesos.
Javier’s job for the day was to take me to the bird sanctuary, wait for me to take the tour of the property and do the interview, then take me to Mayto Beach, about an hour to 50 minute drive to my lodging for the night, Hotel Rinconcito.

We started out of town and before long, we arrived at a long drive which led to the lovely home where we were greeted by a very large great Dane, and then by Bonnie. The owner, well, co-owner of Rancho Primavera. The setting was beautiful, lush foliage, forestry. Quite lovely really. Bonnie asked if I wanted to take a tour and invited me to hop into her truck, along with her puppy, and off we went. As we drove along the dirt, well grassy road Bonnie pointed out the new growth forest, the older parts, many points of interest. We saw horses, turkeys, countless varieties of birds all around.
She stopped at several of the rental casitas they have and one in particular, right on a little pond was so beautiful. I have pictures of the place along with the cottages or casitas in the show notes.
So rather than me talking on and on, let’s find out about this place from the lady in charge. Let’s go right now to a lovely home in El Tuito, and have a seat at a table in an open air enclosed patio, and let’s meet the amazing Bonnie Jauregui, of Rancho Primavera, El Tuito Cabo Corrientes, Mexico.

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What a great story right? When I say the Garden of Eden, I really mean it.

No, I have been in touch with Bonnie over the last few days and she tells me that her mom, is In the hospital in Arizona and that she is with her, but things don’t look so good unfortunately.

So, what does that mean for Rancho Primavera? Well, Bonnie says they have staff on hand right now to handle the casitas, but for those staying and having the breakfast, they will work to keep those going, but I’m going to follow up with Bonnie as things progress and let all of you know. For now, just know that you can stay there and make reservations so check out the show notes for the pictures of this beautiful place. And let’s think good thoughts for Bonnie and her family and her mom of course.
Contact Information For Rancho Primavera in El Tuito, Cabo Corrientes, Mexico
- Website: www.ranchoprimaveramexico.com
- Address: Camino a Chacala Km 3 | Cabo Corrientes, El Tuito 48400, Mexico
- Phone: +52(322) 269-0257 or cell phone 322-172-4841
- Email Address: bonnie@ranchoprimaveramexico.com
- Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ranchoprimaveramexico/
Suggestions From Bonnie
Places to Eat in El Tuito
- El Patio De Mario, El Tuito
- Valle Azul, El Tuito
- 2 Taco Stands one is Filepe’s Tacos “Tacos de Trumpo”, El Tuito, Cabo Corrientes
- Tacos El Amigo, El Tuito out on the road
Suggestions for Restaurants in Tehuamixtle
- Cande’s Restaurant, Tehuamixtle
- Galleta Restaurant, Tehuamixtle
Stay off the roads Sunday Afternoons and Evenings. Drunk Drivers
Javier and I said our goodbyes to Bonnie and large doggie and headed down the road to Mayto. He stopped to show me some land that was for sale. Javier, a real estate agent, agente de bienes raíces. Look out!
If you remember the last time you met Javier, we took a ride from El Tuito Mayto to, and I had asked him to introduce me to an interesting person, like a hotel owner or a restaurant owner, and he introduced me to a hotel owner who didn’t want to talk with me. Remember? Well, if you haven’t listened to that episode, you should just to catch up on the area, and to meet Javier.

Hotel El Rinconcito, Mayto, Cabo Corrientes, Mexico

If you remember, when Javier took me there last year the owner of the hotel didn’t want to talk to me because he didn’t want the entire world tromping down there. Well, Javier didn’t like that but I understood where Fernando, the owner was coming

from. Fact is, the whole world isn’t listening to this show now is it? It’s just you and me right? So, I don’t have to get an interview to do a review or tell you about my experiences now do I?
I had really wanted to spend the night at the hotel, try the food and sit on the beach at night and look up at the stars. I just knew that would be a sight and I’ve interviewed quite a few others who have said as much.
We pulled up to El Rinconcito and I grabbed my day-pack, paid Javier and asked him to come back for me at 12 noon tomorrow, and walked up to the bar where

