Tourists From Canada and The US are Flocking to Puerto Vallarta For the 2021-2022 Winter High Season
Entertainer Amy Armstrong and Fernando Gonzalez Announce a December 30 Gala at Teatro Vallarta
Open Microphone Podcast Meet and Greet at La Traviata in Cinco de Diciembre in Puerto Vallarta
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Hello fellow travelers, welcome this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel show. I am your host Barry Kessler, and I am just so happy to be introducing you to my favorite vacation destination, and maybe even yours, Puerto Vallarta Mexico.

That music you were just listening to is performed by Alberto Perez, the owner of the La Palapa Group of Restaurants. Those are La Palapa, Puerto Vallarta’s Oldest Restaurant on the famous Los Muertos Beach, and The El Dorado Restaurant and Beach Club right next door so you can enjoy that fantastic view of the Los Muertos Pier all lit up at night in beautiful colors, or during the day in its grand splendor for breakfast, lunch or dinner, seated with your toes in the sand right at the water’s edge. It’s so romantic, it’s so, Puerto Vallarta my friends.

This week we return to Puerto Vallarta for my 8th time during the pandemic. I used Cross Border Express to fly out of Tijuana Mexico again, I’ll give you a quick rundown. I’ll give you some tips about new places I discovered. We had a meet and greet at La Traviata

with a whole bunch of listeners so we will hear from them coming right up. I sat down with one of my favorite entertainers in Vallarta Amy Armstrong who can sing…really sing and Fernando Gonzalez from Piel Canela who can play guitar like nobody’s business and they have a big show planned for the end of the year they want to tell us about. But before we get to all that great stuff, let’s see what’s happening this week, the 14th day of December, 2021.
Click For Information on End of Year Gala at Teatro Vallarta
Christmas is Coming to Puerto Vallarta
Preparations are being made for a really nice Christmas in Vallarta. As I was getting ready to cut out of town they were busily constructing an ice rink on the Malecon and a Santa’s Village with little houses too. But it seems the whole set-up, is a bit of a political and monetary mess.
They are looking at spending about 8 million pesos on the Christmas village called Villa Navidena, that’s $400,000 US for going to a Mexico City based firm. The project includes an ice rink approximately 300 square meters of the cold stuff, a Christmas village, a merry go round, carnival rides predicted, and a huge Christmas tree.
It’s unknown whether or not the display is rented or purchased. In fact, there have been many mix-ups and misunderstandings about the Village. Some had proposed the displaced merchants from the Municipal Market could come and sell their handicrafts out of the houses in the Village for free, at no cost to them. Also converting some of these modules into food stands, but that idea was roundly rejected by the merchants that line the Malecon where the village is built. I can imagine the conversation. Like…what do you mean you are planning on letting our competition sell the same stuff in front of our shops where we pay sky high rent and you give them a rent free place?
Those in charge said that Vallartans could skate for free. Apparently the project is a joint venture between the City Council, State government and the Tourism Trust. And although representatives in charge have asked for funding from the Tourism Trust, the trust has not responded to them.
Spokespeople say funds for the village will most likely be supplemented by the Malecon Merchant Association although that is still being negotiated. It seems like a big mess… but we’ll see if they can make lemonade out of this.
Rectifican, no habrá permisos para venta en “Villa Navideña”, tras inconformidad de negocios
And I have a link to a couple of articles I investigated in the shownotes. Most of my on the ground information comes from Salvador Estrada, the Candyman on the Malecon. I gave him a new phone for Christmas so in return, I did have a few strings attached…he needed to take pictures for me every day. And he does. I get fireworks almost every night from the pirate ship, and he has a front row seat for this village thingiy.
So, I asked Salvador if the huts were occupied, I mean, if they have these little houses and aren’t planning on selling stuff out of them, then what are they for? And he says si, they are occupado…they are occupied….listen…it’s Spanish but I’ll translate if you don’t get it already…
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He said “yes, they are occupied, by people who have no home to sleep in. The homeless are there at night sleeping.” Then he says, “why aren’t they occupied? Because the people who run the city don’t know what they are doing.”
So, there you have it…more on the ground reporting from cub reporter Salvador. I have pictures from Salvador in the shownotes.
Hasta 8 millones de pesos invertirían en pista de hielo y villa navideña en el malecón
Ice Shows at Puerto Magico
While down last week I had an opportunity to attend the grand opening of the ice rink at Puerto Magico. I was impressed with the number of new businesses opened up at the
port. They almost have the entire bottom floor of the mall leased. We were at Puerto Magico a couple of weeks ago on the show and spoke with Dean Regehr about that. Nice
little rink and I have pictures of that event where they had a cool ice show ala ice capades with clowns, acrobats and Santa on skates. There is a schedule of upcoming ice shows in the shownotes.
Work Continues on The Insurgentes Bridge in Vallarta
The work on the Insurgentes Bridge that was destroyed in the flooding of the Cuale during Hurricane Nora in October is proceeding ever so slowly. They had just two more pillars to drill and fill when I was there but man, I’m thinking April or May at the soonest for completion. Maybe I’m wrong, but it’s slow going. Until then, it’s two way traffic to get over the river on the Juarez Bridge. The parking lot is open at Juarez. No busses just cabs and cars and vans. It gets pretty busy I got to tell you. Busses still only out the libramiento in the Romantic zone. The road to Paso Ancho is slowly being rebuilt. It’s open the cars but no busses yet. I have some pictures in the shownotes. Aside from the detours, things are hopping in Vallarta. The high season is here.
I had some great meals this time down. Jeff Musto, the PV Kid took me to Xtapa, about a 35 minute ride from Cinco de Diciembre, for the best breakfast I’ve had in a long time, a restaurant called La Tienda Grande. Blue corn tortilla chilliquellas con carnitas…omg…
There’s another just a few blocks from there I’m going to try next time gown that looks promising.
YamBak Brewery in Downtown Puerto Valarta
- Facebook Page:
- Address: Abasolo 169, Centro Puerto Vallarta
- Phone: +52 322 149 4175
- Menu:
Contact Information For YamBak PV
And one of the new breweries in town YamBak, on Abasolo, downtown just a few blocks from the Malecon. Wow. Three floors. The second floor is a dance floor with DJ set-up,

