Teatro Vallarta is a 900 Seat State of The Art Theater and Performing Arts Center in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
At Teatro Vallarta Enjoy Professionally Produced Big Vegas Style Stage Productions in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
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Hello fellow travelers, welcome this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel show. I am your host Barry Kessler, and I am just so happy to be introducing you to my favorite vacation destination, and maybe even yours, Puerto Vallarta Mexico.

That music you were just listening to is performed by Alberto Perez, the owner of the La Palapa Group of Restaurants. Those are La Palapa, Puerto Vallarta’s Oldest Restaurant on the famous Los Muertos Beach, and The El Dorado Restaurant and Beach Club right next door so you can enjoy that fantastic view of the Los Muertos Pier all lit up at night in beautiful colors, or during the day in its grand splendor for breakfast, lunch or dinner, seated with our toes in the sand right at the water’s edge. It’s so romantic, it’s so, Puerto Vallarta my friends.

This week we are going to The biggest theater complex in Puerto Vallarta. It’s right in the middle of town across from Ley Supermarket and it’s Called Teatro Vallarta where you will meet the general manager of Teatro Vallarta Sr. Hector Mata. Hector will tell us all about what’s going on at the theater but before we get to Hector. Let’s see what’s happening in Puerto Vallarta this week, the 13th of October, 2021.
Contact Information For Teatro Vallarta
- Address: Uruguay 184 Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico
- Phone: +52 322 223 1032
- Email: direccion@teatrovallarta.com
- Website: http://www.teatrovallarta.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teatro_vallarta_oficial/?hl=en
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeatroVallarta
- Margarita Madness Tour Tasting and Tacos Carnival Cruise Lines
October is Still Hurricane Season in Puerto Vallarta
Still hurricane season and Puerto Vallarta caught a break as today as we speak Hurricane Pamela just swept past…and is currently wacking Mazatlán. to the north.
Didn’t even get rain…but hey, the season isn’t over yet. But we have gotten to the letter P.
The New Vallarta City Council Will Communicate in English and Spanish
Listen to The Podcast or Click link and subscribe to Vallarta Reporter
And I have a link to that Vallarta Reporter article in the shownotes.
Jalisco Lowers Covid Restrictions
Listen to The Podcast or Click this Link to Access and Subscribe to Puerto Vallarta Reporter
And in Puerto Vallarta…
Deaths From Covid Plummet in Puerto Vallarta
Listen to The Podcast or Click This Link to Subscribe to Puerto Vallarta Reporter
And I have a link to this uplifting article in the shownotes….
So with deaths dropping and Jalisco increasing capacity in restaurants and bars and theaters…this Lawmaker wants to jail non maskers….
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Without Mask in Jalisco, You Could Go to Jail for 36 Hours, or Be Fined 1,400 Pesos
And I have a link to this uplifting story from Vallarta Reporter in the shownotes.
New Rules to Fly in Canada
From the West Jet Website….
COVID-19 vaccination requirements
Effective October 30, all guests over the age of 12 travelling on any Canadian airline on a domestic, transborder, or international flight will require proof of full vaccination.
For an interim period between October 30 to November 30, guests who are in the middle of a vaccination course or in lieu of full vaccination, may travel with a negative PCR test result received within 72-hours of travel.
After November 30, only fully vaccinated travellers will be permitted to board.
More information will be added as it becomes available.
and I have a link to that page in the shownotes….
So get the jab slaves…..
and the US is finally opening it’s borders to non essential travel between Canada and Mexico in November for vaccinated individuals….. From BBC Online…
US to re-open Mexico Canada borders for fully vaccinated travellers
The US has said it will reopen its borders with Mexico and Canada to fully vaccinated travellers from November.
In a statement, its Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said it will allow travel for non-essential purposes via land and ferry crossings.
From January 2022, it will also require proof of vaccination for any travel over these crossings, essential or not.
The US has restricted travel from its northern and southern neighbours since March 2020, due to the Covid pandemic.
But President Joe Biden’s administration recently revealed that restrictions on fully jabbed air travellers would be eased in November.
The current rules bar entry to most non-US citizens who have been to the UK, China, India, South Africa, Iran, Brazil and a number of European countries within the last 14 days.
In a statement, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said his department was “pleased to be taking steps to resume regular travel in a safe and sustainable manner.”
But he did not say when the changes would come into effect.
Last week the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said all visitors must receive vaccines approved or recognized for emergency use by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
At present, vaccines developed by Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna have been approved in the US.
The WHO has also supported these three, along with others made by AstraZeneca-Oxford, Sinopharm and Sinovac.
News of the upcoming announcement has drawn praise from US lawmakers with constituencies along the Canadian border.
Among them was Chuck Schumer, the Democrats’ Senate Majority Leader.
“Kudos to President Biden for doing the right thing and increasing cross border travel between Canada and the US,” he said in a statement.
“This reopening will be welcome news to countless businesses, medical providers, families, and loved ones that depend on travel across the northern border,” added New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.
The announcement of new rules in September was a surprise to many – coming days after the US government said it was not the right time to lift restrictions.
The US has recorded more than 42 million coronavirus cases since the pandemic began, and over 670,000 deaths.
I have a link to that BBC report in the shownotes…
So the magic juice is opening up so many doors lately.
Great News From No Way Jose
No Way Jose is coming back…but with a different name, look and menu…
What’s the name? OK Jose.

