The Hotel Mayto Paradise Club is Located Just South of Puerto Vallarta, in Cabo Corrientes, Jalisco Mexico
The Hotel Mayto is Situated on a Nearly Deserted Beach Which Stretches For Miles
Enjoy Breakfast Lunch, Dinner and Drinks at The Hotel Mayto’s Restaurant and Bar
The Hotel Mayto is Situated Beside a Turtle Nesting Area and Baby Sea Turtle Release Program
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Hello fellow travelers, welcome this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel show. I am your host Barry Kessler and I am just so happy to be introducing you to my favorite vacation destination, and maybe even yours, Puerto Vallarta Mexico.
Contact Information For Hotel Mayto Paradise Club
- Location: Estrella Del Mar #45 48400 Cabo Corrientes Jalisco, Mexico
- Phone: +52 33 2218 5644
- Email:
- Website: Click For Hotel Mayto
- Facebook Page:
- Instagram Page: Click Here For Hotel Mayto Instagram Page

That music you were just listening to is performed by Alberto Perez, the owner of the La Palapa Group of Restaurants. Those are La Palapa, Puerto Vallarta’s Oldest Restaurant on the famous Los Muertos Beach, and The El Dorado Restaurant and Beach Club right next door so you can enjoy that fantastic view of the Los Muertos Pier all lit up at night in beautiful colors, or during the day in its grand splendor for breakfast, lunch or dinner, seated with your toes in the sand right at the water’s edge. It’s so romantic, it’s so, Puerto Vallarta my friends.

