Rising Star Chef Salvador Carrillo is Cooking Fabulous Mexican Fusion at His Restaurant La Tienda Grande, in Puerto Vallarta
Chef Salvador Carrillo Opens His Newest Vallarta Restaurant, Masame, in Colonia Versalles, Puerto Vallarta
Day of The Dead Celebrations and the World’s Tallest Catrina in Puerto Vallarta Mexico, 2022

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Hello fellow travelers, welcome this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel show. I am your host Barry Kessler, and I am just so happy to be introducing you to my favorite vacation destination, and maybe even yours, Puerto Vallarta Mexico.

That music you were just listening to is performed by Alberto Perez, the owner of the La Palapa Group of Restaurants. Those are La Palapa, Puerto Vallarta’s Oldest Restaurant on the famous Los Muertos Beach, and The El Dorado Restaurant and Beach Club right next door so you can enjoy that fantastic view of the Los Muertos Pier all lit up at night in beautiful colors, or during the day in its grand splendor for breakfast, lunch or dinner, seated with your toes in the sand right at the water’s edge. It’s so romantic, it’s so, Puerto Vallarta my friends.

This week we are going to a destination restaurant of sorts. It’s in Colonia Ixtapa in Puerto Vallarta. I’ve talked about it on the show a couple of times, the restaurant is called La Tienda Grande, and the man in charge there is 33 year old chef Salvador Carrillo.
Contact Information For La Tienda Grande, Colonia Ixtapa, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Address: Hidalgo 172a, Centro Ixtapa, 48280 Ixtapa, Jal., Mexico
- Phone: +52 322 291 7717
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LaTiendaGrandepv/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latiendagrande/?hl=en

Salvador has a great story and he even has a second restaurant, newly opened in Colonia Versalles called Masame. Chef Salvador has a wonderful story. You will love Salvador and his food.

Contact Information for Restaurant Masame PV, Colonia Versalles, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Address: Av. Viena 200 48310 Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico
- Phone: +52 322 170 8115
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100084404725304
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masame.pv/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D
Plus, I’ve just returned from 9 days of fun during the Dia de los Muertos festivities in Puerto Vallarta, we’ll talk about that and about my adventures this time down. But before we get to Chef Salvador and a little story telling, let’s see what’s happening this week in Puerto Vallarta, the 14th of November, 2022.
Humpback Whales Have Returned to The Bahia de Banderas 2022
Whales have been spotted in the bay signaling the beginning of whale watching season. Whales migrate south to the Bahia de Banderas to mate and thrill whale watchers from mid-December till the middle of March, but they are early this year. Expect to see

humpback whales breaching, slapping the water with their fins and tails and having a good old time. Book a whale watching tour through JR at Vallartainfo.com https://vallartainfo.com/whale-watching/or make sure to pack a pair of binoculars with you if you have some. We really could have used ours this trip down. They were in the car too and just didn’t think to throw them in to the daypack. Anyway, love whale watching season. Just remember there are rules as to how close you can get to the whales, and who can actually approach whales in the bay. You just can’t hire a panga boat to chase whales around the bay, so just be aware of that. Now if you happen to be cruising along and a whale pops up out of nowhere, that’s not your fault, okay. Bring your binoculars, don’t forget like I did.
Mask Mandates and Vaccine Mandates dropped in Mexico and Vallarta
Last month I mentioned that Mexico’s new normality commission had decided to drop all covid vaccine mandates for employment. They decided that the wearing of masks would be optional except in certain circumstances. And I was wondering how long that edict would take to trickle across the country, and to my delight, the Governor Enrique Alfaro said yes to the New Normality Commissions advice. So, When I arrived in Vallarta the end of last month, I was happy to see no masks required on the airplane from Tijuana to Vallarta. No masks required on busses, taxis, and Ubers. The sanitary shoe washing trays were all gone. Things looked like normal except for food servers and restaurant workers still wearing masks. Hopefully, that will end soon as well. So, let’s raise our shot glasses and make a toast to the new normal. Salud!
Gourmet Festival International is on again from November 10th till the 20th.
Celebrating it’s 27th year, 30 participating restaurants welcome guest master chefs from around the world to team up with 30 top tier Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit restaurants along the bay, to bring you a taste from their part of the world. In fact, some of these chefs over the years decided to stay and start their own restaurants in Vallarta. The festival was the brainchild of Thierry Boulet, from Café des Artistes and chef Bernhard Guth from Trio Restaurant and Bar as I said, some 27 years ago. Go to the blogpost for the link to the Gourmet Festival International Puerto Vallarta for more details and a list of those 30 restaurants in the show notes.
Brewmasters Festival is coming back to Puerto Magico November 19th-20th, 2022
5th Puerto Vallarta Craft Beer Festival. November 19 and 20 from 1:00 pm – 10:00 pm at Plaza Puerto Mágico (API maritime terminal) More than 120 varieties and styles of beer await you * free admission. There will be great food, entertainment, live music. It’s an event put on by my buddy Edgar Rivas, who’s been on this show…a lot.
I have a link to the Brewmaster Festival Facebook page in the show notes, or just type Brewmasterspv in your search bar on Facebook or Instagram I have links to both.
Puerto Vallarta now holds the Guinness Book of World’s Records record, for the tallest Catrina

