Coco’s Kitchen is a Favorite Breakfast Restaurant, Famous in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Coco’s Kitchen Serves Breakfast, Lunch and Turns into The Grill at CK for Dinner
Vanessa Villegas Tells us The History of Her Mom’s Restaurant, Coco’s Kitchen
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Hello fellow travelers, welcome this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel show. I am your host Barry Kessler and I am just so happy to be introducing you to my favorite vacation destination, and maybe even yours, Puerto Vallarta Mexico.
That music you were just listening to is performed by Alberto Perez, the owner of the La Palapa Group of Restaurants. Those are La Palapa, Puerto Vallarta’s Oldest Restaurant

on the famous Los Muertos Beach, and The El Dorado Restaurant and Beach Club right next door so you can enjoy that fantastic view of the Los Muertos Pier all lit up at night in beautiful colors, or during the day in its grand splendor for breakfast, lunch or dinner, seated with your toes in the sand right at the water’s edge. It’s so romantic, it’s so, Puerto Vallarta my friends.
Contact information for Coco’s Kitchen on Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Address: Púlpito, Olas Altas 122, 48399 Puerto Vallarta, Jal., Mexico
- Phone #: +52 322 223 0373
- Facebook Page:
- Instagram Page:
- Website:
This week we head to one of my favorite breakfast spots in Puerto Vallarta and that’s
Coco’s Kitchen. Coco was too shy to talk with me so she did the next best thing, she asked if I would interview her daughter Vanessa in her stead, so you will be hearing about the history of Coco’s Kitchen, and about what they are all about…like delicious food, but before we get to Vanessa and Coco’s Kitchen, let’s see what’s happening this week in Puerto Vallarta the 30th of April, 2021…
Water Rationing Ahead of the Rainy Season in Puerto Vallarta
Water Shortages are in the news as things warm up in Vallarta, and the rainy season is still a month and a half away. Here’s an article from the Puerto Vallarta Reporter
SEAPAL Asks the people of Puerto Vallarta to Conserve Water Dated April 17th….
and if you want to read this article, you need to subscribe to The Vallarta Reporter….
I have a link to subscribe in the shownotes.
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Also, from the Vallarta Reporter, an article about the letters spelling Puerto Vallarta as you drive into Vallarta from Nayarit, the letters that were tiled by Natasha Moraga, then vandalized and destroyed, then the city hired her to redo it…..then the city said we are going to have a contest to see who will have the best design to redo the sign…well here’s a report on the letters….
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And again if you want to read about this and more, you need to subscribe and pay for access to the Vallarta Reporter…or you can listen to me I guess…
I saw this article and it made me think about what AMLO, the president of Mexico said about not requiring anyone who doesn’t want the jab to just say no….
Will it be Mandatory To Vaccinate Residents of Tourist Destinations?
Discussions are in progress and ideas are being floated by members of the Mexican Tourism sector involving vaxing la gente… the peeps…who live in tourist zones…
From Banderas
Dateline Mexico City – With the aim of promoting the reactivation of the tourism sector, Mexico’s Secretary of Economy, Tatiana Clouthier, proposed a plan to vaccinate all adults in five summer vacation destinations that are popular amongst American tourists.
“I believe that this will be one of the fundamental initial measures [to reactivate tourism],” Clouthier said while addressing a virtual economic forum, after presenting the plan to President Lopez Obrador, on Monday. “The president thought it was a very good idea, and we are in the process of trying to determine which five destinations it will be,” she said.
Clouthier explained that the five destinations chosen will be those whose local economies depend heavily on tourism and that have the capacity to attract international tourists. She added that the reactivation of domestic tourism has already begun in many areas.
The Secretary noted that, due to the pandemic, tourism in Mexico and the world has undergone a transformation. With travelers now preferring nature-oriented vacations, the government is focusing more on promoting ecotourism. “We are working with [social media] influencers to promote vacation destinations that offer greener, more ecological tourism options,” she said.
Los Cabos, Cancun, and Puerto Vallarta are among the destinations that meet the criteria, so, although it has not yet been confirmed, there is a great possibility that these destinations will be among the five in which vaccinations could be applied to the general population, as a measure for the recovery of tourism.
Secretary Clouthier added that the government is advocating an increase in direct flights to tourism hotspots so that travelers don’t have to transit through third cities to reach their final destination.
Air travel to Mexico from the United States – the No. 1 source country for international tourists – is expected to recover strongly this summer as many U.S. citizens have already been vaccinated against Covid-19 and are keen to go on vacation. The number of flights that have been scheduled between the two countries for this summer is up 6% from 2019.
And I have a link to that article in the Banderas News in the shownotes.
Can You Buy Ivermectin Over The Counter in Puerto Vallarta?
I have a note from listener Brian from Alberta Canadia who writes…
A few weeks ago you talked about the over the counter meds you purchased in Puerto Vallarta for your “Covid Kit”. You mentioned hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin and covid kits distributed in some other countries. I see your photo in the blogpost includes ivermectin but you didn’t talk about it on the podcast. Is it still available in Mexico over the counter therefore the photo?
Love the show,
Okay Brian, thanks for the email and yes, ivermectin is available over the counter in Mexico. In fact, I was in the Farmacia Guadalajara with one of my Mexican friends the last time down and I told him I wanted to see if I could buy something over the counter and if he would wait for me to buy it. After we left he asked me what I got and I showed it to him and he knew exactly what it was. He asked me… “you got worms?”
Anyway, lots of studies are being done around the world on Ivermectin including in Mexico and although this antiviral is getting a bad rap from pharmaceutical companies looking to make billions on creating vaccines, rather than just keeping sick infected people out of the hospital in the first place by providing the sick with a take home covid kit which he or she can start taking immediately at onset of symptoms. As I have been saying, these kits have saved thousands of lives by keeping people out of the hospital and actually giving them a treatment for the virus rather than just sending sick people home and telling them to come back if they get sicker. These kits are referred to in India as Ziverdo Kits and they consist of Zinc Acetate 50 Mg, Doxycycline 100 Mg & Ivermectin 12 Mg, For Corona Treatment, mankind. And I have a picture on one of these Ziverdo Kits in the shownotes.

