Dentist German Sylva Lomeli Talks Dentistry in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico at His Dental Clinic PerioDentPV
At PerioDent Dental Clinic in Puerto Vallarta, Dentist German Lomeli Works With his Wife, Periodontist Maria De La Cruz Mora
Meet Belen and Jorge Rodriguez in Their New Restaurant in Puerto Vallarta, Fonda El Cucon, Traditional Mexican Food
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Hello fellow travelers, welcome this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel show. I am your host Barry Kessler, and I am just so happy to be introducing you to my favorite vacation destination, and maybe even yours, Puerto Vallarta Mexico.

That music you were just listening to is performed by Alberto Perez, the owner of the La Palapa Group of Restaurants. Those are La Palapa, Puerto Vallarta’s Oldest Restaurant on the famous Los Muertos Beach, and The El Dorado Restaurant and Beach Club right
Contact Information For PerioDent Dental Clinic in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Address: Manuel M. Dieguez 404, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Phone Number: +52 322 222 8899
- Email for PerioDentPV:
- Facebook Page PerioDentPV:
- Instagram Page PerioDentPV: Instagram Page
- Website PerioDentPV: Website
next door so you can enjoy that fantastic view of the Los Muertos Pier all lit up at night in beautiful colors, or during the day in its grand splendor for breakfast, lunch or dinner, seated with your toes in the sand right at the water’s edge. It’s so romantic, it’s so, Puerto Vallarta my friends.
Contact Information For Fonda El Cucon in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Address: Lazaro Cardenas 520 C Colonia Emiliano Zapata, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Phone Number: +52 322 403 2507
- Instagram Fonda El Cucon Puerto Vallarta
- Facebook Page:
This week we are visiting two places, two completely different places. One is a newish restaurant located in the Emiliano Zapata Neighborhood of Puerto Vallarta called Fonda

El Cucon, you will meet co-owners Belen and Jorge Rodriguez from my neck of the woods, sunny California, and then we are going to clean up our teeth and take you to the dentist. You always brush your teeth before you visit the dentist, don’t you? It’s like

PerioDent Dental Clinic Puerto Vallarta
dusting and tidying up before the maid gets there…right? All kidding aside we are going to visit a husband and wife team Dentista Jesus German Sylva Lomeli, his patients call him German…Pronounced Herman, spelled like German…hey, it’s Spanish…that’s why it’s

so long…come on…and his wife, a periodontist or periodontista, Maria de la Cruz Herrera Mora, also Spanish… also long, and her patients call her Maria. We will meet this dynamic duo of dentistry right in the Romantic Zone of Puerto Vallarta, and learn about dentistry in paradise, but before we eat and brush our teeth, let’s see what’s happening this week in Puerto Vallarta, the 24th of June 2022.
Contact Information For Erik The Driver in Vallarta

After last week’s podcast episode, I got lots of emails regarding Uber and IN driver Erik. Seems you had a hard time finding his phone number for his WhatsApp contact or his messenger. I did put it in last week’s show notes and I will put it again in this week’s show

notes as well…really big. But it’s 011 52 322 1344219. Also, some of you wanted to know how to see more of Elle and Russel’s pictures of all the magic towns they visited, you can follow her on Instagram at ellerensbansheebaby …or on Facebook as Elle Rens.
John Benus and The Guerra Contra Basura in Puerto Vallarta
Speaking of drivers…I got an email from our friend John Benes, John was on the podcast some time back talking about his war on trash, his Guerra Contra Basura that he had waged up in Talpa de Allende, and he was attempting to replicate the same program in Vallarta, a much bigger place and far greater challenge. But he got a group of taxistas together to do a good deed…
He writes…

Cleaning up Vallarta “War Against Trash”
On Thursday, June,9 a group of 32 Taxi Drives & Staff from the TPV Airport Transportation Company volunteered to help and collected 25 bags or about 3 tons of trash from Rio Camarones that parallels Ave. Libramiento. Thanks to these volunteers, all this trash is now not going into our ocean and beaches. We also cleaned 8 bags of trash from a vacant lot located just one block from the Coppel Store near Plaza Las Glorias. The cleanup began at 8 am & conclude at 11 am.
The campaign slogan is:
“It’s the responsibility of everyone to keep our planet clean, no matter where you live or what country you’re from”
If you’d like to be a future volunteer, please call John Benus, Director & Campaign Coordinator of the “War Against Trash” or” Guerra Contra La Basura” Whats App in Mexico is 388-105-0786 or call 415-331-0100 in US & Canada.
Thank you,
John Benus
“War Against Trash”
Creator & Volunteer Director
415-331-0100 USA 388-105-0786 Mexico
John was in Mascota a few months ago doing the same, but he’s back in Vallarta, doing his best to keep the trash out of our oceans and rivers and neighborhoods. Doing his best to educate the people about the importance of taking responsibility of their environment
and taking pride in the place they live. Thank you John. It’s amazing what you do for mother earth. I have all John’s contact information in the show notes as well as a link to the interview I had with him in the show notes. By the way, John is 82 years old.
Vallarta Art Walk Continues Through the Summer

