We Learn Why Azul Bistro Has Become a New Puerto Vallarta Favorite for Breakfast, Brunch and Dinner two Times a Week From Long Time Vallarta Restaurateur, Cesar Patron
Help The Vallarta Botanical Garden Win the USA Today Contest
Parque de Los Azulejos Wraps up Season 2

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Hello fellow travelers, welcome this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel show. I am your host Barry Kessler and I am just so happy to be introducing you to my favorite vacation destination, and maybe even yours, Puerto Vallarta Mexico.
That music you were just listening to is performed by Alberto Perez, the owner of the La Palapa Group of Restaurants. Those are La Palapa, Puerto Vallarta’s Oldest Restaurant on the famous Los Muertos

Beach, and The El Dorado Restaurant and Beach Club right next door so you can enjoy that fantastic view of the Los Muertos Pier all lit up at night in beautiful colors, or during the day in its grand splendor for breakfast, lunch or dinner, seated with our toes in the sand right at the water’s edge. It’s so romantic, it’s so, Puerto Vallarta my friends.
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This week I’m going to take you to a new favorite restaurant I want to introduce you to on the Southside of Puerto Vallarta in the romantic zone, The Emiliano Zapata Neighborhood, and you will meet Cesar Patron from Azul Bistro but first, let’s see what’s happening this week in Puerto Vallarta, The 6th of April, 2019.
Time Change JR Meet and Greet Time change as well
Remember that today is the day the time springs forward in Paradise, Set your clocks and watches forward one hour the morning of Sunday the 7th, and remember, with the time change comes the

change of the time of JR’s meet and greets at Kelly’s Pour Favor Cookhouse Saloon and cookhouse. You will now find JR at 6:30 in the evening at Kelly’s every Tuesday evening until the time changes again in the Fall, so keep that in mind when you are coming to town and want to drop in on my buddy JR. Remember now every Tuesday evening at Kelly’s Pour Favor starting at 6:30. And I’ll be there next month too May 14th and again the following Tuesday May 21st and we’ll talk about that as the dates get closer.
Vote for Vallarta Botanical Garden
It’s that time of year again my friends, and our friends at the Vallarta Botanical Garden are asking for your help, once again USA Today is having their readers’ choice 10 best Botanical Garden and

arboretum contest, and currently The Vallarta Botanical Garden is in 6th place but there’s still time left to turn the tide. . Vote for your favorite botanical garden, you know which one, once per day until polls close on Monday, April 22 at noon ET. The winners, chosen by you, will be announced on Friday, May 3. Let’s see if we can make it to at least the top 3 okay?
I have a link to the 10 best Garden USA Poll in the show notes, so make sure you get out and vote every day till the 22nd of April, vote early, vote often.
Season Two Comes to an End at Parque de Los Azulejos
End of the Season Coming on including the end of season 2 at Parque de Los Azulejos. We’ll get a wrap-

up from Natasha Moraga next month, and of course we will be there to help her kick off the third season coming up in October. What an incredible job they have done with the park. It’s beyond anything I had ever imagined. The renderings they had at the beginning just pale in comparison to the finished product, it’s so cool. And I’m sure many of you have been down there and contributed time and money on the project and thank you all for that.

So, as I was saying, the end of the tourist season is fast approaching, and that means we are seeing the last of the Sculpture Tours by Gary Thompson, Artwalk will be closing the season till next October, lots of bands and venues are cutting back. The excitement of the coming holidays on the Mexican calendar. We have Semana Santa and Pasqua are coming up, Semana Santa from April 14th through the 21st, then Easter and the week following that is known as Pasqua. We will be talking about that next week but if you are listening to this show this week, and are heading to Vallarta during those times, just be forewarned that things get really, really busy and crowded during Semana Santa. It’s technically Spring Break for Mexico. Schools are out and the people, the families, the Mexican Nationals flock to the beaches. And as a result, the beaches, the roads, crowded, but, if those things don’t scare you away, you will have a great time witnessing the Processions and passion plays take place. There are lots of surprises for you if you happen to be coming to town from the 14th till the 21st, Easter Sunday and the week following. We will talk a little more about that next week, but just a heads up to you lucky guys coming soon.
Update on Bonnie and Mom Pat at Rancho Primavera
A couple of months back we went down to El Tuito, a town south east of Puerto Vallarta, about an hour