And similar kits are being used in Mexico…
And although there was a brief halt in the use of them in Mexico due to misinformation spread about the anti viral drug…it’s use is being reinstated…
Here’s an article about it in Mexico News Daily…..
Sources: El Universal – Milenio – Mexico News Daily
Mexico City /03.02.2021 16:03:38
The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) will continue to provide ivermectin as a treatment against covid-19 and prevent them from being hospitalized, because the recommendation not to use it did not come from the Ministry of Health and in fact is contrary to international scientific evidence, assured its general director Zoé Robledo.
“ The Ministry of Health has not issued any recommendation on ivermectin. It was a multidisciplinary panel of experts from the Coordinating Commission of National Institutes of Health and High Specialty Hospitals that issued a recommendation on the use of ivermectin, and they are two completely different things”, added Robledo after underlining that they act ethically at the IMSS and with scientific evidence.
“If (the recommendation) were from the Ministry of Health, we are sectorized and would have a link with what we do in the IMSS,” said the general director who claimed to have used it when he had covid and they will continue to give it because it prevents cases infected become complicated and reach hospitalization.
“This recommendation, regardless of whether it is binding or not , is contrary to what is being analyzed in other parts of the world on this same drug . Recently, on January 17, the United States National Institutes of Health rectified its position regarding ivermectin and moved from a position that would be more similar to that of last year, in which there was a no recommendation for its use, to a non-prohibition on its use”, he asserted.
“They say, you have to continue researching before recommending its use, but we do not recommend stopping using it. We did not recommend not using it. It is something important in the union ”, added Robledo.
The recommendation of the Coordinating Commission of National Institutes of Health and High Specialty Hospitals does not consider, he added, the medical units of the first level of care.
“High specialty institutes lack first levels of care, neither the flow of people nor the size of Social Security,” he clarified.
In this regard, José L uis Durán, Coordinator of Planning and Health of the Directorate of Medical Benefits of the IMSS, clarified that “to take a position in the management of patients is not done lightly, it is also done with panels of experts clinicians and researchers who participate in Social Security”, he added. “In the particular case of ivermectin, it is a very safe drug, one of the safest in the world. It is very noble and has had such significant effects that its creator, William Campbell, won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine for ivermectin. ” “More than 3.7 billion doses of ivermectin have been given in the world and there have been no side effects.

