Savante Restaurant, Fine Cuisine in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Savante Restaurant Located Above Galleria Robles is a Fine Restaurant Serving Creative Dishes Paired With Fine Wines From Mexico, and Fine Art by Proprietor Michael Tolleson Robles
Dine Surrounded by Artwork by Michael Tolleson Robles, Where Even The Dishes Are Works of Art at Savante Restaurant, Fine Cuisine in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
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Hello fellow travelers, welcome this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel show. I am your host Barry Kessler, and I am just so happy to be introducing you to my favorite vacation destination, and maybe even yours, Puerto Vallarta Mexico.

That music you were just listening to is performed by Alberto Perez, the owner of the La Palapa Group of Restaurants. Those are La Palapa, Puerto Vallarta’s Oldest Restaurant on the famous Los Muertos Beach, and The El Dorado Restaurant and Beach Club right next door so you can enjoy that

fantastic view of the Los Muertos Pier all lit up at night in beautiful colors, or during the day in its grand splendor for breakfast, lunch or dinner, seated with your toes in the sand right at the water’s edge. It’s so romantic, it’s so, Puerto Vallarta my friends.

This week we head to Our friend Michael Tolleson Robles’s new restaurant, one we have been talking about here on the show, and eagerly awaiting their opening. The restaurant is called Savante, Fine Cuisine, and the restaurant is located above Michael’s art gallery which we have visited before,
Contact Information For Savante Restaurant, Fine Cuisine in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Address: Calle. Juárez 388, Proyecto Escola, Centro, 48300 Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco
- Phone: +52 322 246 1250
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
- Website:

That’s Galleria Robles where calle Juarez meets the Umbrella street, right in downtown Vallarta. If you have followed the podcast, you will remember Michael as the autistic savant artist who can paint an incredible gallery worthy painting in a couple of hours. Well, his restaurant is just lovely, we will

be talking with him shortly but first a little Vallarta news, let’s see what’s happening this week in Puerto Vallarta, the 9th of September, 2023.
Bacas Mexican and Seafood Restaurant in Marina Vallarta Closes Their Doors
Sad news for those of you who liked to dine at Bacas Mexican and seafood restaurant in Marina Vallarta. They have closed for good. Here’s a Facebook post from them, it reads…
“Dear customers,
We want to express our sincere appreciation for your unwavering support over the years, we are immensely grateful for each one of you.
We inform you that the BACHAS restaurant will close its doors permanently.
This decision was not easy, but we want to assure you that it was taken with careful consideration.
With deep gratitude,
The BACHAS team!
Circle Bar Has Moved From the Malecon to Isla Cuale

So, sorry to see them go. They have been in the Marina for some time. I did see where Nacho Daddy reopened after taking a month off. I also see where the Circle Bar has moved to Isla Cuale. For those of you who don’t know where the Circle Bar was, it was on the Malecon for many years like for 27 years. Actually the guys from

Pinocchio came from The Circle Bar. At any rate, looks like they recreated the Bar, stools and all and are on Isla Cuale near the tunnel under the newly rebuilt Insurgentes Bridge. They are open from 10 am to 10 pm, and I’m
Contact Information For Circle Bar Puerto Vallarta on Isla Cuale
- Address: Isla Río Cuale 23, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Facebook:
- Phone: +32 2 274 56 45
guessing I’ll be heading over there to sample their margaritas. I love that part of the Isla, and Guy Weeks and his merry crew including the Vallarta Garden Club have been doing a remarkable job, greening up and decking out that part of the Island. They even have a lawn. A Grassy lawn. Imagine that.
New Webcam at Daiquiri Dick’s on The Beach in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
I got an email from listener Jim in Canadia who writes….
Please ask Cuates y Cuetes to repair their web cam. It is very popular here in Toronto with many people. It has not been working for over one year now…many many people here are very disappointed. Thank you, Jim

So Jim, you will be happy to know that there’s a new web cam on Los Muertos Beach, and it’s located at Daiquiri Dick’s. It points out towards the Los Muertos Pier. I added it to my web cam page on the website at . and to this blogpost.

Daiquiri Dick’s On The Beach Webcam
And by the way, I went back and checked the webcam at Cuates y Cuetes, and it’s still down, and it has been for some time now. Sad to say. Same with the webcam at Langostinos, but this one at Daiquiri Dick’s is really

good. I have a link to it in the show notes as well, and maybe stop into Daiquiri Dick’s on the beach for a drink or something to eat to say thanks and give them a little support. The last time down I noticed they do have seating in the sand in front of the restaurant now. Maybe that’s the On The Beach part they are talking about.