or so away in by bus, in Cabo Corrientes, and then to the beautiful beach and hotel El Rinconcito in Mayto. And if you remember, in El Tuito, we talked with Bonnie Jauregui from that cool place Rancho Primavera, a birding sanctuary with some great accommodations for visitors to stay, bird watch, hike and use as a jumping odd spot for all the things you can do around El Tuito. At the end of that podcast I mentioned that Bonnie’s mom Pat, was in the hospital and Bonnie was in Arizona, at her side, and at the time, Bonnie had mentioned things didn’t look good for mom, and That I would keep you all advised as to what was going on at Rancho Primavera. And since we all are family here on The Puerto Vallarta Travel Show, I think we mustn’t forget our friends, so I was talking with Matty and Jesse down at their new place in El Tuito, La Joya del Tuito right off the town square, and they told me Pat, Bonnie’s mom had indeed
passed away, so I contacted Bonnie and of course expressed our condolences, and asked her how she was getting along and if she could fill us in on how things are going at Rancho Primavera, and what kind of changes they had to make now that Pat wasn’t around to help any longer with breakfast and food service, and here’s what Bonnie said…
Hi Barry,
Thank you for your email and your kind words.
Not too much has changed as far as Rancho Primavera goes. The rental houses are completely unchanged, and as far as the groups coming to the guest rooms, I will continue to receive groups, but only offer breakfast. It was just too hard in January trying to do two meals a day by myself. Day birders are still welcome.
Come by and visit some time when you are in the part of the world.
And again, thanks for your kindness,
Bonnie Jauregui

So, thank you Bonnie for getting back to me and hey, if you are considering staying in El Tuito, her place
is wonderful, and I have a link to the episode at Rancho Primavera in The show notes. Listen to it and consider staying at the Rancho, the place I like to refer to as the Garden of Eden. I have pictures of her

place in the show notes from that episode and I will link it up to these show notes as well. So, we’ll see you in May Bonnie. All of us listeners here I’m sure are sending you their good thoughts and wishes, I have lots of places to visit next trip down your way in Cabo Corrientes and El Tuito.
An email from Rebecca
Hi Barry
Need to try to book a cooking class for four in PV. Trying for this Saturday 9th or Monday 11th. Hope this is possible. Listen to PV travel show all the time. Great job entertaining us!!
Thanks Rebecca
Hi Rebecca,
Three suggestions for you.
Caesar at Restaurant Gaby’s downtown Vallarta has an excellent class on Mondays. I didn’t like the website link, asked me to download something so I didn’t add it. Instead, call or email them or stop in and see if you can reserve for Monday…Adderss: Mina 252A, Downtown, 48300 Puerto Vallarta, Jal. Tel. 322 222 0480 / email is info@gabysrestaurant.com.mx
You should also be able to hook up with Mavi Graf and see when she is available. She is in the Marina Vallarta.
Carmen Porras from El Arrayan Downtown Vallarta has classes both on Saturday and Monday.
All of these would be terrific classes. Let them know you heard about them from Barry on the podcast and “he said you would take good care of them” . LOL…
Let me know which one you pick and tell me about it.
Thanks for listening!!!
Hola Barry!
Had a wonderful week in P.V. !!! Girls trip! The cooking class was the high light of our week. We ended up going to “Cookin Vallarta” with Enrique Chavelas. Went to Mercado Palmar de Aramara (the market
by Wall-mart/Sam’s club), for produce and meat, very informative! Then went to his home to cook with his wife and sister in-law. Made tamales and Mole’, ground caco beans to make chocolate, and made tortillas. loads of fun!! Cooking and tequila tasting, what could be better? Told him about you, He said he talked to you a few years ago. I’ll have to look up old pod cast. We all will be going to more cooking classes when we return. Thinking we will try Gaby’s next time!
We also took the day trip to Yelapa and Majahuitas. Saw whales on the way! What majestic creatures, Blessed to see a baby and mother. Very relaxing time at Majahuitas, snorkeling and beach time. Lunch on the boat then on to Yelapa, hiked up to the water fall, Amazing!! Sat on the beach there in chairs provided by our tour, Feet in the sand and a few cerveza’s wonderful! Would encourage any one to take this tour! Need to go back to Yelapa to explore the little town more.
Thank you for the recommendations. Keep up the great work!!!
Ps…. Mismaloya is my second home both my husband and I have given you 5 stars!!!! Ray and Rebecca .
Rebecca, that sounds like a great cooking class and trip to Majauhuitas.
I haven’t interviewed “Cookin Vallarta” with Enrique Chavelas yet, but now he’s on my list. Thank you for listening and writing about your experiences. It’s great information for all of us here. And this is a subtle hint to all of you, well maybe not too subtle, but a hint nonetheless for you to write in, email me your suggestions, your experiences, your questions, your frustrations, your thrill of victories and your agonies of defeat, I want it all. This way we all learn and benefit, so thanks again Becky, maybe one of these days I’ll get together with you and Ray in beautiful Puerto Vallarta.
I have to apologize to you Rebecca for taking so long getting back to you, and also to all of you too just because as many of you know, this is not my full time gig. This podcast is a hobby for me and I don’t make any money doing these. I sell homes for a living here in Southern California, and I’m in 6 escrows right now, so business is cooking, but I sometimes have to delay putting out an episode, in favor of doing my real job, so if I miss a show, or am just a little late, I guess you have realized I’m off that regular schedule and I’m sorry for that, but just remember, I’ll be here for you if you are here for me.
Okay, I had one other item I wanted to get to but that will wait till next week, let’s get to today’s interview.
Azul Bistro in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

How do we find restaurants? Sometimes we are just walking by and it looks interesting from the outside, there are people eating in there, so you figure, let’s give it a try.