Many of the ArtWalk galleries will remain open during summer. Enjoy the art of Mexico in our cobblestoned streets!! Look for them in Facebook to see the route you take, and the different participating galleries. The hours for Art Walk are 6-10, every Wednesday. Look for the signs in participating galleries or go online at…
Get some culture, take a walk.
Crocodile Warnings During Rainy Season in Vallarta
It’s rainy season and we’ve said it before on the podcast, Stay off the beaches and out of the water at night… in the dark…because you never know if you might run into a prehistoric creature…a crocodile out for a swim or looking for a meal…. From Vallarta Opina Online…
Piden a turistas no ir a las playas de Marina Vallarta por las noches
They ask tourists not to go to the beaches of Marina Vallarta at night
An attentive appeal is made by the authorities to people, locals and tourists, so that they do not visit the beaches at night, particularly that of Marina as well as that of Boca de Tomates, since they are areas bordering the habitat of crocodiles, for which reason increases the possibility of an unwanted encounter with that species, which implies the possibility of aggression due to the territoriality of the species.
In this case, the Municipal Civil Protection Unit asked tourists and locals in general not to visit the beaches, much less the Marina at night, since it is a place where there are usually sightings of crocodiles that move or leave to hunt from the golf course or from the mouth of the El Salado estuary.
Faced with the possibility of crocodile aggression -as happened a year ago with a tourist who was staying in Marina Vallarta and who visited the beach at night-, the experts mentioned the importance of heeding the warnings on the beaches of hotels, which are reported to be areas inhabited by crocodiles, which move frequently, and more regularly in the rainy season.
Crocodiles do not look for encounters with humans, said the person in charge of Civil Protection, but unfortunately it happens that some people, more out of unconsciousness than ignorance, go to the beaches at night and that increases the possibility that they will find a specimen. since they usually come out when human activity decreases, to look for their prey, whether on land, in rivers or sometimes in the sea.
Several studies carried out in the bay allow us to affirm that there is not an excessive number of crocodiles in the region, there is no proliferation of the species, but if you enter the areas where they live, it is likely that you will have an unwanted encounter.
The local population already has greater knowledge of the species’ habits and is usually more aware of its presence, so they do not go to areas where it is known that there are sightings of the species, but in the case of tourists, there may be ignorance or recklessness, and especially some young people, sometimes under the influence of alcohol consumption, lose their fear and enter risk areas.
There is no perfect way to avoid the encounter between humans and crocodiles, he said, but there is a way to minimize the risks, and that is, not to approach the places where the species lives, and take extreme precautions at night, avoiding the beaches, particularly those mentioned.
We can all enjoy the beaches during the day, and the human presence usually inhibits the movement of crocodiles, but at night the opposite happens, and when they perceive calm, they can go out to look for food or a mate, so it is best not to be in well-identified and marked areas, where the chances of finding them are increased.
And I have a link to that article from Vallarta Opina in the show notes
Vallarta Botanical Gardens Wins Top Award in Seattle, Washington

From Curator and Creator of the Gardens Bob Price…
Vallarta Botanical Garden gets the Gold! Thanks American Public Garden Association for this amazing honor. We are the first garden in the history of the Association outside the US to ever win the Garden of Excellence Award.
I have a picture of Bob’s beaming face in the show notes as he accepted the award. Congratulations Bob. An honor well deserved!
Monkey Pox in Vallarta is a False Alarm
There were reports over the last two weeks of an outbreak of Moneypox….sorry…I mean Monkeypox at Club Mantamar in Alta Vista. Seems a number of folks came up with a strange rash and immediately they determined it must be the feared Monkeypox, formerly known as shingles….before the…you know what. Anyway….they blamed it on a mysterious careless Texan. But it turns out to be a false alarm…what a surprise…From Vallarta Reporter Online….
And I have a link to that article from the Vallarta Reporter Online, in the show notes…
Okay, let’s get to our first interview, shall we?
Fonda El Cucon Mexican Restaurant in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

We are always looking for new restaurants when we come to Vallarta. Of course, we have our favorites that we never miss. We all have our own, but we all have a wandering eye when it comes to our stomachs.

I have a bit of an advantage due to the suggestions sent to me by the listeners of the show, when seeking out some of the new places and my buddy Jack Dickerson shared

the restaurant we are going to right now with me. He called me from their grand opening last year and said I had to try the food and meet the owners. They are from California,

and the food is delicious. I asked him what kind of food, and he says Mexican. What’s the name? Fonda el Cucon, as in “Cook On”…

So, I said Jack, hook us up! I’ll be in town in a couple of weeks. And he did!

Now a fonda in Spanish is an Inn, a tavern, a guest house, and Cucon? A bird I suppose, you may have to ask one of these two lovely people you are about to meet. A couple of

lovers of Vallarta, on their vacation just deciding hey wouldn’t it be a great idea to bring Mexican Food, from California to Mexico…Sounds crazy right? Well look at their

Facebook page for rave reviews and see for yourself. Or better yet, wander up Lazaro Cardenas…way up to #520c…right next door to Chenandos for a landmark, and let’s visit
with the new kids on the block in the Emiliano Zapata Neighborhood, Belen and Jorge Rodriguez, Fonda El Cucon, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

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Thank you Belen and Jorge. Such a sweet couple and the food…it’s outstanding. Breakfast, lunch or dinner. These people can really do Mexican food. I know…bringing

Mexican food to Mexico…what a concept. I have their contact information and a map to get you there in the show notes.