Same location, same Jose, different name, freshened up menu and a really colorful interior. He will be open on the 15th I believe. So OK Jose…Alfredo, see you next week….
Crocodile in the Rio Cuale
From Vallarta Today… Crocodile Captured
Although it may seem illogical to observe a crocodile out of its habitat, it is very normal in this hurricane season, so the authorities recommend to keep your distance from them, and notify the experts in crocodile capture. The municipal government, through the Subdirección del Medio Ambiente, received a citizen report regarding the sighting of a crocodile of 1. 52 meters in the area of the Cuale River, so they proceeded to capture it, to be relocated to a safe area, to avoid risks to the population. To avoid any confrontation with the species, as recently there have been cases where people have been in the need to fight with the animal, In this case it was unfortunately a tourist who went for a swim in the sea at a beach in Flamingos in Nuevo Vallarta, where he was surprised by the animal, as well as in the Marina at Marriott beach a woman was bitten several times in the leg.
With these facts presented through the Subdirection of the Environment, the municipal government will be receiving reports to relocate these reptiles in their habitat. It is important to mention that the crocodiles have been moving from the rivers to the sea and even to some areas near the beaches, events that did not occur before even with the storms, however, they have been occurring especially with the new constructions allowed under the Ameca River, where before it was their habitat, being forced to move to another place like the Marina and the beaches where national and foreign tourists swim, and they have even been observed in some streets of the city. It is easy to recognize the crocodiles that inhabited the Ameca River, as they are large and heavy reptiles, as reported by experts.
And I have a link to that article in the shownotes…..and yes….a couple of weeks ago we talked about a northern California woman who had her leg munched on in the hotel zone and now this one I was just reading about in Nuevo Vallarta in Flamingos…
From Mexicanist.com
Crock Attack Another Tourist
A North American tourist was injured in one of his legs after being attacked by a crocodile on the beaches of Nuevo Vallarta. The man was taken to Puerto Vallarta to receive medical attention for two bites he presented. It was reported that Municipal Police personnel received a report about the incident and went to the hospital where the wounded man was located to take knowledge of the facts, reported Tribuna de la Bahia.
It was at 11:11 p.m. when the emergency room of the Vallarta Medical Center hospital reported that an ambulance had just arrived at the hospital because a man named Jaime had been bitten by a crocodile on his right leg. He had been bitten twice and was in the operating room at that moment.
These facts occurred in a hotel in Nuevo Vallarta in the beach area. At the site the agents interviewed Melissa, 24 years old, who said that while her cousin Jaime Esteban, 24 years old, from Texas, was bathing in the beach area of the hotel 20 meters from the shore, she heard him scream and when she took him out of the sea his leg was bitten at the knee, apparently by a crocodile and he was in the operating room area.
The agent of the Public Prosecutor’s Office was informed about these facts, who pointed out that this crime is prosecuted by the civilian area.
