Devil’s Bar Is a Very Popular Bar on The Malecon in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Devil’s Bar is a Arizona Sun Devil College Football Themed Bar on The Puerto Vallarta Boardwalk
Chef Mavi Graf Talks About Her Online Cooking Classes
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Hello fellow travelers, welcome this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel show. I am your host Barry Kessler and I am just so happy to be introducing you to my favorite vacation destination, and maybe even yours, Puerto Vallarta Mexico.
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That music you were just listening to is performed by Alberto Perez, the owner of the La Palapa Group of Restaurants. Those are La Palapa, Puerto Vallarta’s Oldest Restaurant on the famous Los Muertos Beach, and The El Dorado Restaurant and Beach Club right next door so you can enjoy that fantastic view of the Los Muertos Pier all lit up at night in beautiful colors, or during the day in its grand splendor for breakfast, lunch or dinner, seated with your toes in the sand right at the water’s edge. It’s so romantic, it’s so, Puerto Vallarta my friends.

This week we are celebrating the re-opening of bars in Puerto Vallarta and we will visit a well known bar located right on the Malecon, on the boardwalk in town and that is The Devil’s Bar. We will talk with Melinda James who owns the bar along with husband Alan, and find out what’s going on at that popular and always hopping bar. I also spoke with

Chef Mavi Graf who does cooking classes about her online classes and an update from the Marina Vallarta, bet before we get to Mavi and Melinda, let’s see what’s happening this week in Puerto Vallarta, the 31st of August, 2020.
Flooding from Hurricane Hernan
Moment At the passage of the tropical storm Hernán, heavy flooding are reported in the municipalities of La Manzanilla and Puerto Melaque. More reinforcements of the Central Command, Regional Command the Crane and Guzman City Regional Command are prepared to go out to the shores of Jalisco.
And yesterday we got a huge rainstorm that is causing flooding rivers overflowing and massive landslides south of Vallarta in We are getting reports of massive landslides from Boca de Tomatlan, Yelapa, to beyond Chimo. Vallarta Food Bank is getting ready to assist so I have a link once again to Vallarta Food Bank in The show notes, and they are on the ground ready to help these vulnerable communities so give to the effort which seems to be getting greater with every passing day. It’s hurricane season and we are getting bit of a reminder of the havoc Tropical Storm Narda wrecked last October with the current storm system passing by. We will keep an eye on this active hurricane season and hope for the best. As always.
I Made Plans to Return to Puerto Vallarta
Last week I was telling you I was making plans to return to Puerto Vallarta at my earliest convenience and I made reservations for November 7th for just 6 days, because the wife is starting to get suspicious about my love affair with Vallarta, but get this…$235 US round trip from Los Angeles to Vallarta. It’s so cheap. Check out the fares and see if you can snag a cheap flight. The Vartenses are waiting for you.
Wife Survived My Return
Speaking of my wife wondering about me, I did manage to break my quarantine with her and successfully kissed her without causing permanent damage with the rona. Both she and I are healthy and happy. Just in case you were wondering.
Taking Salvador To Lunch at El Rio BBQ in Paso Ancho
Last week I told you I was going to tell you about an adventure I had with Salvador Estrada, the Candyman and Marathonista who sells candy and cigarettes from his wheelchair on the Malecon.

Okay, so I was talking with Salvador one night, and he was telling me about his house up in Paso Ancho. He’s been trying to get me up to his house for some time now. He wants me to build an apartment for myself above his house so I always have a place to stay in Vallarta when I move there he tells me. Anyway, from his house, Salvador tells me he can hear the music from El Rio BBQ. It seems from his house, he can see the rock face wall that the sound bounces off of, next to the river.

So I ask him, since I’m coming over this Saturday afternoon to check out my future home in Vallarta, the one I’m building above yours, how about you and I go see Los Trez Cuartoz at El Rio BBQ, and I’ll treat you to a rib dinner and great music.