the bottom and top floors have bars, the bottom is the tap room with about 7 different beers on tap. Good beer.

The top floor beer, pizza…I didn’t see the menu but the place was hopping with young, Mexicans…beautiful ladies and the dance floor was packed.

I have pictures in the shownotes but wow, a great place.
Coming up Next Week
I had a chance to see Bob Price at the Botanical Garden, and you will hear from him abut all the new things at the gardens next week. Oh.. next week you are in for a treat. Thomas, the salt man from Yelapa will be talking the magic of Yelapa.

Speaking of Yelapa….I met a lady who gave me a treasure trove of Yelapa possible interviews…and I’ll be building some relationships with them my next time down. Stay tuned.
Oh, while I was at the garden, I went down with my buddy Polly, I wanted to try out this restaurant in El Tuito that I had heard about. So we continued on a bus up to Tuito,

hopped in a cab and had him take us to a place called Mi Pueblito. This restaurant overlooks El Tuito, serves delicious seafood and is situated open-air style with a jukebox, it’s really cool. It’s like having a meal at a rich friend’s house with a big backyard and a view of the city. I highly recommend it. It’s just a couple minutes out of the center of town across the highway 200 and up. The ride was 50 pesos, $2.50 US to the restaurant, and we asked the driver to come back in an hour, which he did.
Mapa Jeff Writes

You know Barry, I totally neglected to give a shout-out to someone who has been key to my trade in PV for years – Sandra Cesca, who does Puerto Vallarta Walking Tours and has sold my maps at the Hotel MarSol Friday morning crafts market for years. I guess it’s because the question was “where are your maps sold”, present tense, and that market has been defunct for the whole covid period – no idea if it’s up and running again now. In any case I highly recommend her as a potential interview subject. She has been taking groups around the neighborhoods for a long time and would have lots of interesting things to say. Does photography books too. Here is her number and website:
Hope you are doing well…see you in Vallarta, Jeff