And I have a link to that article from mexianist.com in the shownotes
So by the video you can see it was dark, and once again it looks like the young man decided to take a night time swim…Maybe there should be an orientation mechanism of some sort at the resorts pertaining to crocodiles and night time bathing. Really. It’s almost guaranteed that when you read about a tourist being munched on my a crocodile it almost always has to do with a night time swim.
It reminds me of when I chartered a 36 foot sailboat to sail around the San Juan Islands for a week a few years back. The sailboat charter company had a fleet of about 20 boats of all sizes and manufacture, and every week, the fleet was chartered out by sailors like me who have a ASA bareboat certification, who want to drop in on the Islands, and sail.
All the captains were required to attend an orientation the evening before we all took off from Bellingham Harbor. The harbor master was very serious. He told us that last year they recorded the most accidents, rock strikes of any year. So, they projected a map of the San Juan’s on a big screen, and marked all the spots where these rock strikes occurred in red. The harbor master said these marks were boat blood. Memorize these locations.
And on the inside of all the boats, there was that same map posted in the head, that’s sailor talk for a bathroom and this map was posted…specifically in such a manner as to be right in front of your face when you were doing your business on the toilet. I must say, it was very effective. No shit….
So, my suggestion is they need some sort of orientation at some of these seaside resorts…maybe with a sign of a crocodile munching on a leg in every bathroom right across from the potty…just an Idea.
I have a link to the bloody video of the incident in the shownotes…
After a month and a half, work is finally progressing nicely on the bridge over the Rio Cuale. The Insurgentes Bridge. I’ll do a Facebook live video from there next week from the patio of the Cigar Factory. Stay tuned for that.
Roughing it at The Plaza Mar in Puerto Vallarta
This time down I’m going to spend more than I usually do. Instead of a flea bag $20 a night place I opted for a week at the Plaza Mar. Ocean View overlooking the Malecon extension and the door to the place is right between the coffee shop Page in the Sun, Bar La Playa on the other side…such choices first thing in the morning eh? So I’ll share that place with you by taking a video tour. Thanks to the PV Kid for setting that up for me…thanks Jeff… I’m thinking of doing a meet and greet, maybe in a cool location with a view so if you are going to be in town the week of the 20th till the 28th, send me an email and talk me into it. Anyway, I’ll fill you in next Tuesday’s podcast and let you all know where we will be. I always get the greatest ideas from listeners at these meet and greets. I’ll be recording your Puerto Vallarta stories.
Okay….let’s get to our guest and the Teatro Vallarta, shall we?
Teatro Vallarta, a First Class 900 Seat Performing Arts Theater in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Have you ever noticed how we tend to not notice things? That sounds funny but we think we know where everything is walking around Vallarta when somebody mentions a place that we don’t recognize. Then when that someone describes where that place is you