So, then Salvador sat there for a couple minutes thinking. Thinking about how he was going to make this happen. You don’t realize how much strategizing and planning needs to take place to make something like this happen in Salvador’s life. So, after thinking about it he tells me okay. Yes. He would have to make arrangements with his nephews but he said yes. This can happen.

So, Saturday arrives and I take an Uber to Salvador’s house. Now if you are familiar with El Rio BBQ you come up the road that leads to Moro Paraiso, and almost across the street from the entrance to the BBQ there’s a street that goes straight up, then it takes a slight jog to the left and straight up another block. You make a right and there you are, at Salvador’s house.

It’s Salvador’s family’s property. A stream runs through their property, and there are about 5 small structures on the property, each belonging to a family member. He points to his place with a second story being added to it, and the third floor he tells me is mine. All I need to do is build it. Then he points to the house he was born in, where his mom is. He tells me to go up and introduce myself to her so I do that. There are no doors or windows on the house, just openings in the cinder-block construction. His mom is bed bound and was under some blankets even though it was a hot August afternoon. A sweet old lady, I’m going to guess she’s close to 80. We talked for a short time and then I

returned to Salvador. There are ramps built from concrete all over the property, but they are so steep, that he needs the help of his nephews to get around his yard and to his house. He explained the city came and put in the ramps for him. And he was grateful for the ramps and the work they did even though they are so steep he can’t use them without the help of others. He explained that his neighbors were jealous because the city was doing all this work for him, of course due to his disabilities, but the neighbors

thought he was a drug dealer because he could get the city to do all this work. Anyway, I’m just trying to figure out how I can install pulleys and track so Salvador can do it himself while he’s explaining his mobility issues. So he says check out your place. From where your floor will be you can get a good view of the rock wall at Rio BBQ. So I look at the house, and notice it has a pretty good sized hand built latter leaning against the building leading to the incomplete second floor. So, I size up this ladder trying to

determine how long it had been leaning there unused. I figured I had a 60/40 chance of success and because I was covered for travelers insurance, plus I was pretty sure they wouldn’t classify this fall from a ladder as a covid case…although I wouldn’t put it past them. So I scrambled up the ladder and did see the rock wall across the canyon where El Rio BBQ is, and to inspect my future home in Paso Ancho. The bird’s nest of birds nests. I gave Salvador my thumbs up approval and came back down.
He told me that he had never been to El Rio since they built the place. He told me that when he was a kid, he and his friends would walk down to the river and take inner tubes from tires and float down the river.
So next, he asks If I’m ready. Earlier in the morning he called me to warn me that his girlfriend took his van in to get the starter fixed, so he had another plan to get down the hill. He wasn’t going to let that stop him he would have his two nephews, maybe three help him out of the compound up to the road, then wheel him down the steep street to El Rio BBQ. He had the nephews, I’m guessing they were about 12 or 13, he had them tie a rope to the foot rests on the chair and each grabbed an end, and walked him down he was facing backwards, while the older nephew, I’m guessing he was around 18 walked, in front of the chair as they rolled him backwards all the way down this steep hill.
Finally we got to the bottom and to El Rio BBQ, and he reached in his pocket to pay his helpers. I told him to put the money away and tipped them generously. Then I wheeled Salvador down to the tables along the river, ordered some ribs and fries and drinks, and sat back and enjoyed the music. Salvador watched the kids playing in the river and noticed they were using innertubes, just like he did years ago as a kid. He was enjoying the memories and the ribs. His girlfriend showed up not too long after and joined us for lunch and we had a great time and Salvador finally got a chance to visit El Rio BBQ, and I got a chance to see how my friend lives and experience the difficulties and challenges Salvador faces on an every day basis.
JR Starts His Meet and Greets again Tomorrow