Well Jeff it’s naturally understandable for folks I interview to forget or leave something out, so I appreciate your sending me Sandra’s information. And I certainly will look her up for a future interview, and in the meantime, I have a link to Sandra’s website in the show notes at and you can find that at
Puerto Vallarta Cultural Walking Tours – Puerto Vallarta Walking Tours
And remember Mapa Jeff as the holidays are upon us right now and Jeff can ship you your frameable Puerto Vallarta Map right to your door. Also remember he can customize those maps for you or one of your Vallarta friends.
Mapa Jeff’s Website:
I have Jeff’s information in the shownotes if you need it.
Listener Jeff Talks Testing Prices
And speaking of Jeffs…a couple weeks ago I talked about a listener who poked his head in at our last meet and greet at Nacho Daddy, then I ran into him on the street and we discussed testing labs, and I thought I remembered his name as Jim. Well I misremembered….his name of course…here’s an email from listener Jeff and it reads…
Hey Barry. Met you at your meet and greet late October? Had wife and friends waiting for me downstairs so didn’t stay but wanted to meet you so stopped to say hi. I’m also the person that asked you outside Plazamar as you were toting your suitcase, probs for the airport, why you recommended the airport vs. (in town) for the antigen testing. Maybe someone named Jim asked you the same question.. doesn’t matter as easy to miss a name with all the hubbub. I want to update you on some of the antigen test costs.
My brother and his wife paid $32 US at Joya Emergency Care vs. $79 mentioned. Joya is at 268 Carranza, need to make an appt. for between 10 -5:30, results in 5 – 7 hours. We ended up at Vallarta Medical Center (half block from Joya) on Ignacio, between Carranza and Basilio Badillo, and opposite side of street from Freddie Toucans. Price was $49 US but open 24/7 with results in less than an hour. More expensive but extremely easy & convenient. Cannot speak to cost of CMQ which I believe you mentioned was $63.
Anyway, wife & I appreciate your work & have went to several of your recommended places. We’ll be back for a month in Feb/Mar. Take care & enjoy your next trip down. Thanks again. Jeff Weber
Thank you Jeff. So yes, we determined last show I believe that there are many options that can be similar in price, meaning as cheap as at the airport, without having to have a cab take you back and forth costing both money and time. And the prices I was mentioning came from the board of tourism website so they will need to do some updating.
I noticed when I was waiting for my blood test at Labratorio San Paulo, the antigen test was 599 pesos for the stick up the nose with same day results, but I also noticed they offered a saliva antigen test for covid for 649 pesos, but I’m not sure if you can use that for flying…yet. And I’m not sure if it’s same day results. I should have asked but at the

time I had no intention of taking a test because I was flying out of Tijuana via CBX. The last time I flew back from Puerto Vallarta to Tijuana and used the bridgeway from the Tijuana Airport to the Cross Border Express facility in Otay Mesa in San Diego, the immigration officials didn’t ask me for proof of a test or vaccination. But something happened on my way out and I’ll get back to that…

This trip down my Viva Areobus flight had been bumped up to 8:30 in the morning, so I had to take my shuttle van from downtown Los Angeles at 12:30 in the morning. I took a picture of the alley my wife dropped me at in the shownotes. It’s like a scene from a scary movie.

Talking of a scary movie, just as I was getting ready to leave town on the 26th of November a new scariant popped up on the radar…the common cold was rediscovered…I mean Omicron, the new variant of the covid threatened my trip altogether. But miracle of miracles, I was allowed to travel anyway.
Oh stop it…don’t write me letters calling me a denier. Really. Only one person on the planet has been documented to have succumbed to the mighty omicron. Give me a break. Soooo….

When I arrived the the CBX facility at 3:30 in the morning, the Viva Areobus counter wasn’t open yet. In fact, the only counter that was open was Volares. So I found a place to sit down and get a couple hours sleep. It’s not possible to cross over to the Tijuana airport via the walkway without a boarding pass it turns out. So even if you buy your ticket to cross the bridge, the gate won’t open for you without the boarding pass.