Others go to Yelp, TripAdvisor, Fakebook, a particular podcast…word of mouth and so on.

Well, I got this recommendation from our friend Memo Lira, from Vallarta 101 Tours last year, sitting on the beach in front of Cuates y Cuetes. And when we were talking about his favorite breakfast restaurant, he mentioned Azul Bistro. And he described an egg dish that they made there which I said, I needed to try. Actually he mentioned two dishes that I wanted to try. So I decided to give it a try last time down. I had an eggs Benedict done with acacherra, thin sliced beef and a chipotle chili sauce I believe. It was delicious.

So, after I ate, and paid, because that’s what I always do, I don’t want any of these people to give me anything free. No booze, no food, no accommodations, nada. Just their stories.
I asked the owner Cesar Patron, if he would allow me to interview him. He agreed and I returned the next day, after he had served his final lunch client, and set up in one of the three or four tables set up on the sidewalk, in front of the restaurant.
The inside of the restaurant is set with a handful of tables, beautiful art on the walls, colorful open surroundings, clean restrooms, and you can look into the kitchen and watch
them cook too if you wish. Azul Bistro is located right across the street from our friend Filipe, Reyes, from Filipe’s Massage studio, and right off Basillio Badillo on Ignacio Vallarta, another good landmark is Fredy’s Tucan straight up I. Vallarta a couple of doors and across Basillio Badillo, so let’s go right now to
Ignacio L. Vallarta 372 A, and let me introduce you to the owner of this gem of a restaurant in the Romantic Zone of Puerto Vallarta and let’s meet, Cesar Patron, From Azul Bistro.
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Contact Information for Azul Bistro Puerto Vallarta
- Address: Ignacio L. Vallarta 372, Zona Romántica, Emiliano Zapata, 48380 Puerto Vallarta, Jal., Mexico
- Phone: +52 322 260 4474
- Facebook Page: AzulbistroPV
Cesar has a great restaurant going here. He has lots of restaurant experience for sure, like over 30 Years
of it. The restaurant is new, and it’s a little hard to find, so just to repeat myself, I have a map in the show notes to help you out, but once you’ve found Azul Bistro, you will be thanking me, and returning every
time you return to paradise. I promise you that. Of course, now you have to cross off one of the others on that list, or extend your stay, or wake up really early, and go to bed really late, and eat six times a day. I can do that!
Okay that should do it for this week.
Next week, stay tuned for more on the ground reports from Puerto Vallarta Mexico, with travel tips, great restaurant and excursion ideas and more. Until then, remember, this is an interactive show where I depend on your questions and
suggestions about all things Puerto Vallarta. If you think of something I should be talking about, please reach out to me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending us your message.
And remember, if you are considering booking any type of tour while you are in Puerto Vallarta, you must go to Vallartainfo.com, JR’s website and reserve your tour through him, right from his website.

Remember the value for value proposition. His experience and on the ground knowledge of everything Puerto Vallarta in exchange for your making a purchase of a tour that you would do anyway, you’re just

doing it through him as a way of saying thank you. It costs no more than if you were to use someone else so do it. Really. And when you do take one of these tours, email me about your experiences. Maybe you can come on-board and share with others what you liked or didn’t like about the tour. Again, contact me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending off a message. Don’t forget his maps, his DIY tours and his revitalized Happy Hour Board. I have links to all of those in the show notes.
And once again, if you like this podcast, please take the time and subscribe and give me a good review on iTunes if you would. That way we can get the word out to more and more people about the magic of

this place. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Remember I made it easy for you to do just that with each episode I

create. But if you haven’t been to my website, you really need to have a look there. I have the links to the places we talk about, interesting pictures and the more all right there in my blog-posts and show-

notes for each episode of the show so check them out for sure if you haven’t already all-right? All right.
And thank you to Cesar Patron from Azul Bistro. Check out this little restaurant the next time you come to paradise. Like I said, I have pictures of the place, the food and a map to take you right there in this blogpost. You will be thanking me I’m telling you.
And thanks to all of you for listening all the way through this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show. This is Barry Kessler signing off with a wish for you all to slow down, be kind and live the Vallarta lifestyle. Nos Vemos amigos!