This week we are going for a trip south of Puerto Vallarta to Cabo Corrientes to a beach called Mayto and to a hotel Called Hotel Mayto Paradise Club. I’ll be introducing you to my friend Raul Soto Valencia, who’s family owns and runs the place, but before we get to Raul and his beautiful hotel on that beautiful beach, let’s see what’s happening this week in Puerto Vallarta, the 24th of July, 2021. Happy Tequila Day! Thanks Trish for reminding me…
Crocodile Visits a Bathroom at a Punta de Mita Hotel
Last week I told you about a crocodile that wandered intio a hotel room but couldn’t find the article…here it is for you from Paralelo Informativo…
Paralelo Informativo
Informative Parallel
JeffagtuilSaptiyS 5oir atng sl10: l31o murAleMld ·
They capture a female crocodile in a hotel bathroom 🐊
Civil Protection personnel captured a crocodile within the facilities of the “Marival Armoni” hotel, in the town of Punta de Mita, belonging to the municipality of Bahía de Banderas.
After the report, elements of Citizen Protection went to the place to be able to secure the 73-centimeter female reptile, which was secured with the help of ropes and blankets, being removed from the place and taken with the biologist for attention, registration and care. .
📷 Photos: Citizen Protection and Firefighters of Nayarit
I have a photo and a link to that Facebook article in the shownotes..
Rain and Dengue in Jalisco
It’s rainy season and we need to remind all of you, especially if you are not used to visiting Vallarta during the summer be ready for mosquitos and no-see-ums. Remember that dengue is a real thing here in the tropics. From Vallarta Indipente on line…
Jalisco rises in the ranking of more dengue cases
The southern municipalities continue to be the most affected, such as San Gabriel, Zapotitlán de Vadillo and Tonaya.
Jalisco compared to the last two years, which remained in the first place at the national level for the number of people sick with dengue, today it dropped to number eight.
However, in total probable cases, 1,325 are reported in the state, much more than in the other states.
Of 701 cases reported last year to this date, 54 cases are confirmed today, without any death associated with the disease caused by the fly, although the circulation of serotype two considered the most aggressive is maintained, it does attack a person who has already suffered from dengue.
According to the Dengue Epidemiological Surveillance System of the Federal Health Secretariat (SSA) of these total cases: 39 are due to non-serious dengue; eleven dengue with warning signs; four with severe dengue and 15 with the last two classifications.
The southern municipalities continue to be the most affected, such as San Gabriel, Zapotitlán de Vadillo, Tonaya.
And I have a link to that article in the shownotes
Remember we have discussed the fact that the mosquito that spreads the dengue feeds during the day, so be ready for those suckers both day and night, but the dengue carriers are just during the day.
The Cases of Corona Are Rising in Mexico
Just like everywhere it seems the rona is making a comeback but this time in the Delta version. I swear, do these people have to name these variants after my current airline of choice? We should name them after pests, or politicians. Hey wait…
I was talking with Salvador the candyman on the Malecon and he told me the other day that the authorities were getting a bit worried that masks weren’t being worn on the Malecon but especially in the clubs. He told me that word was on the street that workers at the bars on the malecon, La Regelera the karaoke place across the street on Morelos, they all had covid and were threatening to close the clubs if they kept allowing people in without masks. They gave them 3 days to clean up their act and for now, they haven’t closed down the bars and clubs on the Malecon. However there is now better security at the entrances to the Malecon where folks are urged to put on their cobre bocas.
I went online looking for news about all this and Found this report from Vallarta Independiente online, a video in front of IMSS where people were waiting in line to be tested. Many of the bars, clubs and hotels sent their people over to be tested and when they got there, these workers realized the businesses were not paying for their tests, and they were pissed.
Most were negative, nobody was sick and the beds at this place were accessible according to the commentator.
That’s the latest from the street. Not some major news outlet. Just cub reporting.
I have a link to that video from Vallarta Independiente in the shownotes. It’s in Spanish so go het your como se dice on….
After I spoke with Salvador I went online to see if I could find any reports in the newsfeed at all regarding this big resurgence and I found this one that is so misleading…let me read it to you…hold on to your seats, it sounds like the end of the world…From Puerto Vallarta Daily News….
Follow the link below to read the story….
And I have a link to that article in the shownotes…
So they found one kid with a hoarse throat who obviously had the rona. OMG.
JR is Getting Cataract Surgery Donate if You Can
JR’s son came over to my house a couple of months ago…that’s right, JR has a son who lives in the Los Angeles area. Nice kid! Anyway, he gave me a wad of cash and asked me to get it to his dad to go toward his eye surgery. So I said sure. I had no idea that his sight was shot and he needed cataract surgery. We needed more money to fix the 81 year old eyes so my friend Dean Regehr got in touch with me and some of JR’s friends to see if we could get some pesos together for the operation and to cover post operation costs. We did a great job but right now we are shy only $500 us, so if any of you are listening, and know and love JR, this would be a great time to help him out with a few pesos, so if you are interested, shoot me an email and I will hook you up with a PayPal account to send your donation of any size, to help JR with his surgery and post op needs. He will be going in to have his first eye done, the worst one on Tuesday the 27th of July, then his surgeon goes in for surgery himself for his hand, and when the surgeon recovers from his hand surgery he will do JR’s other eye. Anyway, send me an email and I will forward you the PayPal info. Go to the link tab at the top of the page on the website and send me a message or just email me at
Countdown to My Next Vallarta Trip
Okay, I am now just 38 days till I hop on a plane and head back to Puerto Vallarta for some hot summer fun. As I always as I’m getting ready to take off on my trip, I start my plans for my next visit. And since I’m going to mix in a little medical tourism in with my running around recording interviews this time down as well as next, this time I’m going to see a dentist and an endocrinologist, next time a dermatologist and whoever the endocrinologist says I should see if anybody…so I’m planning a return trip for late November early December and I’m checking the airfare and I decided to do something I said I would never do again. I’m flying out of Tijuana.
Taking a Trip in November..Tijuana to Puerto Vallarta
So I’ll be driving down to San Ysidro at the border. I’ll park my car in a flyaway lot for $15 a day for 7 days and I’ll take a van from the Amtrak station in downtown San Diego to the Tijuana International Airport.
I’ll be flying VivaAeroBus non stop to Puerto Vallarta for $101 round trip. Now this rate is barebones allowing only one daypack sized carry-on bag. So for an additional $40, I splurged so I could take along another carry-on piece of luggage. That brought the total for the round trip air to $141 US.
Now it takes me about 3 hours to get to the Mexican border from my house, so I’ll have to start early in the morning, but this ought to be a lot of fun.
I asked you guys if anybody had done this and nobody responded, so I’m gonna do it. Marty gave me the idea so thanks Marty.
Of course the goal is, to see if I can return to the US without having to take a covid test by flying into tj, and then walking across the border. I’m pretty sure I can do this so we will see in November. I can’t wait to give it a go. My wife thinks I’m crazy. I am.
Okay, we better get to the interview shall we?
Hotel Mayto Paradise Club in Cabo Corrientes, Jalisco Mexico
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Contact Information For Hotel Mayto Paradise Club
- Location: Estrella Del Mar #45 48400 Cabo Corrientes Jalisco, Mexico
- Phone: +52 33 2218 5644
- Email:
- Website: Click For Hotel Mayto
- Facebook Page:
- Instagram Page: Click Here For Hotel Mayto Instagram Page
I’ve been wanting to visit the Hotel Mayto for some time now. The first time I stayed in Mayto I think you remember I stayed at the place next door. If you remember the story he didn’t want to talk to me for my podcast but I returned a few months later to check it out and stay a night.

I couldn’t help but notice the neighboring hotel next door had a pool, and a beautiful restaurant and bar, loungers, a beautiful property. So I made my mind up to come back and talk with these floks.
I reached out to my friend Dean Rehger from Puerto Magico and Choco Magico, a wonderful chocolate shop in Puerto Magico, where they make the product right on the spot and give classes in chocolate making. By the way you can find his chocolate at the Lix Location on the Malecon too. I’ll be having Dean on soon, as soon as the ships return to paradise. But Dean hooked me up with a friend Ben who knew the owners of the place, David and Raul. . So with the magic of Whatsapp in no time I was in contact with the brothers.

