Kennedy Morgan is a Medium Practicing in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Kennedy Morgan Does Public Demonstrations of Mental Mediumship; Communication With the Departed in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Medium Kennedy Morgan is Available for Private Readings in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
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Contact Information for Kennedy Morgan, Medium in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Unkulu in Versalles:
Hello fellow travelers, welcome this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel show. I am your host Barry Kessler, and I am just so happy to be introducing you to my favorite vacation destination, and maybe even yours, Puerto Vallarta Mexico.

That music you were just listening to is performed by Alberto Perez, the owner of the La Palapa Group of Restaurants. Those are La Palapa, Puerto Vallarta’s Oldest Restaurant on the famous Los Muertos Beach, and The El Dorado Restaurant and Beach Club right next door so you can enjoy that fantastic view of the Los Muertos Pier all lit up at night in beautiful colors, or during the day in its grand splendor for breakfast, lunch or dinner, seated with your toes in the sand right at the water’s edge. It’s so romantic, it’s so, Puerto Vallarta my friends.

This week we are going to a more mystical side of Puerto Vallarta, I’m going to introduce you to Kennedy Morgan, Kennedy is a Medium, you know, he communicates with dead people. Kennedy has a very interesting story and if you can stay alive for just a few more minutes, you will be hearing from him in a minute. We have some Vallarta news and more so let’s see what’s happening this week in Puerto Vallarta, the 16th of March, 2022.
Just Breaking…Thanks to Cheap Debbie for posting this…
Jalisco to Drop Almost All Covid Restrictions
From Vallarta En Lina
After two years, restrictions are over in Jalisco. Clubs at 100%
ON MARCH 16, 2022
Vallarta Port
The governor of Jalisco, Enrique Alfaro Ramírez, reported that the restrictions on businesses due to the pandemic are lifted, so that all clubs and bars will be able to hold 100% of their capacity.
Likewise, the vaccination certificate or negative PCR test will no longer be required to access, nor will the temperature be taken or the disinfectant mat.
The mask will only be used in closed spaces when not eating or drinking or on public transport. At first it was said that it would not be used in open spaces, although the Ministry of Health determined in its graph that it would.
In the end, however, no one will be sanctioned or forced to use it on public roads, or at events with open spaces. There will be fairs, concerts and massive events approved by the Health Board, without asking for any document in between.
The measures that were approved today is that the economy is going to be reactivated at 100. The stadiums, the cinemas, the restaurants, the theaters. Everything can now work at 100% of its capacity, “said the governor.
So great news for all businesses and all people in Jalisco both jabbed and un-jabbed. I have a link to that article in the show notes from Vallarta en and we’ll see you and Ray soon Cheap Debbie…I’m coming to stay with you in a few weeks.
Time change in Mexico April 3rd 2022