This speaks to a very important issue which is do no harm, and once it is guaranteed that the drug does not cause side effects, we have more evidence of its effectiveness. ” “We have 23 studies that indicate the usefulness of ivermectin, not only for early treatment to prevent the damage from progressing, but even as a prophylactic drug,” he clarified. ” Social Security policy is based on a scientific analysis, with a systematic review of the medical literature, with panels of experts who have considered technical and ethical aspects” to supply ivermectin. Social Security’s position, he added, is supported by scientific evidence. For this reason, in its respiratory care modules, 11,976 kits have been delivered to confirmed patients with various treatments, including ivermectin. In recent days, in the evening conferences, José Luis Alomía, general director of Epidemiology, stated that “there is no solid scientific evidence of its efficacy for remission and patient improvement” and therefore does not support it for its use.

Even Hugo López-Gatell, Undersecretary for Prevention and Health Promotion, published a document from the World Health Organization on its deficiencies. JLMR
And I have a link to that article in the shownotes as well as a picture of the over-the-counter drugs I purchased last time in Puerto Vallarta.

I do want to apologize to you for not being as on top of things getting out episodes at a regular clip lately. Business is booming and just as I’m making preparations to head to Puerto Vallarta in what is just a week away, I’m in four escrows and one of them is difficult. Got to get photos of two new listings coming on in a week and always busiest when you have plans to cut out of town right? You have no idea what realtors have to do sometimes. I’ll tell you about this one when it’s over but dang, some clients think we are psychiatrists and social workers. That’s all I’m going to say about this one. I’ll tell you the story …if I survive this one.
What Happens When a Podcaster Dies?
But when I’m a little late with an episode I do get emails and notes checking up on me to see if I’m still alive. I mean, if I were to die it’s not like any of you would know. I don’t have a big publicity team; I’m a one man show. I got no producer, no booker, no audio engineer. Nope, If I were to kick the bucket, I would just pod fade. So, thanks for the notes of concern.
There are some things happening in the podcasting world that I want to talk with you about including DE platforming and censuring, and episodes disappearing off of certain podcasting platforms hello Spotify…Amazon Music…Apple…Anyhoo, I want to talk about that you in some detail, and how it may affect this show, but let’s hold off on that for another episode.
And speaking of coming down next week, I’m really excited to be making my 4th flight down to Puerto Vallarta since the beginning of the pandemic and since Mexico opened up to tourism in honor of my birthday, June 15th, 2020.
Don’t believe me? Look it up.
I just picked up a few hundred dollars in pesos at my local check cashing place, and Monday I will call my bank to advise them I will be using my credit card in Mexico at the ATM’s.
I’ve started filling up my suitcase with goodies for my friends needing a mule. You know…the usual. Twizzlers, black licorice, I have a wooden toilet seat, cooling racks for baking, taco seasoning mix…I kid you not. A couple of refurbished unlocked iPhone 7’s for my buddies and various parts and pieces ordered from the Amazon. I’m ready.
Meet and Greet Open Mic Podcast at Nacho Daddy May 11th 2021

And I have a bunch of interviews planned that you really are going to like and new adventures planned that I’m looking forward to going on. I also put together few new questions to throw into my interviews to ask my guests to spice things up a little.
Speaking of spicing things up we are going to have a meet and greet at Nacho Daddy on Tuesday May 11th. I’m crashing JR’s meet and greet in his new meet and greet location,
Nacho Daddy, not Kelly’s Pour Favor but Nacho Daddy at Basilio Badillo 287. We will be there with microphone in hand beginning at 6:30, and we will go till 8, so we can get out in time for a Vallarta Sunset. Sunset is at 8:30 that Tuesday. If you are in town we sure would love to see you. If you are a listener I want to try out some of my new questions on you. Listeners are always the best! If you are a business owner and want to pitch your Vallarta business I want to hear from you.
If you have a favorite charity that you want to tell us about all of you are welcome.
Remember Tuesday May 11th at Nacho Daddy, an open mic podcast from 6:30 till 8.
I’ll try to order some t-shirts to give away before I leave so come by and get a t-shirt. But you have to come on the show…no freeloaders.
Okay..let’s get to the interview shall we?
Coco’s Kitchen Restaurant in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Vallarta has it’s share of bars and restaurants we all know that, and we tend to categorize them, even on this show, I ask for favorite breakfast dinner and lunch spots each and every week and when it comes to favorite breakfast spots we often hear those same places mentioned week after week and one of those places we always seem to hear is Coco’s Kitchen.
Contact information for Coco’s Kitchen on Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Address: Púlpito, Olas Altas 122, 48399 Puerto Vallarta, Jal., Mexico
- Phone #: +52 322 223 0373
- Facebook Page:
- Instagram Page:
- Website:
Coco’s is located on a little street called Pulpito or little octopus translated to English. If you take Olas Altas, that’s the street where you find Andale’s, and you head south past Salud Super Food to Pulpito and turn right towards the beach, half way down the block you will see Coco’s kitchen on your left hand side. And if you were to keep going all the way to the beach, you would be at La Palapa and El Dorado. That street.