And my wife and I watched as they put her together, and I have pictures to prove it.
Puerto Vallarta has the record for the tallest Catrina.
Worlds tallest Catrina
|| BREAKS THE RECORD Puerto Vallarta, we do have the tallest catrina in the world

The Guinness Record jury determined that due to its elaboration from the base with original details and features, the Catrina on the Malecón was always the tallest in the world with its 22.6 meters.
The record was delivered to Profe Michel, mayor of Vallarta, and to the sculptor of the Catrina, Alondra Muca.
The record was announced by Alfredo Arista Rueda, representative in Mexico of the Guinness Record, after the results of the measurement of the monumental Catrina, which met the standards and guidelines established to break the world record.

I have pictures of that Catrina in the show notes, along with many others. They had a

Marilyn Monroe, Catrina. A Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley catrina. They had old cars, skulls, graveyards all set up along the Malecon. Check out the photos. I’ll be getting back

to those Catrinas when I come back to tell you about our experiences this trip in a bit.

The Mexican National Guard Beefs Up Presence in Puerto Vallarta
300 members of the National Guard arrived in Vallarta the 29th of October to boost security and soon more will be deployed to Guadalajara as part of a National Government plan to curb a recent uptick in violence in the state of Jalisco. Maybe in part it has to do with Puerto Vallarta’s mayor Professor Michel’s pick for Director of Seapal the director of the Potable Water, Drainage and Sewerage System of Puerto Vallarta, Salvador Llamas Urbina. Salvador Llamas Urbina was gunned down with three others in a Guadalajara October 21st at the Sonora Grill, in the Lomas de Providencia neighborhood of Guadalajara.
Urbina, a very controversial pick for that water district position was also a very active politically as a heavy hitter for the current party in charge nationally in Mexico as well as in Vallarta, the Morena Party.
Urbina arrived at the restaurant at about 5:30 in the afternoon with three body guards, leaves them outside the restaurant and enters alone, carrying a backpack and is seated. He is soon joined by a couple of guys. A conversation ensues and it starts getting heated. One guy leaves as another couple, a man and woman enter and sit near Urbina. The woman leaves and her partner shoots Urbana. The bodyguards hear what’s happening and respond. One of these bodyguards was Luis Fernando Muñoz Ortega, who is notable because he used to be the police commissioner for Puerto Vallarta. Muñoz Ortega left his position four months ago, in June 2022, for “health reasons”, according to Reforma newspaper. He, evidently, then began working on Llamas Urbana’s personal security team soon after. Llamas was killed as was one of the attackers. 4 others were injured, 3 of Urbina’s bodyguards and someone else’s bodyguard. So in the end Urbina, Director of Seapal, Munoz Ortega, ex Vallarta Police Commissioner and one of the assailants were killed, 4 wounded, one critically, and the backpack, gone. Very interesting.
Shortly afterwards, in Vallarta, if you lived in Cinco de Diciembre, where the mayor lives, you may have seen a heavy police presence, on foot supported by National Guard because…From Vallarta Reporter online…

I have a link to that article from the Vallarta Reporter online in the show notes you can find it at www.puertovallartatravelshow.com. You must be a subscriber to access the info, so I am and I did for you.
So, the military is picking up the slack. Nothing to worry about…. but…remember we talked about cameras and listening devices built into lamp posts in your neighborhood and in Vallarta as well…well,
From Vallarta Reporter online…
Many PV Police Security Cameras Not Working…..