Contact Information For Fonda El Cucon in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Address: Lazaro Cardenas 520 C Colonia Emiliano Zapata, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Phone Number: +52 322 403 2507
- Instagram Fonda El Cucon Puerto Vallarta
- Facebook Page:

Now our next guest is a dentist, so brush your teeth, and let’s walk down the street to our next interview.
Dentistry Husband and Wife Partners at PerioDent Dental Clinic in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

I met Dr. Lomeli through my friend Johnny D. Wow…two weeks in a row we have a suggestion from my Canadian buddy. Johnny makes and sells spicy pickles and carrots and focaccia bread and smoked salmon and beef jerky…on the side to supplement his Canadian pension.

I’m telling ya, you need to see this guy in action on the streets and in the bars…it’s a riot. People love the stuff he makes. And he works it, and enjoys it.

One day we were sitting in front of Pour Favor listening to a band and he saks me if I’ve ever interviewed a dentist, and I said no, but I would love to. He tells me about his

dentist, and how he and his wife are a team, with an office just down the street, and that he just loves them. Tells me they are attentive, gentle and reasonable, and they are nice people on top of that. I ask if he can make the introduction and that’s all he needed to

hear. Three days later, there I was, sitting in the waiting room, listening to the doctor work on an emergency last minute patient. I had been running around town all day doing interviews and this was my first chance to look at my emails. And there was an email

from Dr. Lomeli apologizing for not being able to do the interview because he had an emergency last minute patient he needed to see at the end of the day, so he wouldn’t be able to talk with me…Hummm.
So, there I was, in his office. Do I pretend I didn’t see the email? I mean, in all honesty, I hadn’t until just then, right? So yeah….I pretended I didn’t see that email, and took the time to rest from my long day, while German finished up with his patient.

And when he was done, he looked a little tired, but he was a trooper. Hey, German is young.
Okay let’s go right now, and meet this hard working dentist, who just moved his office to the Alta Vista Neighborhood beside the Romantic Zone and go to Manuel M. Dieguez 404, in Colonia Alta Vista, and meet your new dentist in paradise, Jesus German Sylva Lomeli, German for short, in Puerto Vallarta, Mexcio

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Okay, Thank you so much German. Great information and so good to know you my friend.

I have all he information, links and pictures and a map to take you to his front door. Both he and Maria are so gentle and so good at what they do over at Periodent Puerto Vallarta.
Contact Information For PerioDent Dental Clinic in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Address: Manuel M. Dieguez 404, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Phone Number: +52 322 222 8899
- Email for PerioDentPV:
- Facebook Page PerioDentPV:
- Instagram Page PerioDentPV: Instagram Page
- Website PerioDentPV: Website
Okay, that should do it for today…next week Stay tuned for more on the ground reports from Puerto Vallarta Mexico, with travel tips, great restaurant and excursion ideas and more. Until then, remember, this is an interactive show where I depend on your questions and suggestions about all things Puerto Vallarta. If you think of something I should be talking about, please reach out to me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending us your message.

And remember, if you are considering booking any type of tour while you are in Puerto Vallarta, you must go to, JR’s website and reserve your tour through

him, right from his website. Remember the value for value proposition. His experience and on the ground knowledge of everything Puerto Vallarta in exchange for your making a purchase of a tour that you would do anyway, you’re just doing it through him as a way

of saying thank you. It costs no more than if you were to use someone else so do it. Really. And when you do take one of these tours, email me about your experiences. Maybe you can come on-board and share with others what you liked or didn’t like about the tour. Again, contact me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending off a message. Don’t forget his maps, his DIY tours and his revitalized Happy Hour Board. I have links to all of those in the show notes.

And once again, if you like this podcast, please take the time and subscribe and follow share with a lover of Puerto Vallarta or give me a good review wherever or however you happen to be listening. That way we can get the word out to more and more people about the magic of this place. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Remember I made it easy for you to do just that with each episode I create. But if you haven’t been to my website, you really need to have a look there. I have the links to the places we talk about, interesting pictures and the more all right there in my blog-posts and show-notes for each episode of the show so check them out for sure if you haven’t already all-right? All right.

Thank you to Johnny D for introducing me to our new dental team in paradise. Thank you to Jesus German Sylva Lomeli, dentista, and Maria de la Cruz Herrera Mora,

Periodontista, Thanks for being in Vallarta for us if we need you. I have their contact information in the shownotes and thanks to Jack Dickerson for introducing me to Belen and Jorge at Fonda el Cucon. Their food is so good you guys. You need to get over there and have either breakfast, lunch or dinner….really, you won’t be disappointed.
Belen and Jorge, thank you again. Find all the information at…
And thanks to all of you for listening all the way through this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show. This is Barry Kessler signing off with a wish for you all to slow down, be kind and live the Vallarta lifestyle. Nos Vemos amigos.
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