Book a Fishing Adventure or a Quad in Mayto with Granger at Roosterfish Safari
Granger Russo, Talks About a 1,200 year old Indian Village he Discovered in Mayto, an Archaeological Treasure
The Vallarta Garden Club Has a New President, A conversation with Sunny Rossi
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Hello fellow travelers, welcome to this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel show. I am your host Barry Kessler, and I am just so happy to be introducing you to my favorite vacation destination, in fact my new home, and maybe even yours too and that’s Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

That music you were just listening to is performed by Alberto Perez, the owner of the La Palapa Group of Restaurants. Those are La Palapa, Puerto Vallarta’s Oldest Restaurant on the famous Los Muertos Beach, and The El Dorado Restaurant and Beach Club right next door so you can enjoy that fantastic view of the Los

Muertos Pier all lit up at night in beautiful colors, or during the day in its grand splendor for breakfast, lunch or dinner, seated with your toes in the sand right at the water’s edge. It’s so romantic, it’s so, Puerto Vallarta my friends.

This week we talk with Sunny Rossi. Sunny has been on the show before, we talked about the restoration project on The Isla Cuale back then. Well, fast forward to to day where we’ll be talking with her in her newest

capacity as President of The Vallarta Garden Club. You will really enjoy what she has to say.
Then we are heading south of Puerto Vallarta to Mayto, in Cabo Corrientes. Just about two, to two and a half

hours by bus and taxi, from the Zona Romantica to that virgin beach paradise. We’ll be meeting Granger Russo and his wife Teri, from the US. Granger has a company called Roosterfish Safari, where he does fishing tours in Mayto and Tehuamixtle. He also rents out quads to help you get around that area, and what makes Granger

super cool, is that he discovered the remains of a 1,200 year old ancient village, in Mayto. It’s a fascinating story. We have Vallarta news and more so let’s see what’s happening this week, the 19th of September, 2024.
Thousands Gather on The Malecon in Puerto Vallarta to hear the Grito of Independence

Well, Patriot Week is coming to a close, but they really had a full schedule in Puerto Vallarta with a Charro Parade on the morning of the 14th of September that started at 10:30, Early enough for these well-dressed,

over dressed Charros and Escaramusas and to escape the scorching mid-day heat complete with 75% humidity that evidently, you get to experience in paradise during the month of September. This is Our first
September Debra, and I have been in Vallarta, and I can see why this is slow season. The fact is, you gotta move slow. Really slow. And the sweat, um, the glow you might say if you are of the farer gender….can I still say that?
How to Say “I’m Sweating” in Spanish
Anyway, the word for sweat in Spanish is, sudor. If you want to say I’m sweating, in Spanish, you say, estoy sudando, and if you want to warn a potential hugger by saying, I’m sweaty, you say, estoy sudado. And you’ll find out right away who your friends are.
And this time of year, if you can’t find an airconditioned place to eat, drink or loiter, that-there sudor kinda hangs on you all day. Your shirt turns into a wet rag, and stays that way, like all day. And if you really, really have to give someone a hug, well, be ready for a wet one, okay?
So, now you know the warning in Spanish, for all your Mexican friends…Estoy sudando, I’m sweating, and Estoy sudado, I’m sweaty.
Remember, practice makes perfect. In Vallarta, these are good Spanish words to know. No?
So, if you’re interested in seeing the pics I took at the Charro Parade, check them out in the show notes or on the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show Facebook and Instagram pages. But there’s more, because the very next day, the Grito de Hidalgo was given from the balcony of City Hall, The Presidencia, as it’s known in Vallarta.
Grito de Independencia in Puerto Vallarta 2024
The Grito of Hidalgo or the Cry of Hidalgo is proclaimed from towns big and small all over Mexico, recited near the stroke of Midnight. In Vallarta it’s followed by the anthem, and a huge fireworks show.
Last week I had assumed that the new mayor Louis Mungia would be giving the grito, but the honor was given to the interim mayor Francisco Jose Martinez Gil, who did a fine rendition I’m sure you’ll agree.

They set up a stage off to the right of city hall in the plaza with big screens and musicians playing violins, guitars, piano. They warmed up the huge crowd as the time for grito came closer.

Debbie and I got to our spot on the Malecon with a great view of the Balcony where the Mayor gave the Grito.
We ended up in a prime location, and earned our spot. We arrived about an hour and a half before the Grito was planned to begin, and it was crowded, I’ve got to admit. But I got the whole thing on Video, and I have the audio right here.
Let’s Listen to It…
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Then the music and the 3 straight minutes of Fireworks that were launched off of boats and barges, a few dozen yards off shore from where we were all standing….I’ll just play a short sample of what it sounded like for 3 minutes straight…
Wow, it still brings chills …It was incredibly emotional for us. The Grito, the anthem, and the people of Vallarta, celebrating their independence from Spain was almost too overwhelming. It kinda brought a tear to my eye. How about you?
Well, we all watched the fireworks, and then walked with the rest of the world, to find a cab so we could get some sleep.
The next morning was another parade, and Independence Day in Vallarta. It was pretty quiet all over really. Government offices were closed, so half of the population stayed home. Just like in the states.
The next big holiday coming up on the Mexican Calendar is Dia de Los Muertos, the very beginning of October, and that’s really the beginning of high season in Vallarta.
Let me look at the event calendar,
First Puerto Vallarta Trash Fishing Tournament October 20th 2024
Here’s a very good idea…it’s the First Annual Trash Fishing Tournament in Puerto Vallarta. That’s right fishing for trash. The Spanish translation sounds more official and less trashy…the Torneo de Pesca De Basura, Puerto Vallarta 2024. Sounds better doesn’t it?
Let’s read about this event here in
Puerto Vallarta Trash Fishing Tournament 2024
The environmental conservation organization Limpia tu Mar announced the holding of the first Puerto Vallarta 2024 International Garbage Fishing Tournament, which will take place on October 20 in the waters of the bay.
The main objective is to remove, classify and recycle at least one tonne of solid waste from the sea, while raising awareness among the population about the serious consequences of poor waste management in coastal areas.
In addition, the aim is to raise awareness of the problem through social media and a photography exhibition that will address the issue of marine pollution.
The first Puerto Vallarta 2024 International Garbage Fishing Tournament has the collaboration of businessmen, hotels, NGOs, tourism service providers, among other important supports.
Limpia tu Mar Puerto Vallarta AC is a civil organization founded in 2022 that is dedicated to cleaning up the sea and beaches, as well as raising awareness and educating the population about the correct management of waste and its reduction.
More information through Facebook at: Limpia tu Mar Puerto Vallarta.
I have a link to that article from, in the show notes.
I wonder what wonders they are going to be pulling in…stay tuned!
Yearly Earthquake Drill September 19th in Mexico
Tomorrow, the 19th of September marks a couple of historic events, both massive earthquakes in Mexico City. The first was in 1985, the next big one was a few years ago in 2017. Both on the same day. The second one came as the country was planning for their national earthquake drill.
Let’s hope the streak doesn’t continue.
The Vallarta Garden Club Has a New President
Okay let’s stop talking about the ground shaking, and instead, let’s talk about someone who is shaking things up in Vallarta. Let’s talk about The Amigos de Isla Cuale, and that ongoing beautification project, as well as plans for this fast approaching Dia de Los Muertos celebration on the Island. And about with and what’s going on with the Vallarta Garden Club with the new president of the Vallarta Garden Club, Sunny Rossi. We met up with Sunny at our newest favorite air conditioned restaurant in Zona Romantica, El Granero, where they had a cool meeting room, a quieter place to sit, and have a conversation. So let’s go right now to Calle Frederico Madero 333 in Zona Romantica, and have a chat with the new president of the Vallarta Garden Club, Sunny Rossi, in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
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Thank you so much Sunny. Wow, this lady has so much on her plate. Let’s help her take some of that load off. I have links for the Vallarta Garden Club. Think about joining up as a member. Especially if you are one of those people who spend months at a time here. You can’t just drink and eat…you need some exercise, you need to get out and meet new friends.
I also have the links to the Dia De Los Muertos Event on La Isla, as well as the Amigos de La Isla Cuale Facebook Page, in the show notes.
I was talking with Guy Weeks who said he is concentrating on rescuing, spaying, neutering and adopting out the cats, that are still being dumped on the island. Some things just don’t change do they?
I have a link to that part of the Isla action, in the show notes at
Contact Information For The Vallarta Garden Club
Contact Information For Amigos of Isla Cuale
- Amigos de Isla Cuale Facebook Page:
Okay, next we are going to have a little adventure. We’re going south to Playa Mayto for some fishing, ATV riding and searching for a lost city.
Roosterfish Safari Maito Cabo Corrientes, Mexico
Contact Information For Rooster Fish Safari Maito
Contact Information For OHMazingmalas
- OHMazing Malas on Facebook:
The Early Post Classic Azataln Colonization
of The Coast of Jalisco PDF

I met our next guest, Granger Russo through my buddy Dean Regher, from Puerto Magico and Cacao Magico, right at the port. I’ve had Dean and his son on the show before, and Dean is always dropping good ideas on me for interviews. Last time I was down at Hotel El Rinconcito with Debbie and some friends, remember, I

interviewed Fernando there not too long ago. Well, I got a message from Dean while I was down there. He evidently was watching my Facebook posts and saw where I was and he asked me if I had ever interviewed a guy named Granger in Mayto. He told me he lived on a hill behind where we were staying. He tells me he has a license to rent ATV’s there, and he told me that this Granger guy, discovered the remains of an ancient

civilization, right there in Mayto, and that I should talk with him. Well, I always listen to Dean, and you can bet my ears perked up when he said discovered an ancient civilization. So, I reached out, and made plans to get together to hear these two Americans, tell their story about flying down some15 years ago, and literally bypassing the town of Puerto Vallarta, to go fishing in a tiny village on a big beach in Cabo Corrientes. In the tiny town of Mayto. And now, he is a fishing guide and rents out ATV’s for you to explore the area in style.

So, let’s go right now, to their front porch overlooking an estero, and the huge 20 kilometer crescent of that beach in Mayto, and let’s meet Granger and his wife Teri with Roosterfish Safari Maito, in Mayto, Cabo Corrintes, Mexico
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Thank you so much Teri and Granger. You have some awesome stories amigo. I can’t imagine what the place looked like 15 years ago.
Anyway, if you do get to Mayto and are interested in fishing, or ATV rental, I have links to all things Granger and Teri. Teri’s Ohmazing Malas, and Granger’s Roosterfish Safari. I have a few pictures of some of the artifacts Granger was allowed to keep for posterity, in the show notes.

As for the tribe of Indians from 1,200 years ago, they were called the Azatlan Indians, and I’ll be looking for
The Early Post Classic Azataln Colonization
of The Coast of Jalisco PDF
information on them to add to the blogpost in the next coming days. But wow! A great story, and what a cool

thing to have access to. An ATV to go to Tehua on, or to the next bay Villa del Palmar, Ipala and Vista Hermosa. Granger is the guy to know. Check out the show notes.
Contact Information For Rooster Fish Safari Maito
Contact Information For OHMazingmalas
- OHMazing Malas on Facebook:
Okay, that should do it for this week, next week, stay tuned for more on the ground reports from Puerto Vallarta Mexico, with travel tips, great restaurant and excursion ideas and more. Until then, remember, this is

an interactive show where I depend on your questions and suggestions about all things Puerto Vallarta. If you think of something I should be talking about, please reach out to me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending us your message.

And remember, if you are considering booking any type of tour while you are in Puerto Vallarta, you must go to, JR’s website and reserve your tour through him, right from his website. Remember the value for value proposition. His experience and on the ground knowledge of everything Puerto Vallarta in exchange for your making a purchase of a tour that you would do anyway, you’re just doing it through him as a way of saying thank you. It costs no more than if you were to use someone else so do it. Really. And when you do take one of these tours, email me about your experiences. Maybe you can come on-board and share with others what you liked or didn’t like about the tour. Again, contact me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending off a message. Don’t forget his maps, his DIY tours and I have links to all of those in the show notes.

And once again, if you like this podcast, please take the time and subscribe and follow share with a lover of Puerto Vallarta or give me a good review wherever or however you happen to be listening. That way we can get the word out to more and more people about the magic of this place. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Remember I made it easy for you to do just that with each episode I create. But if you haven’t been to my website, you really need to have a look there. I have the links to the places we talk about, interesting pictures and the more all right there in my blog-posts and show-notes for each episode of the show so check them out for sure if you haven’t already all-right? All right.

Thank you to Sunny Rossi, President of the Vallarta Garden Club. Get your hands dirty and grow some friendships and memories. Consider joining and contributing to green up Vallarta.
And thank you to Granger and Teri Russo for all your great information and services you provide in Mayto. If you want to learn more about fishing in Mayto or renting a quad, visit them at rooster fish Safari Maito.
Look for all their links in the show notes.
And thanks to all of you for listening all the way through this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show. This is Barry Kessler signing off with a wish for you all to slow down, be kind and live the Vallarta lifestyle. Nos Vemos amigos.
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Granger and Teri and The Lost City in Mayto, Cabo Corrientes, Mexico
Both Teri and Granger came from The Jersey Shore, New Jersey USA
Website Rooster Fish Safari Facebook
Book Your ATV
Mayto Market Page on Whatsapp
Places to eat…Tokipa Food Truck, Hotel El Rinconcito
Bring Cash, no ATM machines in Mayto