So, a couple hours pass, and I walk back to the ticket area, and they were just getting set up. Got my bags weighed and ticket printed, and Tourist card printed. Filled out the health questionnaire at on my phone on the ride down.
With all the new rules and the changes to the FMM I made sure I had a copy of my Airbnb stay printed out with the dates and address highlighted. I printed out a copy of my travel insurance documents and had printed out my return airline ticket information and had them handy should I be asked for them. As it turned out I wasn’t asked for any of them and immigration and customs went smoothly in Tijuana. Arrival in Puerto Vallarta went very smoothly as immigration and customs were already done in Tijuana.
So that all went well, but here’s the thing…when I got to the ticket man at Viva Areobus on the way out of Vallarta, the ticket agent asks me, do you have your test results? And I’m like, no, I didn’t need one last time. Have things changed? And he says no, if you are going to the US, you need a test. So, I said, well, I’m not going to the US. I’m going to Tijuana.
So, he says okay, and assigns me a boarding pass and says gate 1.
So now I got to thinking…what if they actually do ask for my test results at the US Customs counter at the CBX facility. How much time will it take to cross back to the TJ airport to take a test and wait for the results to cross back over? Will I miss my shuttle back up to Los Angeles? What if I test positive and get stuck in Tijuana? Wouldn’t it be a better deal to test positive in Puerto Vallarta rather than in Tijuana? Humm….

I glanced at the testing tent in the parking lot as I stood next to the magic trash can where drugs and paraphernalia get tossed before you go through airport security just outside the Puerto Vallarta Airport. The line was short. I had 2 and a half hours before my flight. So, reluctantly I dragged myself and my luggage to the testing tent where they asked me if I’d been there before. I said yes and she asked for my passport and walked me to a window where for some reason they knew everything about me. Lovely. They handed me a number and I was met by Daniel who was gentle as can be. He didn’t touch my brain thank goodness.
Anyway, 500 pesos for the test. I hate feeding the covid machine. But whatever. The things I do to travel. Then I walked over to the OXXO across the parking lot, bought some peanuts and a couple of beers and sat and shot the breeze with a group of airport security and maintenance people off for a break.
By the time I finished the beers and nuts, the results were on my phone. Negative. A miracle.
And did they ask for the test or results at the border when I got to CBX and customs and immigration? Nope….
So, thank you again Jeff. I’m going to check out the saliva test and see what that’s all about. Next week.
Amy Armstrong and Fernando Gonzalez talk about A Spectacular Musical Extravaganza at Teatro Vallarta
Click For Information on End of Year Gala at Teatro Vallarta
While I was in town, I got a note from my buddy Cecil who was very excited about an upcoming show at Teatro Vallarta, being put on by Amy Armstrong along with a whole cast of others. So Cecil hooked me up with Amy and Fernando Gonzalez from Piel Canela, and we had a quick chat at my favorite place to record interviews, Cuates y Cuetes. So

let’s go right now to Playa Los Muertos, at a table with a view of the Los Muertos Pier. The restaurant with a swiveling webcam that keeps us connected to the place we love with just the click of a link you can have a live feed and see what’s happening on the

ground in paradise let’s go to …Cuates y Cuetes and talk with Amy Armstrong and Fernando Gonzalez….
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Okay Amy and Fernando!
What fun it will be. Amy, Piel Canela, Brandon and James. Music and comedy and more at Teatro Vallarta. December 30th. Tickets are available and I have links to get you there. Remember the 50/50 raffle to benefit the Vallarta Food Bank. It’s going to be a very fun and special night. And for sure I’m going to have Amy Armstrong back on the show and get her very interesting story.
Next up, we had a meet and greet at La Traviata, in the cinco de diciembre neighborhood of Vallarta. We had 11 people join in for pizza and drinks.
Now there were two lovely ladies from Vallarta Abuelas. Vicki and Dale. Now Dale had an announcement about a Christmas Bazar being held in the streets in the cinco de

diciembre neighborhood. Unfortunately, although I’m sure the event was a great success, it took place too soon for me to post it on a podcast episode. So, when you hear Dale, the event has already happened. But I wanted you to hear about it because it’s important to know about all the efforts being made to help children in Vallarta. 600 children.