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There goes that maintenance thing again. Well at least if you spark up a doobie on the Malecon you might stand a chance. I’m not suggesting you do….
Okay on that note, let me get to our latest adventure to paradise.
My Apologies For Taking Almost a Month to Post a Podcast Episode
Now you haven’t heard from me for about a month now, and over the last 6 years, I’ve never had a pause in the podcast for this long a time.
If you have been following the show you know that my wife Debbie rarely accompanies me on my trips to Vallarta for a number of reasons. Mostly it’s the animals, but also, she enjoys her time away from me. At least that’s what she tells me. The truth is, Debbie doesn’t have the same attraction to Vallarta as I do. I mean, she likes it, but doesn’t love it. I took her to Vallarta when we were in our mid 20’s in 1984. I asked her to marry me in a little restaurant on a hill on Calle Panama in Cinco de Diciembre in 1986, and we have spent time with the kids in Vallarta when they were little. But this trip, this time down Debbie was coming down with me to be in Mexico for Dia de Los Muertos, day of the dead. Originally, we planned to travel with her horse wife. My wife has a horse wife…someone she shares horses with. So, we were going with her horse wife and her husband, but that fell through when her dog sitter couldn’t do the job. So, the horse wife and her hubby dropped out of the plan.
The plan was to fly out of Tijuana Via Viva Aerobus to Vallarta and stay the first three nights at an Airbnb in the Malecon One condo complex, right on the Malecon with ocean view and rooftop pool, right next door to Vitea. The forth night we reserved a room at the Hotel Mayto Resort and Beach Club, the fifth night stayed at a friends in their rooftop spare apartment in Cinco with a killer view, then the last three nights, an ocean view room at the Hotel Rosita. Vallarta’s oldest hotel built in 1938. I’d never stayed there before, but the location was perfect, right at the mouth of the Malecon where we could watch all the action for Halloween the 31st, and Dia De Los Muertos, the 2nd of November.
If you have been following the show, you know my wife Debbie and I work together as realtors in the Los Angeles Area and without fail, work picks up when you are getting ready to leave town. A week and a half before we were scheduled to fly to Vallarta we opened our third and fourth escrows of the month. So, that meant we had lots of inspections and lots of paperwork had to be done before we could head out of town.
Most of the things we do can be done remotely, but the jobs like opening the house for home inspectors, electricians, plumbers and so on needed to get done in person. So we moved really fast to complete do those items before leaving for Vallarta.
Now last month, the first week in October, in honor of breast cancer awareness month, Debbie went in for her scheduled mammogram, and a couple days later, she got a call from her doctor that they had found something of concern and wanted her to come in for a biopsy procedure. A couple days later she was told the small tumor was cancerous, and we had an appointment with the surgeon the Friday before we were scheduled to leave for Vallarta.
When we got there the doctor told her she was going to do what’s called a lumpectomy, where she would remove the small tumor and enough surrounding tissue to where she would have what they refer to as clear margins. In other words, removing all cancerous tissue around the tumor with clean tissue on the outer surface of the lump they cut out. They also take out the lead lymph node under the armpit, to see if it is cancerous. And she said she had tentatively scheduled Debbie’s surgery for the following Wednesday. That was the day we were scheduled to leave. So, we looked at each other and then at the doctor and said, no, we can’t change our plans, we are going to Puerto Vallarta that Wednesday for 9 days. Could you schedule the operation for when we return? The doctor said that the tumor didn’t seem to be aggressive or fast growing, so she would schedule Debbie for her operation 5 days after we came back from our trip to Puerto Vallarta.
We left for Vallarta the 26th of October, and returned home the 3rd of November, Debbie had her surgery the 8th, 5 days ago and I’m so happy to say Debbie’s operation was a complete success. The small tumor about the size of my pinky fingernail was removed with clear margins, they staged it at stage one cancer, and the lymph node they removed, was cancer free, and we were told you can’t get better news than that.
So, for the last five days now, Debbie has been on the mend. The surgeon did a fantastic job on her…she finally let me take a peek this morning, and she will be just fine as ever. We will be meeting with her oncologist to talk about radiation or chemo in two weeks from now.
In the meantime, I’ve been working through five escrows now, just closed one yesterday so back to four. I just spent the last two days helping a client pack and move a garage, and 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home to a storage locker. Fun times!
I’ve also been doing most of the cooking and cleaning at home, doing my best to keep up and well, …it’s been a little difficult to get an episode out. It takes about 8 hours to produce an episode including posting the blogpost, and I’ve been just way too overloaded to get one out till now. And one of my joys in life is to have the time to create and post an episode of The Puerto Vallarta Travel Show. That makes me really happy. So now I’m really happy.
And that’s the reason I’ve been very quiet over here. Aside from posting on the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show Facebook and Instagram pages I’ve been pretty busy. Family always before hobby.
We aren’t out of the woods with this breast cancer thing. We will most likely have daily radiation treatments for a month and who knows what else, but we are ready for anything, I guess. Quite a scare to think I might be losing my wife of 34 years to Breast Cancer.
I asked Debbie what I should say to you about what she’s going through, and she insisted I tell the story, to encourage others to not miss your scheduled mammogram.
So, ladies, make sure you get your screening every couple of years and catch it early like Debbie did.
Last episode I also mentioned I’d be interviewing Kika and Ernesto and Sunny and Dr. Mitch from the Friends of Isla Cuale project, and I was teaching myself a new editing program to pull off the episode. Well, I’m putting off that episode for two weeks to give myself the time to work out the kinks, so my apologies for the delay and stay tuned for that very informative interview.
I also was going to talk about AMLO’s pet project the Tren Maya, but let’s do that next week. Okay.
Now a quick recap of our trip before we get to our interview with Chef Salvador Carrillo of Restaurant La Tienda Grande, in colonia Ixtapa Puerto Vallarta.