And I’ll contact Tete at Cuates y Cuetes to see what’s going on with their cam. Maybe they need a fundraiser to buy a better camera. I’ll check with her and get back to you Jim, and to you too.
I have more emails but I’ll get to them in a couple of minutes.
Costco Limits Sales of Pastries Due to Resale by Unauthorized Vendors
I saw this story in the Vallarta Independente that made me laugh. You know how sometimes you can look at a cake or a pie and tell that it’s store bought? Like from Costco storebought? Well, it seems that some of those cakes and pies you see at street fairs, and some open air markets and sold by local vendors actually seem to be coming from Costco. And the folks at Costco aren’t digging it. Here’s the article…
¿Te gustaban? COSTCO limitó la venta de postres por esta razón
And the sign reads, Bake and Pie Sales are Limited to 5 units per member on the same day. Choco flan, limited to 2 units per day.
So, you thought all those tasty baked goods you were buying from those hard-working Mexican ladies and sweet little abuelas was actually coming out of their filthy kitchen at home, but no. Seems some of them sweets are rolling out of Costco. Can you imagine that?
Makes you wonder about the Yelapa Pie Lady. I mean, where does she get her pies made? And what does her kitchen look like out in the Jungle? Hey…stop looking at me like that. No mail, please.
I have a link to the article in the show notes.
Smoking Ban Overturned in Jalisco
We have been following the continuing saga of Mexico’s outdoor smoking ban which was enacted the first of the year, and it looks like the restaurant association has won it’s battle against the total ban.
From Vallarta Daily News…
So, take from that what you will. I’m just going to say what I’ve been saying all along, and that is, if you are a smoker, you can smoke in Vallarta. Not everywhere of course, but if you are in need of a puff, just be courteous.
I have a link to that article in the show notes.
Crocodiles are In The News in Puerto Vallarta
It’s rainy season in paradise and that usually means more reports of crocodiles showing up where they usually don’t show up. There’re even been sightings of a croc at the mouth of the Cuale which is a surprising sight to see. I mean, there’s a resident crocodile in the Marina that’s pretty well-
known, but it’s rare to see one on the Cuale. Of course, listeners to the show know that swimming at night is a no-no because crocodiles use the ocean to travel distances at night. In the northern hotel zone and especially in the area of the Rio Ameca, that’s where they are most prevalent. So be aware, and don’t worry. Look, if you can’t get in the water, never fear, just drink.

Speaking of drinking, I received an email from listener Laura who has weighed in on the best, honest, kick ass margarita in Puerto Vallarta. Laura writes…
Hi Barry,
Just wanted to update you I have discovered a new “strain” of margarita. It was at the Casa Traditional close to the church and I’m pretty sure it’s laced with LSD (reference by anecdotal accounts only). I’m a 5’3” Irish woman and can drink most men drink for drink. It’s in the DNA. This one margarita forced me into a rapid nap after lunch. It’s was the house margarita I believe.
Carry On Conquistador,
Laura W, Austin, TX
So, Laura, Thanks for the email and your suggestion for the LSD margarita….ahem….at Casa Traditional. Love it…Next time down. I’ll make sure my slate is clean and give one of those babies a try. And thanks again for playing the margarita game, and for your kind and valuable contribution to the podcast.
Does Mezcal Have Hallucinogenic Powers?
Now I did a little research on tequila and it’s hallucinogenic powers, including the Agave Worm, what’s with that? So, this is what I found. Mezcal does not contain mescaline or other psychedelic substances according to Google.
How about if you eat the agave worm at the bottom of a bottle of Mezcal? Will that get you that special psychedelic high you are looking for?
Well according to tequila, One of the most common rumors surrounding agave worms is their alleged hallucinogenic properties. This is untrue, but not entirely unfounded. These very same breeds of agave worms are known to feed on peyote cactus, from which the psychedelic drug mescaline is refined.
So, in order to get a true hallucinogenic margarita buzz, you may just need to drink lots of it. I mean, you’ve heard of someone becoming more attractive to the opposite sex, the more alcohol has been consumed, right? Can’t you consider that a hallucinogenic reaction? Maybe.
Anyway, Laura, about your margarita report from Casa Traditional, Mucha appreciated amiga!
And you too can weigh in on the best margarita in paradise. Just send me an email to
More Listener Emails to The Puerto Vallarta Travel Show Podcast
I have a few other emails I wanted to read to you….Here’s one from Listener Colleen who writes…
Hey Barry, I found your podcast last year before my wife and I made our first trip to Puerto Vallarta for our delayed honeymoon. I learned a few things from your podcast, prior to arriving Puerto Vallarta. We fell in love with Puerto Vallarta and are coming back the end of October into November for a week. We loved it so much that we are bringing friends with us. We loved everything about it, including the culture, so we want to experience Dia De Los Muertos in person. I am catching up on your podcasts and came across Javier with Off The Grid Tours. He sounded so awesome and knowledgeable that we booked a hike with him when we are there. We wanted to have another experience that we wouldn’t have had on our own. Thanks to you and your show.
Thank you, Colleen, for the email and for listening to the podcast, and you will have a great time with Javier. He’s a real great guy to know in paradise. A concerned and caring tour guide for sure. Let us know how your trip to the hidden beach goes would you? We’ll be in paradise the same time as you, during Dia de Los Muertos, so hope to run into you while we’re there. We will be having a meet and greet for sure.
Listener and frequent contributor Marty writes…