The other people you will be hearing from are listeners and expats, some of whom you have heard from in the past. All with fun and great information. A special thanks to Marty who brought his two lovely friends Bonnie and Mike, and who also reminded me that he was the catalyst to my rediscovering the joys of flying out of Tijuana to Puerto Vallarta. And it’s so true Marty, so thank you amigo. \5 So, let’s go to the rooftop at Honduras 309, in the Hotel Paloma Del Mar, La Traviata for pizza, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

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Okay, well that was fun. I have pictures of the event on the shownotes including a dramatic Puerto Vallarta Sunset. I just love those don’t you?

I have that affiliate link for teaching English online with Cambly. Remember Catherine gets credit if you sign on with them so use that link in the shownotes.
Contact Information for Vallarta Abuelos
Christmas Tree Gift Giving Vallarta Abuelos Locations
Here is a list of the Angel Tree ( gift Trees for Xmas for V Abuelos kids )
YOU can be a Christmas Angel by selecting one or more children from the ‘trees’ being hosted by these supportive businesses:
Cassandra Shaw’s
Nacho Daddy’s
Señor Frog’s Restaurant (Malecon)
Meño’s Restaurant (5 de Diciembre)
The Green Place (5 de Diciembre)
Spanish Experience Center (5 de Diciembre)
Shalom Nail Salon (5 de Diciembre)
Barcelona Tapas (5 de Diciembre)
Vallarta Abuelos (5 de Diciembre)
The Living Room Bookstore (Marina)
Black Cat Tatoo (Marina)
Click Here For Catherine’s Cambly Link
CMQ Foot Clinic in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
I have links to the foot clinic at CMQ that Jeff was talking about, and a link for you to buy tickets for the December extravaganza at Teatro Vallarta, December 30th. Amy Armstrong and crew will be rocking in the new year. Get on down there.

And if you haven’t been back to Vallarta since the pandemic began…just keep in mind this was trip 8 for me. 8. Planes, busses, boats, weddings, Ubers, taxis, the works. Come join in the fun…okay?
The Event at Teatro Vallarta Link
Okay, that should do it for today…Next week…
Next week, stay tuned for more on the ground reports from Puerto Vallarta Mexico, with travel tips, great restaurant and excursion ideas and more. Until then, remember, this is an interactive show where I depend on your questions and suggestions about all things Puerto Vallarta. If you think of something I should be talking about, please reach out to me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending us your message.
And remember, if you are considering booking any type of tour while you are in Puerto

Vallarta, you must go to, JR’s website and reserve your tour through him, right from his website. Remember the value for value proposition. His experience
and on the ground knowledge of everything Puerto Vallarta in exchange for your making a purchase of a tour that you would do anyway, you’re just doing it through him as a way of saying thank you. It costs no more than if you were to use someone else so do it. Really. And when you do take one of these tours, email me about your experiences. Maybe you can come on-board and share with others what you liked or didn’t like about the tour. Again, contact me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending off a message. Don’t forget his maps, his DIY tours and his revitalized Happy Hour Board. I have links to all of those in the show notes.
And once again, if you like this podcast, please take the time and subscribe and give me a good review on iTunes if you would. That way we can get the word out to more and more people about the magic of this place. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Remember I made it easy for you to do just that with each episode I create. But if you haven’t been to my website, you really need to have a look there. I have the links to the places we talk about, interesting pictures and the more all right there in my blog-posts and show-notes for each episode of the show so check them out for sure if you haven’t already all-right? All right.
Thank you to Amy Armstrong and Fernando Gondalez, get out to see their show on the 30th at Teatro Vallarta. Thank you to Dale and Vicki and the Vallarta Abuelas. I have a list of the venues that have those gift Christmas trees in the shownotes. Give till it hurts. They have 600 kids to help. Thank you Mike and Bonnie. Thanks for telling us your Vallarta story. Thanks to Catherine. Check out the affiliate link if you have an interest in teaching English online, Thank you to Jeff Musto, the PV Kid. Thanks for the tips about foot care. I’m going to try that for sure. Check the shownotes for all that at
And thanks to all of you for listening all the way through this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show. This is Barry Kessler signing off with a wish for you all to slow down, be kind and live the Vallarta lifestyle. Nos Vemos amigos.
pod cast button is missing cant listen
Thank you Patti.
It’s a process posting the audio and the blogpost and coordinating the two.
I appreciate the head’s up amiga!
All the best!