Sunday April 3rd Time Change in Puerto Vallarta
Last Sunday clocks sprang forward in the US and Canada, and it looks like in the US at least, we will be on permanent daylight savings time, at least until useless politicians change it back again. In Mexico, the clocks don’t spring forward until Sunday April 3rd. We’ll see if Mexico decides to go full on daylight savings in response.
Crowds Expected for Easter Holiday 2022 in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
I just consulted with my friend Rosa who told me as of today, there are no restrictions for extra health protocols known to her, other than the use of masks, as we approach the busy Easter holiday. This weekend will be the first test as we head into Pascua and Semana Santa….
From Noticias Dated March 15th 2022,
Semana Santa Celebrations in Puerto Vallarta
They predict an excellent “long weekend”
It will bring together national and foreign visitors, highlights the Director of Tourism, Ludvig Estrada Virgen
As of next Friday, a greater arrival of tourists is expected who will take advantage of the “long weekend” corresponding to the month of March, for which there are excellent expectations and in some way it will serve as a thermometer for the holiday period of Holy Week and Easter. , said the Director of Tourism and Municipal Economic Development, Ludvig Estrada Virgen.
It should be remembered that next Monday the 21st (Benito Juárez’s birthday) is considered as a holiday, so that there will be three days off (Saturday, Sunday and Monday), however, since the previous day there is usually an increase in the flow of visitors.
The official recalled that very good results were achieved last February, which even exceeded what was expected, “it was very good for the destination because it generated a great economic benefit in general, there were new flights and also 20 cruise ship arrivals.”
Estrada Virgen added that in the current month of March, 23 cruise ship arrivals are scheduled, a high number of flights with very good occupancy will be maintained, “and this ‘bridge’ will combine both national and international tourism, many people will travel by plane and others by road to this city, which anticipates that we will have a high hotel occupancy, even with several establishments at one hundred percent”.
He pointed out that Puerto Vallarta is going through a good time, with the economic situation in full recovery, still in a pandemic period, and surely with the massive arrival of tourists, the area of the boardwalk and in general the tourist strip will register intense movement.
The director of Municipal Tourism stressed that the staff under his command is preparing for the occasion and also called on the tourist community of the destination to help visitors have a great experience, “in addition, we are already working with a view to the month April, when it will be the holiday period of Holy Week and Easter so that we also have a very good occupation”.
And I have a link to that article from in the show notes at
Vallarta Naval Museum Reopens its Doors to the Public

March 9, 2022
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – After two years of being closed as a preventive measure due to the Covid-19 health contingency, the Naval Museum of Puerto Vallarta has reopened its doors, giving residents and tourists the opportunity to discover Mexico’s rich maritime history and culture.
This colonial-style building, located next to Los Arcos Amphitheater on the Malecón, was formerly the Port Authority office, the Naval Hospital, and later the Navy Headquarters. Since the museum’s opening in 2006, it has devoted itself to educating visitors on Mexico’s Naval history, which can be traced back to pre-Hispanic times.

With five exhibition rooms, the Naval History Museum houses permanent collections of naval uniforms, photos, paintings, maps, charts and navigation instruments. It offers scale models of forts, scale replicas of both historic and modern vessels, and topographic scale models of the Mexican Republic and several of its ports.

The museum also features a number of audiovisual exhibitions and a unique, five-screen navigation simulator that allows would-be sailors to pilot a large ship through different conditions and environments.

There’s also an area coordinated with the Puerto Vallarta Department of Art and Culture that is used for temporary exhibits by renowned local, national and international artists.
Exploring the museum doesn’t take much more than an hour, but there’s also a small gift shop on the street level that features a coffee shop where visitors can relax, grab a bite to eat and enjoy wireless Internet service in air-conditioned comfort or on the outdoor patio.
The next time you are visiting Puerto Vallarta, you will want to make sure you visit the Naval Museum. It is an amazing historical experience that you and your family are sure to enjoy.

The Museo Histórico Naval de Puerto Vallarta is open Tuesday through Sunday from 10:00 in the morning to 5:00 in the afternoon. A nominal admission fee is charged.
And I have a link to that article from the Banderas News in the shownotes…as well as some pictures I took from inside the Naval Museum a few years ago. It’s quite a display of military artifacts. Of the history of Mexican navel conflicts and technological accomplishments as well as a simulator upstairs where you pilot a warship. It’s totally

worth the price of admission. Nice to see them open again. They are located right next to the amphitheater on the Malecon. I have their contact info in the show notes.
Puerto Vallarta Naval Museo Contact Information
- Address: Zaragoza 4, Centro, 48300 Puerto Vallarta, Jal., Mexico
- Phone: +52 322 223 5357
Trash is Being Collected Differently in Parts of Puerto Vallarta
The ring the bell program is a new trash collecting method being tested in some colonias in Puerto Vallarta.From Noticias
The ringing for garbage collection already covers 7 neighborhoodsRELEASE15 MARCH, 2022 The ringing for garbage collection already covers 7 neighborhoodsRELEASE15 MARCH, 2022
The program has been well received among the inhabitants of Puerto Vallarta