For the last two years I’ve been flying to Puerto Vallarta from Tijuana using a facility built on the border, actually against the wall that separates Mexico From San Diego called CBX or Cross Border Xpress. The facility is built adjacent to the Tijuana International Airport, and you pay to cross over the wall, and into the Tijuana Airport. You can drive down and use their parking lot, or you can take one of the many bus or van charters from the LA area to the CBX facility.

Like I said earlier, our plan was to drive to the Mexican border from our home in Simi Valley, about a 2 and a half hour drive to the border, and pay to park at the Cross Border Xpress. We’d get there with at least 2 hours to spare to check in, and catch the 8:45am flight, arriving in Vallarta at 1 in the afternoon Vallarta time.
Well, we missed the flight. Not because we were late, but the immigration line at 6:30 in the morning looked like the line at the Matterhorn at Disneyland. The rumor was computer was down. The line was moving painfully slow. It took an hour and a half just to clear immigration. By the time we cleared customs our jet had already pulled away from the gate. Luckily, we had no checked luggage flying away without us.
We walked back over the wall, back to our car in the parking lot. We weren’t alone. I’d say about 20 of us missed our flights that morning.
Anyway…it was time to regroup.
First things first…Sit down….have a big drink of water and smoke lots of weed to calm down.
How bad could it be? It’s early in the morning and we have an airport across the bridge, with 4 Mexican Airlines flying all over Mexico…someone was flying to Puerto Vallarta, right? So, I looked at my phone and the airline we were flying, Viva Aerobus had no other flights that day. Volaris did however and I started thinking about all those other folks who missed their flights, so I had to move fast. I told Debbie I’d be right back, ran over to the Volaris ticket counter at the CBX facility and asked if she had two seats to Puerto Vallarta for today. She said yes. Leaving at 3 PM, arriving at 8 PM Vallarta time for $230 US each, one way, and since I already had the return trip booked through Viva Aerobus, I took the seats.
So, we arrived in Vallarta 7 hours later than expected, and a little lighter in the wallet, but we made it. And yes…we had folks that missed their morning flights on board with us too. We caught a cab to our Airbnb a condo on The Malecon at Malecon Uno. On the way I asked the driver to take a detour to my buddy’s place where he had my bag of crappy cartel weed all ready for us. He even pre-rolled a bunch for us. I’m so impressed. Gracias amigos…you know who you are…. much appreciated. If you remember the last time I was in Vallarta, there was a shortage. Looks like they solved their supply line issue. Thank goodness.
On our way to the condo, we passed by the Malecon and saw the giant Catrina, sitting on the ground in pieces, waiting to be assembled. The skull was huge!
We arrived at the Airbnb, and it was perfect with a big balcony and great view. Right near