Fernando’s son was working. I introduced myself and he looked me up in the guest log. One night? Barry, that will be 600 pesos. I paid him and he gave me the key and told me where I could find my room. If you want dinner, let me know, we are having enchiladas. They are making them right now. I looked over at the kitchen and dining area and said absolutely! I mean, I’m kinda in the middle of nowhere, where else am I going to eat right? Now to be fair, there is another much bigger facility right next door to El Rinconcito and that’s Hotel Mayto with a pool and restaurant and many more rooms. But the ladies were busily preparing dinner for well, me I guess. I went to the second floor and was very pleased to find a very spacious room with a king sized very comfortable bed, as well as another single bed. There was a big window looking out over the beach and ocean through a stand of palm trees. The bathroom area was also spacious, clean and very useable. Saltillo tile floors, all in all, very, very nice for $30 US.

I walked down stairs and made sure they knew how happy I was with the accommodations. I walked out for a great sunset brewing with a crazy thunderstorm

that we could see hanging over Vallarta. The lightening flashing in this huge thunderhead. Vallarta was getting an October gullywasher for sure. Like 4 inches of rain! So sorry I was missing that. Some groups started arriving. Small groups of 2 and 4, repeat visitors. There was a group of guys there to beach fish and have a good time. Several couples too, but certainly not crowded at all. Of course it was October and we are talking about low season.

Fernando came back from a shopping trip and greeted me. I introduced myself to him and reminded him about the previous

year where he didn’t want to talk with me. I told him I totally understood him not wanting to come on the show and talk about El Rinconcito. What a nice man and great wife and son too. I can’t say enough about the hospitality and concern Fernando has for his guests. A really neat guy.

Next, Dinner. The enchiladas were out of this world good with salad and soup and fresh vegies. On par with the best restaurants in Vallarta. I watched the sunset and then up to my room to do some writing for the podcast. The internet was

available but not very fast or good really. Well, I was there for a little R and R. Something I hardly get while visiting Vallarta. And what I was really looking forward to was the possibility of stars and I wasn’t disappointed. So many stars! The Milky Way and all the other ways and galaxies were there. Wow.

There were a couple groups of campers on the beach with their dome tents and bonfires. They were playing music and having a great time and even though I was on my own, I was enjoying the sights smells and sounds of this special moment.

It was time to go to the room and catch some sleep. As I said, the bed was big and comfortable. The room was quiet and comfortable, and I enjoyed a sound sleep.

I could have stayed another day that’s for sure but I came down stairs and was informed breakfast would have Nopales involved, That’s cactus. Something I wasn’t going to have, and they made a substitute for me and made ham and eggs. Just so, so good and again, on par with some of the nicest Fondas you will find in Vallarta. Just so good and clean.
After breakfast I took my camera and walked the long beach, almost all by myself. I took some pictures that you can see in the blog-post so look for them and check out what I’m talking about.

I headed upstairs to pack my day-pack and wait for the arrival of Javier.
At noon, Javier showed up like clockwork.
Contact Information For Hotelito El Rinconcito, Mayto, Cabo Corrientes, Mexico
- Phone Number: 011-52-1-322-175-5277
- Website: http://www.maytomex.com/MaytoMex.com/El_Rinconcito.html
- Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/elriconcitolbp/
We shot the breeze with Fernando had a couple of the others gathered around, then we headed off to Tehuamixtle the next bay over and on the way, we stopped at his families home, along the way where he introduced me to his father and to his brothers

who were making furniture, He showed me the house where he grew up in Mayto. A very modest home that he explained needed a woman’s touch. His mom, no longer with us unfortunately was the one who Kept things clean and in order, and now, just men, Javier’s brothers and his dad.
What nice people and it was an honor to meet his family and to have had the chance to see where he grew up. Of course, if you’d heard the previous episode with Javier from last year you would know that Javier lives with his own family in El Tuito but would one day like to go back to live there, in Mayto when his kids get out of school.