We’ve been to Mayto before. Mayto is one of the villages that dot the shores of Cabo Corrientes.
If you stand on Playa Los Muertos and look south and follow the shoreline you will see the famous rocks Los Arcos. Those mark the approximate location of Mismaloya. And as you follow the shoreline from there you will find Boca de Tomatlan where you can catch

a panga to a beach chair at …going down the line in order..Las Animas, Quimixto, and Yelapa. If you continue along the crescent of the bay you hit the villages of Pizota, then Chimo, then at the very tip of the southern end of the bahia de banderas is the village of Corrales and the Corrales lighthouse. As you continue south and turn the corner you hit the town of Aquiles Serdan, and then the town of Mayto and just south of Mayto is Tehuamixtle.

Now to get to Mayto you need to take a bus or cab or Uber up to El Tuito. From there I like to have breakfast or lunch before I find a cab to take me to the beach, approximately an hour drive from El Tuito. Usually when I head to Mayto I call my buddy Javier Arias, the taxista that I brought on the show a few years back. So When I got to Tuito I called

Javier but he was already taking another ride to Mayto so I needed to find another taxi. I walked up to one and asked him how much it would cost me to go to Mayto and to my surprise, he thought about it and reached into his cab and pulled out a rate sheet and skimmed down the list and said 500 pesos…which is what I regularly pay Javier so I said why not. But what interested me more was the rate sheet because it listed some interesting out of the way places. I have someone working on getting a picture of the rate sheet so stay tuned. I’ll let you know where you can find it.

So I told the driver that I was going to be interviewing the owner of the Hotel Mayto, and asked if he could stick around for an hour and a half, He could get a round trip fare plus a couple of beers and something to eat. For some reason he was good with that so I hopped in the cab and off we went. Now this guy didn’t speak English like Javier does, but he got me there and back for 1,000 pesos or about $55.

So we arrived at the Hotel Mayto and were greeted by Ben who tracked down Raul who was there with his young family. Raul I found to be a very nice, really laid back kind of guy.

He offered me a seat and a cold drink. We got the taxi driver situated at another table with an ocean view…well, really when you are at the Hotel Mayto Resort it’s hard not to have an ocean view. But the taxi driver was happy with some beer and a bite to eat, with a view and we, Raul and I got to chatting about when his dad packed the family into the car, and they drove to Mayto back in 1989, and started the ball rolling to what is now, Let’s meet Raul Soto Valencia, one of the brothers in charge at Hotel Mayto, Paradise Club, Cabo corientes, Mexico …

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Okay…thank you Raul. I have some great pictures of the Hotel Mayto Paradise Club in The shownotes, maps websites, check out the rooms and the views. They are outstanding.

By the way, in just 2 to 3 months the newest suites that are built on a rise behind the current hotel property will be complete. I have a picture of the building when they were in the middle of building it when I was there some months back doing the interview, and I will be bringing you photos of the completed project when Raul sends me them. You will have an inside track on what’s happening in Mayto at the Hotel Mayto Paradise Resort. You will love it there. Escape to Paradise. From Paradise….

Okay, that should do it for this week,
Next week, stay tuned for more on the ground reports from Puerto Vallarta Mexico, with travel tips, great restaurant and excursion ideas and more. Until then, remember, this is an interactive show where I depend on your questions and suggestions about all things Puerto Vallarta. If you think of something I should be talking about, please reach out to me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending us your message.

And remember, if you are considering booking any type of tour while you are in Puerto Vallarta, you must go to, JR’s website and reserve your tour through him, right from his website. Remember the value for value proposition. His experience

and on the ground knowledge of everything Puerto Vallarta in exchange for your making a purchase of a tour that you would do anyway, you’re just doing it through him as a way of saying thank you. It costs no more than if you were to use someone else so do it. Really.

And when you do take one of these tours, email me about your experiences. Maybe you can come on-board and share with others what you liked or didn’t like about the tour. Again, contact me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending off a message. Don’t forget his maps, his DIY tours and his revitalized Happy Hour Board. I have links to all of those in the show notes.

And once again, if you like this podcast, please take the time and subscribe and give me a good review on iTunes if you would. That way we can get the word out to more and more people about the magic of this place. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Remember I made it easy for you to do just that with each episode I create. But if you haven’t been to my website,

you really need to have a look there. I have the links to the places we talk about, interesting pictures and the more all right there in my blog-posts and show-notes for each episode of the show so check them out for sure if you haven’t already all-right? All right.

Thank you so much to Raul Soto Valencia from Hotel Mayto Paradise Club just south of Puerto Vallarta In Cabo Corrientes. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram. I have links in the shownotes. Get on down there and stay, or just eat and drink at their beautiful restaurant and bar.

And thanks to all of you for listening all the way through this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show. This is Barry Kessler signing off with a wish for you all to slow down, be kind and live the Vallarta lifestyle. Nos Vemos amigos!
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