Vitea and across from where the food stands are set up near the Naval Museum. It’s one of my favorite places to stay actually. We had three nights there, then I think I told you

the plan was to drop off our bags at my friends Anne and Gordons place in cinco de diciembre after checkout. Then take our daypacks for an overnight trip to Mayto, then
return the next evening to Anne’s and Gordon’s place, to spend the night. Then the last three nights we reserved an ocean view room at The Rosita where we would have front

row seats and be able to experience Halloween night, and then two nights later, Dia de Los Muertos. It was a really good plan.
I have video of three of the four places we stayed, and you can find them in the show notes at www.puertovallartatravelshow.com, or on the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show YouTube Channel as well.
As for Ann and Gordon’s place? It was absolutely beautiful, and I thank you so much for being so kind and hospitable and allowing us to stay at your cool apartment. This is one of the blessings that come my way for doing a little podcast. I meet the nicest people who become friends and do the nicest things for you. Thanks Anne.
Oh, and we met some very nice people this trip down who were listeners to the show. Thanks for saying hi. That reminds me I have a bunch of emails I need to read, and I’ll do that next week. Please keep the emails coming. I’ll get back to you soon if I haven’t already, and I appreciate every, one. Except for the ones that tell me to shut up you’re not a doctor you’re killing people! Those guys can find another podcast. Really…give it up already…I need to read you some of these unhinged emails I get.
I mentioned before that I promised Debbie that I would keep my interviewing, my recording for the podcast down to a minimum this trip. It was a prerequisite in fact to her coming, that this would be a vacation, that the work we would be doing is our real estate work in the morning, and then relaxing, eating, drinking, walking, lots of walking the rest of the day.
I promised her I would only be doing 3 interviews over the 9-day period, so she was satisfied with that I think.
We had our teeth whitened by German Lomeli at Periodent PV. We visited JR, and the

Muffen Man. Visited with my buddies on the Isla Cuale, we danced and drank at Andale’s almost every other night. Debbie loves Andale’s. We were invited to Incanto by my friend

Tonny Kenneth to a show he does with Diego at the piano bar. The food was delicious and the show was so good! We had a great time.

Two days after we arrived they assembled the giant Catrina for the Book of Records, but

also, all along the Malecon, hotels, businesses and organizations sponsored their own Catrinas, and they were really cool. I have lots of pictures in the show notes as well as on the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show Facebook Page.

What else. Really enjoyed ourselves at Yam Bak Brewery Taphouse on Abasolo. We had

breakfasts at La Palapa, Menos Place, Cuates y Cuetes, Vitea…La Banqueta tacos de birria.
What I noticed was that my wife had to remind me that we had to eat. And even though we rarely had three square meals, she was the one urging us to eat.

Halloween night was a madhouse. The Malecon was packed. People walking almost shoulder to shoulder. Parents with their kids, hoping to get some candy. Some of the

shops were handing out candy. Occasionally you would see a brave man or woman break out a candy bag and start passing out the sweet stuff, only to be swamped when the

surrounding crowd caught on what was happening. It was a madhouse. Before we left our room at the Rosita to go walk the length of the Malecon, Debbie grabbed a big bag of coins, pesos I travel with, and said let’s hand out little handfuls of these to little kids. I looked at her and said you’re crazy. She said come on…I said the minute these kids catch on it’s trouble. She didn’t care.

Anyway, I was right. I started feeling hands on my back pocket, which were empty by the way. My wife said there was a girl dressed like a nurse who was all over me. By the time the kids did catch on, the pesos were gone. It was an interesting experience. We saw Humvees and open trucks stopping on Avenida Mexico, and just started tossing bags and fistfuls of candy to the crowd around the cars. Oh, that reminds me…Pissed off taxi drivers…I’ll talk about that next week.

Anyway, we walked all the way from the Rosita to Olas Altas, and ended the evening at you guessed it…Andale’s.
We spent Dia de Los Muertos with our dear friends Debbie and Ray from Alberta Canadia, now residents of Colonia Pitillal. We ate and drank at Restaurant San Lucas where I had my last interview of the trip with my friend Emily Murray. You will be hearing that great interview in a couple of weeks.
We caught the tail end of the Dia de Los Muertos Parade. The Horses, the riders…oh my goodness.
Then we all drank beers and partied and watched the firework show from the Balcony of the our room at the Hotel Rosita. What a night. We had a private show with a couple of caballeros on horseback. Their horses dancing to loud music. There was so much we did that, you know what? We’ll need to wait till next week to talk about our stay at the Hotel Mayto and also a couple more observations.
Would I come again for Dia de Los Muertos in Puerto Vallarta again! The answer is a resounding YES!
Okay, let’s get to our interview, shall we? Let’s do it!
Restaurant La Tienda Grande in Colonia Ixtapa, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and Restaurant Masame, in Colonia Versalles in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Contact Information For La Tienda Grande, Colonia Ixtapa, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Address: Hidalgo 172a, Centro Ixtapa, 48280 Ixtapa, Jal., Mexico
- Phone: +52 322 291 7717
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LaTiendaGrandepv/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latiendagrande/?hl=en
One of the things I love to do is cook. When I’m at home, it’s a passion for me. But when I’m in Vallarta, my passion is to try other peoples cooking. I was introduced to La Tienda