So, we say goodbye to Javier’s family, and head off to Tehuamixtle for lunch at Cande’s.
We stopped to talk with his friend who was opening these huge oysters, prepping them for the restaurant and he introduces

him to me, then proceeds to tell me a story about the oysters, and how things used to be and his experiences, I have a YouTube video of this conversation in the show notes, but let’s listen to the story from Javier shall we?
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Wow, Javier has some great stories, doesn’t he? That’s why I love this guy.
Anyway, we sat down for lunch the and were hoping to interview one Cande’s lovely daughters who runs the restaurant, but we just missed her, so that interview will come another time, like the next time I go down to Tehuamixtle and the next time I do that, I’m going to take you to a bed and breakfast and more. I’m finding out there’s cool things to do in and around that little fishing village. And it will be our secret okay?
Time was running out and we needed to make our way back to El Tuito, about 50 minutes away. We were about half way back when it started to rain but not too badly. It stopped by the time we got back to El Tuito.
Javier dropped me off at the bus stop in the center of town and thanked me for the phone again. I paid him for a job well done. All ad gone as planned from the first phone call from my house in Los Angeles to Javier in El Tuito, to the final drop-off at the bus bench in El Tuito!. Sweet!
The bus ride was uneventful, but beautiful. The summer rains have really greened up everything, the rivers are flowing like crazy, it was a good two days I must say.

I got off the bus and walked to my new Airbnb, arriving just in time as planned, to meet the owner of the condo that I scored for just $45 per night, in the building Malecon #2 right over Vitea Restaurant. I could see Gabino the pull-tab purse-maker from the balcony of the Airbnb. How about that?
Now I was able to score it because it was last minute and off season, but I found the place while I was in Vallarta, staying in the first Airbnb. During the month of October it’s pretty easy to find a place for cheap. May and June too by the way, just saying. Just ask me.
This coming trip I’ll be staying with my wife and two other couples in a big fancy place on Playa Conchas Chinas for the first 6 nights, then they all go back home, my twin brother Gary, his wife Jill, my buddy Jose and his wife Ann, and my wife Debbie, all go home, and I move out of this lovely oceanfront condo, to a $23 a night Airbnb in the 5th of December neighborhood that we’ll see if it is decent. I will report with video and photos because that’s what I do.
Okay, That should do it for this week.

Next week, stay tuned for more on the ground reports from Puerto Vallarta Mexico, with travel tips, great restaurant and excursion ideas and more. Until then, remember, this is an interactive show where I depend on your questions and suggestions about all things Puerto Vallarta. If you think of something I should be talking about, please reach out to me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending us your message.
And remember, if you are considering booking any type of tour while you are in Puerto Vallarta, you must go to Vallartainfo.com, JR’s website and reserve your tour through him, right from his website. Remember the value for value proposition. His experience and on the ground knowledge of everything Puerto Vallarta in exchange for your making a purchase of a tour that you would do anyway, you’re just doing it through him as a way of saying thank you. It costs no more than if you were to use someone else so do it. Really. And when you do take one of these tours, email me about your experiences. Maybe you can come on-board and share with others what you liked or didn’t like about the tour. Again, contact me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending off a message. Don’t forget his maps, his DIY tours and his revitalized Happy Hour Board. I have links to all of those in the show notes.

And once again, if you like this podcast, please take the time and subscribe and give me a good review on iTunes if you would. That way we can get the word out to more and more people about the magic of this place. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Remember I made it easy for you to do just that with each episode I create. But if you haven’t been to my website, you really need to have a look there. I have the links to the places we talk about, interesting pictures and the more all right there in my blog-posts and

show-notes for each episode of the show so check them out for sure if you haven’t already all-right? All right.
And thank you to Bonnie Jauregue from Rancho Primavera. You have such a lovely operation Bonnie and listen, If you aren’t
into bird watching these casitas are wonderful places to stay and use for a hub to visit all the local towns and playas. Visit her website and see what’s available and for sure you can find links in the show-notes.
Thanks to Javier Arias my Taxi in El Tuito. You can contact Javier at Taxitomayto@gmail.com or go to the shownotes for his phone number and call him to reserve your ride through him. Do it early because he books up quickly.
Contact Information For Javier Arias Taxi El Tuito to Mayto, Cabo Corrientes, Mexico
- Email: taxitomayto@gmail.com
- Phone From US and Canada 011-52-1-322-118-5983

And thanks to all of you for listening all the way through this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show. This is Barry Kessler signing off with a wish for you all to slow down, be kind and live the Vallarta lifestyle. Nos Vemos amigos!