Thanks for getting your podcasts back online. As I mentioned, I usually listen to them at the gym, and live TV just doesn’t cut it anymore! Anyway, in your latest podcast you mentioned the large beer bottles, or caguamas. I usually hear them referred to as bellenas (whales). When the bottle is tipped on its side, it sort-of resembles a ‘bellena’. Now my vocab has been expanded.
I hope we will have a chance to see you when we get back Nov. 24-Dec. 15.
I’m already working on dates for our 2025 eyeglass mission. Because the Lions International Convention will be in Mexico City in July, we will be moving our mission from Sept.-Oct. to May and will have it near Mexico City for the first time.
So, Marty has another word for a big beer in paradise. Bellena. Makes sense. Personally, I’ve never heard it referred to as a bellena. Now the gardener on my street knows what a caguama is but I’ll have to quiz Joaquin on the bellena. And so cool what the Lions Club does to help bring glasses to the masses. Thanks for what you do Marty. The gift of sight is such a precious thing amigo. Hope to see you in paradise soon buddy.
My friend listener Cheryl writes…
So happy to hear you and your wife are moving to PV! As you know, we live there from Nov 1-June 1. About the end of July, we are ready to return! Can anyone explain the magic feeling of those who love PV? It’s unexplainable!
About the bus from Tuito to Mayto? Yikes! We drove there in May. The road is terrible. Big pot holes, odd things laying in the road, curvy road etc. Can’t imagine a bus traversing that road!!
I listen to so many people who want to or do live in paradise full time.
My question is, what are people doing for health insurance? How is the IMSS insurance for retirees? I know that is a more reasonable cost but……? Hear bad stories about that care and hospitalization. Can you enlighten us with some of your full time resident amigos?
As always, enjoy your pods. See you in the fall.
A faithful listener, Cheryl
Well, thank you Cheryl. As Cheryl mentioned, Debbie and I are very excited about our upcoming move to Vallarta. We are currently working on securing our temporary residency and at the same time, we’re winding down our real estate business here in Los Angeles. But we are so darn busy. We have been bombarded with work and paychecks are pretty good in Real Estate, so it’s hard to just say no to a client ready to sell their home. But we are doing our best to follow a schedule. And my wife Debbie, is progressing really well with her Spanish lessons. She studies religiously every day for at least 20 minutes using Duo Lingo.
So, we are very excited.
As far as the medical insurance is concerned, as I understand it, IMSS, or the public medical service is very inexpensive, but it’s really for Mexicans and foreigners are advised find other methods to insure themselves. I’ve been told that if you need to be admitted to a hospital for any period of time, you will need a friend or a family member to be your advocate. They will need to bring you changes of clothes, blankets, sheets, personal hygiene items like toothbrushes, soap, bandages, medicines. So no, I’m not really interested in going the Public Social Services route although JR has IMSS insurance. I don’t think he ever had to spend a night in the hospital though. But, it ain’t pretty. I’ll be talking more about our planned move, as the date to sell our California home comes nearer, like about 6 months from now.
Okay, enough of the email bag, let’s get to our interview with my Michael Robles, and his new restaurant, Savante.

Savante Fine Cuisine in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Savante, Fine Cuisine, is located a floor above Michael’s lovely gallery, Galleria Robles, on the corner of Calle Juarez and the street known as the Umbrella Street across from City Hall. It’s the part of Calle Iturbide all
pedestrian access and is closed to automobile traffic. The gallery is almost impossible to miss. It has murals painted front and back, and the huge windows give the passerby, an opportunity to witness and savor the

works of this artistic, autistic savant. If you haven’t yet heard the podcast episode where I interview Michael at his gallery, I’ll link that interview in the show notes.
Michael’s Interview Last Year at Galleria Robles
Michael’s journey as an artist is incredibly interesting, so listen if you haven’t already. But what I’m getting to, is it’s easy to find Savante. Just saying.

Now we have been following and awaiting this restaurant here on The Puerto Vallarta Travel Show, ever since Michael talked about his plans to open one last time we talked to him, almost exactly a year ago as a matter of fact it was last September 9th. How about that. We even talked about their opening as well.