Grande by my friend Jeff Musto, the PV Kid. He drove me out to Ixtapa one morning for breakfast. Actually, come to think about it, Jeff mentioned La Tienda Grande at one of our meet and greets some time back.

Well, since that visit, I’ve returned to La Tienda Grande every time I come to town. And I bring a friend or two. Every time we are just blown away. Now I’ve never been for dinner, but there’s plenty of time for that.

And anyway, finally after chasing Chef Salvador Carrillo for almost a year, I’ve actually talked about this on the podcast, and I finally caught up with him on this trip. He was one of the three my wife allowed.

And the timing was perfect because Chef Carrillo has just opened his newest restaurant in colonia Versalles, called Masame. So, see Salvador? It was worth waiting.
Contact Information for Restaurant Masame PV, Colonia Versalles, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Address: Av. Viena 200 48310 Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico
- Phone: +52 322 170 8115
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100084404725304
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masame.pv/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D

So how do you get to Ixtapa? Isn’t Ixtapa in Zihuantanejo? No, colonia Ixtapa is in Puerto Vallarta, a few miles inland from the airport. An Uber from Andale’s to Ixtapa will run you

about 150-200 pesos depending on the time of day. The distance from Olas Altas is 19 kilometers and again, depending on the time of day, the trip will take you 35-45 minutes. So it’s not hard to get there, really.

So let’s just go right now, to colonia Ixtapa, and to the corner of Juarez and Hidalgo, Juarez 172 A, and let’s meet Chef Salvador Carrillo, of Restaurant La Tienda Grande In Colonia Ixtapa, and Restaurant Masame, in Colonia Versalles, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico…

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Okay, wow…thank you Salvador. Thanks so much my friend.
Salvador’s Restaurant Picks
- Shibui Japanese Cuisine: Facebook Page
- La Fina Cocina de Barrio: Facebook Page

Such a talented chef! I have links and maps and lots of food porn in the show notes. Make sure you add La Tienda Grande and Masame to your must visit list next time you are in Vallarta.

Okay, that should do it for today…next week Stay tuned for more on the ground reports from Puerto Vallarta Mexico, with travel tips, great restaurant and excursion ideas and

more. Until then, remember, this is an interactive show where I depend on your questions and suggestions about all things Puerto Vallarta. If you think of something I should be talking about, please reach out to me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending us your message.

And remember, if you are considering booking any type of tour while you are in Puerto Vallarta, you must go to Vallartainfo.com, JR’s website and reserve your tour through

him, right from his website. Remember the value for value proposition. His experience and on the ground knowledge of everything Puerto Vallarta in exchange for your making

a purchase of a tour that you would do anyway, you’re just doing it through him as a way of saying thank you. It costs no more than if you were to use someone else so do it. Really.

And when you do take one of these tours, email me about your experiences. Maybe you can come on-board and share with others what you liked or didn’t like about the tour.

Again, contact me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending off a message. Don’t forget his maps, his DIY tours and his revitalized Happy Hour Board. I have links to all of those in the show notes.

And once again, if you like this podcast, please take the time and subscribe and follow share with a lover of Puerto Vallarta or give me a good review wherever or however you

happen to be listening. That way we can get the word out to more and more people about the magic of this place. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Remember I made it easy for you to do

just that with each episode I create. But if you haven’t been to my website, you really need to have a look there. I have the links to the places we talk about, interesting

pictures and the more all right there in my blog-posts and show-notes for each episode of the show so check them out for sure if you haven’t already all-right? All right.

Thanks so much to Chef Salvador Carrillo for La Tienda Grande in Ixtapa, and Masame in Colonia Versalles. What a talent! What a rising star on the Vallarta food scene. Really! You can find all his restaurants information in the show notes, and you can find that at www.puertovallartatravelshow.com.

And thanks to all of you for listening all the way through this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show. This is Barry Kessler signing off with a wish for you all to slow

down, be kind and live the Vallarta lifestyle. Nos Vemos amigos.
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