JR will be back at Kelly’s Pour Favor for his Meet and Greets again starting this Tuesday, September 1st at 6:30. If you are in town, stop in and scare the shit out of him..Really! Glad to see JR is getting out and mingling with the vacationers.
Last week I had a question about the pot sellers and coke sellers and the pipe sellers on the Malecon near Lazaro Cardenas Park….I wanted to say something to you about that, but I still think we need to wait for next week.
Babel Bar Closed

Here’s the Facebook post breaking the sad news…
“Hi all, Friends of Babel
Today I’m writing you to tell you the sad new that we won’t open Babel Bar again.
It’s been a tough decision but necessary for our family in the current times.
We don’t want to leave without thanking so many people for all the support and affection given that made us build this wonderful thing that BabelBar has been, to all the team of Babel for their effort and professionality, all our customers and friends, and of course, to our musicians, who brought the magic to the Island of River Cuale.
These have been three wonderful years and we will always remember this important stage of our lives. We don’t say goodbye but see you soon. We’ll bring Babel spirit to the new projects that are to come.”

So, we wish Arrancha and family and all our friends at Babel bar the best. I loved that space and the music..on the Cuale Island by the Cultural Center. They are giving the island a face-lift by the way. When I was there a couple of weeks ago they were taking loads of broken up concrete off the island. I stopped and spoke with Roger the watchmaker and he told me they moved all the cats out, and were doing a big improvement project and at that time I was thinking this would effect the folks at Babel and I guess my hunch was correct. I hate it what that happens. Last time I was in touch with Arrancha they had a project they were working on in El Tuito, so I’ll follow up with her in November.

Speaking of restaurants that will be missed, El Aaryan Also gone out of business. Just couldn’t keep up with paying rent, utilities and employees. So, Carmen and had to close the restaurant. Carmen is still going to give cooking classes, so stay tuned and will follow up with Carmen to see what plans she has.
Hotel Occupancy rates upped to 50% from 25%
Last week we were talking about the reopening plans of the hotels and noted that they were restricted to 25% occupancy rate. Well right now, the rate has been increased from 25 % 50% occupancy. So Vallarta is preparing to take on visitors from the US and national visitors as well.
Sheraton Sunday Brunch is Back
Speaking of hotels along the bay, looks like things are bouncing back that we thought would be gone forever….the buffet breakfast. And not just any breakfast…. It’s the fabulous buffet brunch at the Sheraton Hotel. You see…not all is lost! Make sure they are open when you plan to drop by.
Okay, let’s get on with the interviews.
Chef Mavi Graf Giving Online Cooking Classes
I got a message from listener Tracy and she writes… O by the way, If you sent me some email your responses are coming right away. I’ just slammed with work since I got home from paradise. So I got this message from Tracy and it goes like this….
Hey Barry. Handsome hubs and I look forward to your podcast every week. Love to hear you have been able to go back and enjoy. But, we are getting ready to make our December, January, and February reservations. We go 3 times…5 days, 10 days, 10 days. Til we retire in a couple years.
Can you tell us what it’s like at this time in the Marina area and at the hotels? We stay at the Marriott and really don’t have a clear picture of what services are up and running there.
I tried asking on the “PV everything you need to know” and my post was rejected 🙅😏
Looking forward to your next trip and podcast!
Thanks so much for all the sunshine you bring us!!!
Okay Tracy. Thank you for the mail. I didn’t make it to the marina, but I did reach out to Mavi Graf who lives at the marina Vallarta, and she also does cooking classes out of her home in the marina. I’ve had Mavi on the show and it’s about time I caught up with her to see what she is doing during the pandemic, and to see what’s happening at the Marina. So let’s go right now to Marina Vallarta and visit the chef, Chef Mavi Graf….