The restaurant itself is a work of art, from the elegant plates and dishes, the open concept kitchen and bar, the beautiful works of art, created by Michael in his art studio. Stunning paintings, works that he turns out at breathtaking speed. They adorn the walls of the restaurant. In the men’s bathroom, there’s a genuine carved

onyx urinal. Have a look yourself when it’s vacant of course. There’s beautiful art glass suspended above the bar area and in the lady’s room too. So, the dining area is stunning. Cloth table coverings and napkins, and some of the most comfortable seats in Puerto Vallarta.

We joined Michael and his business partner Luis for a tasting menu, accompanied with Mexican wines. Very delicious, quality Mexican wines. The dishes were presented in lovely dishes and plates, and each dish was described to us as it was served, as well as each wine, by the servers. It was quite

an enjoyable experience I must say. I’ll be putting together a couple of little videos to post onto my Instagram and Facebook pages, so stay tuned for those. And that will give you a bit of a taste of what’s going on at Savante. Also some food porn in the show notes as well as pics of the inside of the

restaurant. But let’s go right now, upstairs from Galleria Robles, and let’s talk with artist, entrepreneur and now restaurateur. Michael Tolleson Robles, Restaurant Savante, Fine Cuisine, in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
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Thank you Michael. Lovely restaurant and a fantastic experience. I have all of the information for Savante, in the show notes. Facebook, Instagram, a map his website.

Contact Information For Savante Restaurant, Fine Cuisine in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Address: Calle. Juárez 388, Proyecto Escola, Centro, 48300 Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco
- Phone: +52 322 246 1250
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
- Website:
You know, Michael is an amazing guy. He has that mail service we talked about with him last year, and he is getting ready to open a satellite art gallery for Galleria Robles, in the Romantic Zone, right across the street from Café San Angel, right on Olas Altas and Pier Street. Amazing. I’ll include all that information in the show notes as well, you can find all that at

Okay, that should do it for this week, next week, stay tuned for more on the ground reports from Puerto Vallarta Mexico, with travel tips, great restaurant and excursion ideas and more. Until then, remember, this is an interactive show where I depend on your questions and suggestions about

all things Puerto Vallarta. If you think of something I should be talking about, please reach out to me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending us your message.

And remember, if you are considering booking any type of tour while you are in Puerto Vallarta, you must go to, JR’s website and reserve your tour through him, right from his website. Remember the value

for value proposition. His experience and on the ground knowledge of everything Puerto Vallarta in exchange for your making a purchase of a tour that you would do anyway, you’re just doing it through him as a way of

saying thank you. It costs no more than if you were to use someone else so do it. Really. And when you do take one of these tours, email me about your experiences. Maybe you can come on-board and share with others what you liked or didn’t like about the tour. Again, contact me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending off a message. Don’t forget his maps, his DIY tours and I have links to all of those in the show notes.

And once again, if you like this podcast, please take the time and subscribe and follow share with a lover of Puerto Vallarta or give me a good review wherever or however you happen to be listening. That way we can

get the word out to more and more people about the magic of this place. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Remember I made it easy for you to do just that with each episode I create. But if you haven’t been to my website, you

really need to have a look there. I have the links to the places we talk about, interesting pictures and the more all right there in my blog-posts and show-notes for each episode of the show so check them out for sure if you haven’t already all-right? All right.

Thank you to Michael Tolleson Robles from Savante, Fine Cuisine, in the heart of Puerto Vallarta. The food is outstanding, and your staff is absolutely charming and lovely. Check out all the links in the show notes. And thank you so much for the lovely dinner. My wife and I are still talking about it, so thank you, Michael.

And thanks to all of you for listening all the way through this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show. This is Barry Kessler signing off with a wish for you all to slow down, be kind and live the Vallarta lifestyle. Nos Vemos amigos.

Listen to The Podcast

Hi Barry… you mention you will be in PV over Dia de Muertos.. I have would love to meet you at the meet n greet.. I feel I missed the location. Would you please be able repeat where that will be. I’ve been to Pv 25 plus years and never been there at this time for the celebration!
Thank you Dawn
Hola Dawn,
I may have the Meet and Greet Tuesday, October 31st at JR’s Meet and Greet, But I’d rather not have an event on Halloween evening. So, the location of the meet and greet is still up in the air. I have some ideas as to where I’d like to have it. My first choice for location is Restaurant San Lucas Insurgentes y Lazaro Cardenas, but there are other spots I’m thinking of as well. My first pick would be Monday the 30th, but I’ll mention it on the podcast and on the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show Facebook Page.
Looking forward to meeting you to, and hey, let me know if the 30th would work for you.
All the best!,
Barry Kessler