The director of Municipal Public Services of the H. City Council of Puerto Vallarta, José Ascención Gil Calleja, reported that a month after the awareness campaign began to have a clean city, the campaign actions have been accepted among the inhabitants of the neighborhoods of our city, for this reason three other colonies were increased to the four with which the dependency began last February 14.
Gil Calleja pointed out that in most of the neighborhoods where the ringing program was implemented, it was well received, “we can say that the acceptance of Vallartans has been very good, right now there are 7 neighborhoods in which we carry out ringing, there are some people who They don’t like the ringing because of the noise issue, but it is understood that the action of the municipality is so that the garbage is taken out when the garbage truck passes,” he said.
The head of Public Services highlighted the importance of citizen participation, achieving a clean port requires broad support, that everyone participates, that is why we work hand in hand with businessmen and citizens in general for this. “We ask for the support of citizens to help us, that when they hear the bell they take out their garbage, to prevent it from being exposed on the street for so long and people who are dedicated to scavenging make us dumps, also the exposure of garbage is bad image and can affect health”, he commented.
Finally, Gil Calleja announced that the program could grow to other areas of Puerto Vallarta. “We have been checking other neighborhoods, we want to implement it in a general way throughout the municipality, but in some neighborhoods we are prevented, as they are night collection schedules, in most that can be implemented we will do it.”
As will be remembered, through the bell system, Municipal Public Services personnel ring the bell half an hour before the collection truck passes, to allow people to take out their garbage on time, thus preventing harmful fauna from destroying the bags.
The routes that already have bells are Floresta, Los Llanitos, Emiliano Zapata-Zona Romántica and Ixtapa Centro, in the Morning Shift, and Bobadilla, Loma Bonita and Coapinole, in the Night Shift.
And I have a link to that article from in the shownotes…in case you were wondering how many colonias there are in Puerto Vallarta, the answer is…just over 100.
Fire Breaks Out in The Estuary in Puerto Vallarta
Last Wednesday a fire broke out in the el Salado the estuary near the airport and marine terminal. Authorities suggested the fire was set intentionally. Firefighters decided to let the blaze burn itself out rather than risk being eaten by crocodiles or bitten by snakes, and eventually the blaze, being in the middle of a swamp burned itself out. 3.5 hectors were burned and drones were used to inspect the area and it was determined there was no impact on the fauna, no dead iguanas or other animals.
Vallarta Favorite Character Bambino Passes away

One of Vallarta’s most colorful characters passed away last week. Bambino was his nickname. His name was Juan Antonio and he was the little guy who had a whistle, and would help you cross the street or just greet you with fist bump and a loud Hello…good morning…how are you? Loved that guy. I’m sorry I never took the time to stick a microphone in his face. I really liked Bambino. Rest in peace amigo.
Okay…on that note, maybe we should get to our guest… the medium.
Kennedy Morgan, Medium in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
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Contact Information for Kennedy Morgan, Medium in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Unkulu in Versalles:
I first heard of Kennedy Morgan from a listener. Then a realtor friend of mine Julie Guerrero asked me if I had ever met Kennedy. Then…like magic, a post of his skipped across my Facebook feed. Could someone be trying to tell me something? Was this a coincidence? I don’t think so…I asked Julie if she would help me with the introductions which she did, and just like that, Kennedy was on my calendar.
Now I don’t know if you believe in mere mortals interacting with the departed, dearly or not, but Morgan makes a pretty good argument as to why some people have a particular skill set that gives them certain abilities….
So, let’s get into the spirit of things, and let’s cross over, to a different dimension…time to have a little fun and discover a different more mystical side of paradise and meet Kennedy Morgan, Medium in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
Listen to The Podcast
Okay thank you Kennedy. I have links to Kennedy’s blog in the show notes.