The space is open with a bar, traditional and patio style seating in what Vanessa calls a lot, but yes, and open air space with wonderful trees and lighting. The place is always abuzz with happy diners and even happier employees. The waiters and waitresses and

servers are extraordinary. They must all take a month long course in nice because they are all always so nice and happy and full of energy. The place has lots of energy and great food. When I stopped by I asked Coco if she would talk with me but she was playing shy and asked if I wouldn’t mind speaking with her daughter Vanessa about Coco’s, and their

new concept, the Grill at CK Coco’s Kitchen. So I had a delightful conversation with Coco’s daughter right after breakfast in the lovely tree covered courtyard at a table at Pulpito 122 in the Olas Altas neighborhood of Puerto Vallarta, let’s meet Vanessa Villegas, the lovely daughter of Coco Iniguez, at Coco’s Kitchen, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
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Thank you so much Vanessa. Thank you for all that great information and for giving us a history of Coco’s Kitchen and now the Grill at Coco’s Kitchen. Now open for breakfast,

lunch and now dinner under the twinkling lights in that open romantic space. Potent mixed drinks, music, entertainment. Check it out for sure the next time you are in Puerto Vallarta. I have links to their Facebook page, make sure to like them, give them a thumbs

up and a follow and keep up to date with what’s happening at Coco’s Kitchen and the Grill at CK. And I have a handy google map that will take you right to the front door. Also I have links to Vanessa’s restaurant in San Miguel De Allende, Zumo. Check that out too for sure.
Okay, that should do it for this week,

Next week, stay tuned for more on the ground reports from Puerto Vallarta Mexico, with travel tips, great restaurant and excursion ideas and more. Until then, remember, this is an interactive show where I depend on your questions and suggestions about all things Puerto Vallarta. If you think of something I should be talking about, please reach out to me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending us your message.

And remember, if you are considering booking any type of tour while you are in Puerto Vallarta, you must go to, JR’s website and reserve your tour through him, right from his website. Remember the value for value proposition. His experience

and on the ground knowledge of everything Puerto Vallarta in exchange for your making a purchase of a tour that you would do anyway, you’re just doing it through him as a way of saying thank you. It costs no more than if you were to use someone else so do it. Really. And when you do take one of these tours, email me about your experiences. Maybe you

can come on-board and share with others what you liked or didn’t like about the tour. Again, contact me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending off a message. Don’t forget his maps, his DIY tours and his revitalized Happy Hour Board. I have links to all of those in the show notes.
And once again, if you like this podcast, please take the time and subscribe and give me a good review on iTunes if you would. That way we can get the word out to more and more people about the magic of this place. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Remember I made it easy for you to do just that with each episode I create. But if you haven’t been to my website, you really need to have a look there. I have the links to the places we talk about, interesting pictures and the more all right there in my blog-posts and show-notes for each episode of the show so check them out for sure if you haven’t already all-right? All right.
Thank you so much to Vanessa Villegas of Coco’s Kitchen and The Grill at Coco’s Kitchen. Make some time to hit this romantic space for an evening at the grill with music and entertainment and delightful cocktails. Remember Coco’s for a wonderful fresh breakfast or lunch served till 3 every day. The breakfasts are delicious and the sandwiches and fresh salads are generous and tasty and healthy.

And thanks to all of you for listening all the way through this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show. This is Barry Kessler signing off with a wish for you all to slow down, be kind and live the Vallarta lifestyle. Nos Vemos amigos!