Contact Information For Teatro Vallarta
- Address: Uruguay 184 Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico
- Phone: +52 322 223 1032
- Email: direccion@teatrovallarta.com
- Website: http://www.teatrovallarta.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teatro_vallarta_oficial/?hl=en
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeatroVallarta
- Margarita Madness Tour Tasting and Tacos Carnival Cruise Lines
respond with…I didn’t know that was even there. I walk past it every day. Does that ever happen to you? I does to me and it did when it came to the place we are going today,

Teatro Vallarta. Now Teatro Vallarta is no small shack. It’s a big building. It sits just south of the market, across the street that looks like a paseo on the south side of the market where the taxis drop off and wait for shoppers at Ley. It’s a big white building with a

tequila shop facing the street on one side, a café on the other side and the entryway doors between the two. There are a row of tequila grade agave planted in front of the building for effect too which is a nice touch. As you enter the lobby you can tell this is a

big performing arts complex. There is a ticket booth, refreshment counter, and room to gather before an event. Oh…it’s air conditioned too.

Now we have been to several theaters in Puerto Vallarta over the years with the podcast. All of them in the Romantic Zone. Act 2 and Incanto are two of them, both are run by expats from the United States.

Teatro Vallarta is Mexican owned and so many of the acts are produced for local consumption. But the productions they produce for tourists who are both English and Spanish speakers, is top notch Broadway stuff.

Like many times before, I asked my friend Dean Regher from Puerto Magico and Coco Magico if he knew anyone at Teatro Vallarta, because I saw some clips of their big

production Mayhuel a Cirque du Soleil style show and I wanted to check it out, maybe even get an interview and a tour of the place. So just like that he hooked me up with the general manager of Teatro Vallarta Hector Mata. And Hector invited me to tour the

facility, and then to talk about the theater and the upcoming events that if you haven’t been to Teatro Vallarta, that big building I would always walk past but never noticed…

So let’s go center stage…man…the audio is going to be really clean the acoustics were that good. So, to center stage in this big theater at Uruguay 184, right in the center of Puerto Vallarta, Let’s talk with Hector Mata, general manager of this fantastic place, Teatro Vallarta…Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

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Thank you Hector. I have links and pictures in the shownotes. Catch their big production Majauel during the high season if you can, and if you are in town they are having a Selena

Tribute Starring donna dora October 29th at 8 PM Tickets are available. Also November 18th at 11 in the morning you can catch Chef’s Talk with some of the finest chefs in

Puerto Vallarta, Thierry Blouet from Café des Artistes, Carlos Gaytan and chef Ramses Navarro. Oh, and RISE is having their finals for Their talent event Lisa and Billy were

talking about the other week, So You Think You Can RISE. Those are a few of the things happening at Teatro Vallarta. The theater you didn’t know was there. Right next to Ley Supermarket.

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Okay that should do it for this week.
Next week, stay tuned for more on the ground reports from Puerto Vallarta Mexico, with travel tips, great restaurant and excursion ideas and more. Until then, remember, this is an interactive show where I depend on your questions and suggestions about all things Puerto Vallarta. If you think of something I should be talking about, please reach out to me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending us your message.

And remember, if you are considering booking any type of tour while you are in Puerto Vallarta, you must go to Vallartainfo.com, JR’s website and reserve your tour through him, right from his website. Remember the value for value proposition. His experience

and on the ground knowledge of everything Puerto Vallarta in exchange for your making a purchase of a tour that you would do anyway, you’re just doing it through him as a way of saying thank you. It costs no more than if you were to use someone else so do it. Really.

And when you do take one of these tours, email me about your experiences. Maybe you can come on-board and share with others what you liked or didn’t like about the tour. Again, contact me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending off a message. Don’t forget his maps, his DIY tours and his revitalized Happy Hour Board. I have links to all of those in the show notes.

And once again, if you like this podcast, please take the time and subscribe and give me a good review on iTunes if you would. That way we can get the word out to more and more people about the magic of this place. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Remember I made it easy

for you to do just that with each episode I create. But if you haven’t been to my website, you really need to have a look there. I have the links to the places we talk about, interesting pictures and the more all right there in my blog-posts and show-notes for each episode of the show so check them out for sure if you haven’t already all-right? All right.

Thanks to Hector Mata, General Manager of Teatro Vallarta. Thank you for sharing the beautiful facility with us. Thank you for sharing your personal story and suggestions for

everyone listening. I have complied many of Hector’s suggestions in the shownotes as well as pictures of the inside of the Teatro Vallarta, and the outside. Remember this place

when you are wondering what’s there to do evenings in Vallarta without having to leave town. Real live on stage entertainment right in the middle of town. Thanks again Hector. I have all the contact information in the shownotes at www.puertovallartatravelshow.com.

And thanks to all of you for listening all the way through this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show. This is Barry Kessler signing off with a wish for you all to slow down, be kind and live the Vallarta lifestyle. Nos Vemos amigos!