Kennedy’s Favorite Places to Eat in Vallarta
- Comida China Fast Food Puerto Vallarta
- Dianita’s Puerto Vallarta
- Souper Sopa Puerto Vallarta
Steak Dinner:
- No Way Jose…Okay Jose Puerto Vallarta …garlic shrimp on rice
Day Trip: Sayulita
3 Days off- Guadalajara or Mexico City
Kennedy was telling me that when he got to Vallarta he felt a bit lonely and isolated. And he took proactive steps to reach out to other like minded people in Vallarta hoping to find his tribe. And it’s interesting how so many of our tribe members intersect. You will be hearing about some of them over the coming months, and you can find Kennedy as well as some of his tribe at Unkulu Botanical Medicine and Spa in Versalles. Unkulu is a metaphysical store that offers products ranging from plant medicine to different types of crystals and everything in between. They also offer services that include Ayahuasca ceremonies, massage therapy, reiki, crystal and sound healing, tarot and psychic readings, and energy clearing. I have the contact information for Unkulu Botanical Medicine and Spa in the show notes.
Also coming up March 30th at the new Bonito Kitchen, Kennedy is having an interesting event…here is the announcement
So excited to have my first demonstration of 2022!! It’s going to be a fun evening with a bit of a romantic twist.
Join me and guest medium, Vicki Cartwright, as we channel Spirit in the hopes of making romantic connections between singles in the audience. For the couples who attend, we’ll set the intention to have Spirit validate choices and decisions you and your loved ones might be making as you move forward in life. This is the first time ever trying this format so it’s going to be an interesting evening filled with romance, laughter, heartwarming and inspirational messages, with a lot of love. You never know who Spirit might nudge you to connect with during the evening or what Spirit might have in store for you.
This is a private event held out in the patio of the new Bonito Kitchen & Bar in La Romatnica Zone. Space is limited so get your tickets today!
Purchase Tickets Here:…/checkout/85T4FD4277E4A
Tickets will also be available for sale at Bonito Kitchen and Cassandra Shaw Jewelry on Monday, March 7, 2022.
I have a link and of course you can get those tickets at Bonito Kitchen in The Romantic Zone, or Casandra Shaws on Basilio Badillo. Sounds like fun.

Contact Information for Kennedy Morgan, Medium in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Unkulu in Versalles:
Okay, that should do it for today…Next week Stay tuned for more on the ground reports from Puerto Vallarta Mexico, with travel tips, great restaurant and excursion ideas and more. Until then, remember, this is an interactive show where I depend on your questions and suggestions about all things Puerto Vallarta. If you think of something I should be talking about, please reach out to me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending us your message.
And remember, if you are considering booking any type of tour while you are in Puerto Vallarta, you must go to, JR’s website and reserve your tour through

him, right from his website. Remember the value for value proposition. His experience and on the ground knowledge of everything Puerto Vallarta in exchange for your making a purchase of a tour that you would do anyway, you’re just doing it through him as a way of saying thank you. It costs no more than if you were to use someone else so do it. Really. And when you do take one of these tours, email me about your experiences. Maybe you can come on-board and share with others what you liked or didn’t like about the tour. Again, contact me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending off a message. Don’t forget his maps, his DIY tours and his revitalized Happy Hour Board. I have links to all of those in the show notes.

And once again, if you like this podcast, please take the time and subscribe and give me a good review on iTunes if you would. That way we can get the word out to more and more people about the magic of this place. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Remember I made it easy for you to do just that with each episode I create. But if you haven’t been to my website, you really need to have a look there. I have the links to the places we talk about, interesting pictures and the more all right there in my blog-posts and show-notes for each episode of the show so check them out for sure if you haven’t already all-right? All right.

Thank you to Kennedy Morgan Medium to Puerto Vallarta. Catch one of his demonstrations or schedule him for a party, or a private session. I have all his contact information in the show notes. Find him at or in the show notes at .
And thanks to all of you for listening all the way through this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show. This is Barry Kessler signing off with a wish for you all to slow down, be kind and live the Vallarta lifestyle. Nos Vemos amigos.