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Okay thanks Mavi, and thank you Tracy for your questions. The other question about the hotels I think I covered earlier. Right now it’s at 50% capacity and by the time you come to town in December who knows….maybe ¾ to full capacity. We’ll see won’t we. I’ll keep an eye on that. And I have a link to Mavi’s cooking class in the shownotes at
Mavi’s Website For Cooking Class
Devil’s Bar in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Contact Information for Devil’s Bar Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Address: Malecon II s/n, Local 39, Centro, Puerto Vallarta
- Phone: 52-322-223-8327
- Facebook:
Next we are celebrating the opening of Bars in Puerto Vallarta. Bars were being asked to serve food if they were going to open up earlier during the pandemic, but now the government is allowing the watering holes to open up, with proper protocols and cleaning and spacing out. We all have to space out at bars don’t we?

Well this bar is a fun spot located on the Malecon, not far away from the bridge that crosses the Cuale River. The bar sits on the Malecon where Agustin Rodriguez dead ends into the Malecon.

The place is always busy. It has college football colors, memorabilia, and an Aire of Arizona Sun Devil college football about it. My buddy Dee suggested I talk with Melinda

James, the female in charge at Devil’s Bar. The male in charge is her husband Alan, and the two of them have built this consistently good, friendly and comfortable bar with a killer view of the Bahia de Banderas, and a perfect people watching spot for those in need of a good adult beverage as they make their way along the boardwalk.

So, without further adieu, let’s take you to the Malecon in Puerto Vallarta, the boardwalk, and let’s find out about this little piece of Americana, located on a corner next to a tequila tasting shop and a leather boot store, and with a picture perfect ocean view, let’s meet Melinda James and learn about her place, The Devil’s Bar, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

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Melinda knows a ton of stuff and her restaurant pics are top notch of course. Co-Exist is one of those places I really love and often forget about. I have links to all the places Melinda talked about in the shownotes so look for them there at
Melinda’s Recommendations
Favorite Breakfast
- El Patron Restaurante, Puerto Vallarta
- Layla’s Restaurant, Puerto Vallarta
- La Vaca Argentina, Puerto Vallarta
Day Trip
- Matyo and Tehuamixtle
3 Day Trip
- Guadalajara
- “Don’t be afraid to get out and explore the town”…

Okay, That should do it for this week.
Next week, stay tuned for more on the ground reports from Puerto Vallarta Mexico, with travel tips, great restaurant and excursion ideas and more. Until then, remember, this is
an interactive show where I depend on your questions and suggestions about all things Puerto Vallarta. If you think of something I should be talking about, please reach out to me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending us your message.

And remember, if you are considering booking any type of tour while you are in Puerto Vallarta, you must go to, JR’s website and reserve your tour through

him, right from his website. Remember the value for value proposition. His experience and on the ground knowledge of everything Puerto Vallarta in exchange for your making

a purchase of a tour that you would do anyway, you’re just doing it through him as a way of saying thank you. It costs no more than if you were to use someone else so do it. Really.

And when you do take one of these tours, email me about your experiences. Maybe you can come on-board and share with others what you liked or didn’t like about the tour. Again, contact me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending off a message. Don’t forget his maps, his DIY tours and his revitalized Happy Hour Board. I have links to all of those in the show notes.

And once again, if you like this podcast, please take the time and subscribe and give me a good review on iTunes if you would. That way we can get the word out to more and more people about the magic of this place. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Remember I made it easy for you to do just that with each episode I create. But if you haven’t been to my website,

you really need to have a look there. I have the links to the places we talk about, interesting pictures and the more all right there in my blog-posts and show-notes for each episode of the show so check them out for sure if you haven’t already all-right? All

Thank you to Mavi Graf, check out her classes and make your plans to start cooking with her again in person as the season gets rolling again. And thank you to Melinda James. I

love the Devil’s Bar and you will too. The crowd is always having a good time and the view is the best. Remember I have links to everyone including pictures in the shownotes.

And thanks to all of you for listening all the way through this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show. This is Barry Kessler signing off with a wish for you all to slow down, be kind and live the Vallarta lifestyle. Nos Vemos amigos!

Contact Information for Devil’s Bar Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Address: Malecon II s/n, Local 39, Centro, Puerto Vallarta
- Phone: 52-322-223-8327
- Facebook: