The Isla Cuale Restoration Project Was Spearheaded By Guy Weeks, Who Saw a Need After Hurricane Nora Devastated The Island in August 2021
A visit With Long Time Vallarta Resident Marcia Blondin of The PV Mirror
Natasha Moraga Talks About Tile Park Puerto Vallarta and Next Year’s Plans to Finish the Project
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Hello fellow travelers, welcome this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel show. I am your host Barry Kessler, and I am just so happy to be introducing you to my favorite vacation destination, and maybe even yours, Puerto Vallarta Mexico.

That music you were just listening to is performed by Alberto Perez, the owner of the La Palapa Group of Restaurants. Those are La Palapa, Puerto Vallarta’s Oldest Restaurant on the famous Los Muertos Beach, and The El Dorado Restaurant and Beach Club right next door so you can enjoy that fantastic view of the Los Muertos Pier all lit up at night in beautiful colors, or during the day in its grand splendor for breakfast, lunch or dinner, seated with your toes in the sand right at the water’s edge. It’s so romantic, it’s so, Puerto Vallarta my friends.

This week we have a smorgasbord of goodies for you. We visit with a guy by the name of Guy Weeks, Guy has himself knee deep in a Cuale Island Restoration project after hurricane Nora, we will be talking with him, we will also visit briefly with Natasha Moraga from Tile Park, she will fill us in on what’s going on over there and also we sit down with my good friend, the lovely Marsha Blondin from the PV Mirrorto talk about what’s happening in town…we have PV news and even an email from the mailbag so let’s get started, let’s see what’s happening this week in Puerto Vallarta, the 23rd of May, 2022…
Sabores de Vallarta

A reminder that coming up… Sabores de Vallarta at Puerto Magico May 28th
As I said last week it’s an excellent opportunity to try a wide variety and styles of food, recipes and flavors that our beautiful port offers us through the different restaurants will be participating in the event.

There will be mixologists, music, seafood tacos, aguachili, raicilla, local beers, it will be at Puerto Magico, Saturday May 28th from 2 till 10 at night. Parking and entrance are free. Get down to Puerto Magico!
Rainy Season Approaches in Vallarta
June is fast approaching, which means the rainy season is almost here. The Insurgentes Bridge is finally complete, and they are putting the final touches on it. They are busilybuilding a rock wall along the Isla Cuale where a part of the island collapsed where Oscars is. They are also putting the finishing touches on a similar rock wall along the river banks where the Municipal Market is. If you remember the corner of the municipal market collapsed during Hurricane Nora too. They are also busily working on the road to Paso Ancho that cracked in half and fell into the river. They have been piling rocks up from the river in a effort to provide enough space for another lane, and it’s a difficult and arduous process. They will not get that done before the rain starts up in a couple of weeks. At least I don’t see that happening. We’ll see how they are going to deal with that. So it’s a race against the rainy season…and although Vallarta needs the rain, it’s dry, seco in Spanish…Dry, seco, wet, mojado….good words to know by the way…
But things green up really fast around Vallarta as soon as the rain begins. Hopefully we won’t have as much drama as we had last year…what am I saying…there’s always drama during the rainy season….and speaking of weather and drama, they are planning for Hurricane season….
19 Locations Have been Established by the City as Hurricane Shelters
The City Government has identified 19 locations throughout the city to serve as temporary shelters during this 2022 Hurricane season. Most of these places are elementary schools, and sports centers all around town. There is a list of them in the show notes….
Email From Listener Matt from Canada
There’s more happening around town and I will be touching on that with some of my guest interviewees in a minute or two but I just want to read an email I got from Matt from Canadia.
You know.. I was going over my email and discovered one from Matt who wrote about how he was a listener, an avid listener, and he had planned a family trip, based on what he had listened to, to come to Vallarta for Christmas, the end of this year, but couldn’t wait so he sprang a surprise trip on his wife, and was just getting ready to go. So just a thank you note….so I sent him an email back asking him how his trip went…and here’s what he wrote…now before I get to Matt’s note, Matt, I hear various versions of this story multiple times a year from listeners…Yours is off the hook, you actually put it to paper, albeit electronically, so I’ll read it now…
Buenos dias, Barry! Thanks you so much for getting back to me.. I know you’re a very busy guy.
First, let me rave about your podcast for a second. I have listened to every singe episode of your show over the past year or so and always wait with anticipation for the next one to arrive. Your show means so much to so many people connected to Puerto Vallarta and I just want to thank you again for the time and effort you put into each episode. I know you could be doing many other things… profitable things… but your passion for this amazing place shines through with every show you do. As I listen to each new episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show, I find myself happier and excited to try the new places and see the new highlights you talk about. It truly gives the listeners something to look forward to. Please keep going and know that you and your fine work are appreciated.
How was our first trip to Puerto Vallarta? Well let me tell you… it was even better than I had imagined. I found your Podcast a while back (I’d say just over a year ago) and began listening at Episode 1 (December 29, 2016). I had been searching for a destination that spoke to me as I planned for the ideal place to one day escape the long Canadian winters with my wife of 27 years. Yes, the Snow Bird dream! I knew if I researched it properly, justified it financially and found a destination that spoke to me, my wife would also buy in. This might sound strange but about 3 or 4 episodes into your show I began to feel something inside of me that said “you must go there” haha. I joined all the PV Facebook groups, watched endless YouTube videos and researched the hell out of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico… all at the same time, continuing to listen to your show. I just knew this was “the place” for us.
Sooooo… back in November I decided to take the first leap of faith and booked my family a Christmas vacation to Puerto Vallarta this coming Christmas and New Years 2023. My wife, two daughters (22 and 19) and myself are staying at a beautiful Airbnb in Amapas up in the hills. It’s gorgeous and I wanted to make sure it knocked my family’s socks off so they would buy into PV like I had already. When I showed them the photos, they were sold and it’s all we’ve been talking about since. There was one issue though… December is a long ways away! So being that my wife and I are turning 50 this week (April 20th and April 22nd) I thought I’d surprise my bride with a little 5 day get-away to PV to do some on the ground, first-hand research prior to bringing our girls there. Long story, short… I booked five days (March 13-18) at 105 Sailview right in downtown Romantic Zone and surprised her with the trip for just the two of us on Valentine’s Day. Yeah, boss move… I know! Lol
My wife (Jodi) knew I was already “obsessed” (her words) with everything Puerto Vallarta so my endless research had put her mind at ease about the typically stereotypical misconceptions about Mexico, specifically those surrounding safety issues. Upon arrival, it didn’t take long for her to realize something special was going on here. She was SOLD! We hiked to the Mirador to start every day, explored the streets and shops of Zona Romantica, Centro and 5 Diciembre, drank at all the spots I’d researched, ate the best food at so many different restaurants, walked the beaches as far south as we could go and had a truly unforgettable little vacation. The weather was perfect, the people were as friendly as you described, the vibe was perfect and we just loved everything about it. So… yeah… it WAS as fun as I had hoped:-)
Travel Update: Last week I booked a full month (January 12th – February 9th, 2024) at Selva Romantica. Maybe because we’re turning 50 or because we realize life is too short but Jodi and I decided to just go for it. We can both work from our computers so we’re going to see how this works out and then the following year it will most likely be a 3-month stint! We saw Selva Romantica when we were staying at Sailview and felt that building was more our style and when looked online recently, sure enough there was a beautiful studio available.
Anyway, Barry… I should stop there for now. I know you’ve got houses to sell and I’ve got money to make so I can pay for these trips. I’d love to catch up with you again sometime and would absolutely be open to speaking with you in person if we happen to be in PV at the same time… which I’m sure we will at some point. Whether it’s an interview or just to reminisce over cocktails, I look forward to chatting again one day.
One last thing… we found the greatest little restaurant that you may want to check out. It’s called ARRIBA!… it’s on Olas Altas right beside Andale’s. It’s just up a few stairs and you can sit overlooking the street without being on the street. We ended up having breakfast there 3 out of the 5 days because the food was incredible and the service was spectacular. Alfredo served us and he treats the restaurant like he owns the place (which he does not). Best coffee we had in PV too. Apparently it was another place before (the name escapes me) but ARRIBA! has been open for about a year and a half. They really made us feel special and it will be our home base each time we return.
All for now… thanks for letting me rant!
Matt & Jodi Lester, Ontario Canada
Thank you, Matt and Jodi. Thank you for listening and for taking the time to write such a detailed email. Matt has been bitten by the same bug that bit me in 1984….But he has taken it to greater heights…way to go Matt…You are my kind of guy.
I have a couple of other emails I want to read but another day…let’s get to the interviews, shall we?
Tile Park Preparing to Take a Break Before Final Season
First stop is Tile Park where I ran into Natasha Moraga and asked her if she could fill us in on what’s going on at Parque de los Azulejos, Tile Park PV. It’s hard to believe that she

Tile Park PV
began this project in 2017 and I had my first interview with Nat in October of 2017 so almost 5 years…and what a difference she has made in the park. It’s breathtaking. The benches, the columns, the planters and walls are done in mosaic tile if you haven’t seen it. It glistens in the sun and the night lights. It’s stunning really. You need to walk and experience it. Sit on a bench, enjoy the sounds and sights……hey…let’s go now to one of those tiled mosaic benches, and have a talk in the park, with Nat Moraga, Parque do Los Azulejos…Tile Park, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico…
Contact Information for Tile Park PV
- Tile Park Facebook Page:
- Tile Park PV Website:
- Donate to Tile Park PV:

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Thank you Nat…Have a great time in Paris, and see you next season to put the finishing touches on the Park. You have done an incredible job amiga. I have pictures in the show notes at
Marcia Blondin From The PV Mirror

Next up we have my dear friend Marcia Blondin from the PV Mirror. Every time I’m in town I hunt down Marcia and ask her if she will join me for dinner to catch up on the local comings and goings in Vallarta. We share stories and information and I think both of us have a special place in our hearts for this special place that she writes about and I talk

about, every week. We share that…and more I think. She Is so elegant and dresses the part, and I usually look like a homeless dude, so I try my best to bring something that I can be seen in public with her. But I look forward to our dinners, every trip down, and this

time I insisted we do an interview. Now I’ve had Marcia on the show, albeit briefly when I took the show to the Hotel Marsol, Where they had or still have a Friday Market. But that was just a quick 5 minute snippet. Then I interviewed her at Arte Viviente, but they

moved, so I couldn’t use that interview, so this time I implored her to join me for lunch, for a real interview….so let’s go to Olas Altas, to the second floor restaurant by the name of Arriba….let’s go up…arriba and have a talk with my dear friend, Marcia Blondin, in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico…
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Thank you Marcia, I have a link to the PV Mirror in the shownotes as well as pictures of the necklaces she makes. Her articles are a great way to stay in touch with Vallarta. Her
writing is excellent, and her necklaces are stunning. I’ve seen people offer to buy them right off her. Really…You can find a great selection of them at Arte Viviente, The Arte Vallarta Museo in El Romance…we will be there in a couple of weeks with the show, and she will also have them available online soon so I will make an announcement about that
what she tells me. Oh and the Tiangies….we forgot to talk about the Tianges….she likes the one I talked about last week in Mojonares….Sundays…It’s full of everything…I have a video in the show notes of a couple of guys I follow on YouTube who visit all these’s in Spanish in the show notes and they do a funny tour of the Mojaneras Tianges.
Thank you again Marcia!
Link to The PV Mirror
Puerto Vallarta Isla Cuale Restoration Project with Guy Weeks
Next up, Let’s visit with Guy Weeks and the Isla Cuale Restoration project.

As you remember, last August 30th, the rains from Hurricane Nora devastated the town, well the area along the Rio Cuale. We know about the road collapses and the bridge collapsing, but we heard very little about the Isla itself. The part of the Island above the

collapsed bridge was swamped and covered with sand and rocks and debris, and needed to be dug out literally. I’m going to let Guy talk about it, but the way I found Guy, was through his many Facebook posts. Here was a guy, a regular dude who wanted to do

something to help out his adopted city, and boy, did he ever get involved. I love his passion and his initiative and mostly his cause…to make Vallarta’s city center beautiful again by restoring and preserving one of the last green spaces in the town….So let’s go

right now, to a bench at the base if The Iguana Bridge, on Isla Cuale, and meet a man on a mission, hoping to bring people together to make what’s kind of an ignored and forgotten piece of this town part of the puzzle again. Let’s meet Guy Weeks, The Isla Cuale Restoration Project and his Facebook Page Puerto Vallarta Isla Cuale Activities…Puerto Vallarta. Mexico.

Contact Information For The Puerto Vallarta Isla Cuale Restoration Project Facebook Page
PayPal Donate Page For Puerto Vallarta Isla Cuale Restoration Project
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Thank you Guy….Thank you for all the work and effort. As you can hear, they need your

help too. I have a link to the Paypal account they have set up to pay for all they need to keep this project going, and to keep making improvements to this part of the Isla, to make it better than is ever was, and to finally fit that last piece of the puzzle into place. A peaceful oasis, on an island in the middle of town. Isla Cuale…the whole Isla…

Okay, that should do it for this week…
Stay tuned for more on the ground reports from Puerto Vallarta Mexico, with travel tips, great restaurant and excursion ideas and more. Until then, remember, this is an
interactive show where I depend on your questions and suggestions about all things Puerto Vallarta. If you think of something I should be talking about, please reach out to me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending us your message.

And remember, if you are considering booking any type of tour while you are in Puerto Vallarta, you must go to, JR’s website and reserve your tour through him, right from his website. Remember the value for value proposition. His experience

and on the ground knowledge of everything Puerto Vallarta in exchange for your making a purchase of a tour that you would do anyway, you’re just doing it through him as a way

of saying thank you. It costs no more than if you were to use someone else so do it. Really. And when you do take one of these tours, email me about your experiences. Maybe you can come on-board and share with others what you liked or didn’t like about the tour. Again, contact me by clicking on the Contact us tab and sending off a message. Don’t forget his maps, his DIY tours and his revitalized Happy Hour Board. I have links to all of those in the show notes.

And once again, if you like this podcast, please take the time and subscribe and give me a good review on iTunes if you would. That way we can get the word out to more and more

people about the magic of this place. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Remember I made it easy for you to do just that with each episode I create. But if you haven’t been to my website, you really need to have a look there. I have the links to the places we talk about, interesting pictures and the more all right there in my blog-posts and show-notes for each episode of the show so check them out for sure if you haven’t already all-right? All right.

Thank you to Natasha Moraga for filling us in on the progress at our Parque de Los Azueljos, Tile Park PV…You make this city sparkle amiga… remember to donate and buy a tile…..
Thank you to Marsha Blondin from the PV Mirror, read her column “From Here” every week to stay informed as to what’s happening in paradise, and than you to Guy Weeks from the Isla Cuale Restoration Project. Join his troupe of happy warriors making the upper end of Isla Cuale the paradise it can be. Donate to the cause, I have a link to the Paypal account in the shownotes as well as pictures of the progress. We’ll keep in touch and follow them as they make the Island beautiful. Make sure to support the new businesses in that part of town. Check out the shownotes at…

And thanks to all of you for listening all the way through this episode of the Puerto Vallarta Travel Show. This is Barry Kessler signing off with a wish for you all to slow down, be kind and live the Vallarta lifestyle. Nos Vemos amigos.
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